MCPE/WIN10/GEAR VR - 1.1.5
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
If you find any bugs, be sure to report them here! Click here to give us feedback & tell us what you think about the update.
New Marketplace Content:
Steampunk Texture Pack
Infinity Dungeon EX by Jigarbov
Survivors Skin Pack by Eneija
Kings and Paupers Skin Pack by Razzleberry Fox
Sports Skin Pack by Razzleberry Fox
Summer Festival Skin Pack by Noxcrew
Bug Fixes:
Fixed clock and compass textures becoming corrupted after reconnecting to world with a resource pack
Fixed the texture of tripwire string
Optimized the skin picker and all skins will now be displayed
PureBDcraft Update:
- Modified items for brewing stand, hopper, comparator, cake, repeater, nether star, and cauldron
- Updated concrete and concrete powder blocks textures to more vivid colors
- Added Llama carpet slot
- Added offhand slot
- Added custom dropdown menu
- Modified in game GUI slots background and hover
- Modified tabs for main menu (so white digits are readable)
- Modified splashes texts
- Added arrow entity
- Added new arrows
- Added wither arrow
- Added tweaked terracotta
- Fixed Beam texture for Beacon
- Removed clouds texture due to a bug preventing HD clouds
- Fixed map icons and added treasure map items
- Tweaked buttons
- Fixed ""New"" icon in Store screens
- New sounds for illagers, villagers and zombie villagers
- Implemented new buttons for GUI
- Fixed transparency issue on the Ender Dragon
- Tweaked Shulker colors