Minecraft - 1.17.11 (Bedrock)
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
Posted: August 9, 2021
Please search for any bugs you find on bugs.mojang.com and let us know what you think at feedback.minecraft.net.
- Players no longer die and instantly respawn after traveling back to Overworld from the End in certain circumstances (MCPE-135226)
- Players no longer die and get stuck on the respawn screen when entering an End Portal after dying in the End in certain seeds (MCPE-132484)
- Fixed a crash that could occur on Xbox when suspending and resuming the title for the second time
- Items can no longer be duplicated using Beacons
- Horses no longer become invisible after being dismounted (MCPE-108568)
- On Realms, the '/msg' command once again works when the world is in Survival mode and cheats are disabled (REALMS-7760)
- After renewing an expired Realm, the Realm is now properly renewed instead of a new Realm being created (REALMS-7263)