Minecraft - 1.17.30 (Bedrock)
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
Updated Add-On Template Packs
- Updated Add-On templates for 1.17.30 are available for download with new resources, behaviors, and documentation
- Resource Pack Template: aka.ms/ResourcePackTemplate
- Behavior Pack Template (Includes documentation): aka.ms/BehaviorPackTemplate
- Data-driven blocks can now be added to the Creative menu
- New chemistry material reductions for Education Edition can now be defined in the JSON files
- "potion.prefix" and "potion..postfix" potion string resources have been renamed to "potion..name"
- Potion name string resources have been changed so there are separate "Splash" and "Lingering" string resources
- The old style of using "potion.prefix" and "potion.*.postfix" is still supported
- UI bind objects can now utilize the 'ignore' field
- Attachables that are visible in first person view will no longer render backwards
- Fixed a bug where an entity might fail to initialize its tag component
- Sky no longer renders through walls of a large enclosed area when using fog
- Updated documentation formatting for item components and how they work within Resource Packs and Behavior Packs
- Using Water Buckets to collect fish has been version locked to prevent breaking old world templates
- Fixed controller support when editing NPC dialog (MCPE-135175)
- 'behavior.knockback_roar' now has a vertical and horizontal strength value
- Adjusted padding for HD Textures in mipmaps level 1 in texture atlas to fix texture bleeding
- Killing a custom mob with an unknown loot table entry type will no longer cause a crash, and will now throw a content error (MCPE-129006)
- Rabbit with initialEvent specified now scales properly to adult rabbit size (MCPE-76643)
- Similar to the spawns_on_block_filter, the spawns_above_block_filter specifies a list of blocks and a distance. The mob can then spawn only if the nearest block within the specified distance below the desired spawnpoint is in that list (water and air not included). "minecraft:spawns_above_block_filter": { "blocks": "minecraft:stone", "distance": 10 }
- Improved documentation for 'DamageableItemComponent'
- Fixed the ability to add launch point positional offset for projectiles spawned with the 'spawn_entity' component
- Fixed the ability to add angular offset to launch vector for projectiles spawned with the 'spawn_entity' component
- Fixed offset not working for projectiles summoned through an interaction
- Fixed projectile 'angleoffset' value only reflected if shooter is riding another entity
- Fixed rotation of projectile launch point around a mob when projectile offset specified
- Parsing of UI json field "ignored" now throws a content error if it is invalid
- Fixed movement prediction interpolating with invalid data in even more scenarios (MCPE-108568)
- Removed the "replace" element from 'sound_definitions.json' for being ambiguous in its usage (and was never used) (MCPE-99304)
- Commands ran through animations now will run in the order defined in animation files on all platforms, including Realms
- Animations and events defined in Behavior Packs can now run commands that require cheats without the player enabling cheats (such as setting certain rules with the '/gamerule' command)
- Target selectors ry and rym now support wrapping around north
- The '/particle' command position argument is now optional (MCPE-128379)
- The '/particle' command will now output on success (MCPE-80348)
- The '/particle' command no longer shows an error when run successfully through '/execute' (MCPE-129001)
- The '/clone' command now copies signal strength for Levers and Redstone Dust
- The '/structure' command can now specify a <to: x y z> position argument with y below 0 as long as it is equal or above the minimum height for that dimension
- Added functionality for Intellisense options: "d" and "default" in the gamemode command selector (MCPE-92198)
- Minecart with Command Block can now use the self selector (@s) in its commands to target itself (MCPE-60126)
- The "/time set" command now sets the correct time and day when specifying a time above 24000 or below the current time (e.g. "/time set 0" sets the day to 0, "/time set 28000" sets the day to 1), and "/time" can now set or add to a negative world time (MCPE-43394)
- The '/spawnpoint' command can now be used while the player is sleeping and outputs success when setting to the player's existing spawnpoint (MCPE-106720)
- The camera shake command no longer shakes every player's screen when "@s" is used as the selector (MCPE-120383)
GameTest Framework (Experimental)
- Renamed module "Minecraft" to "mojang-minecraft"
- Renamed module "GameTest" to "mojang-gametest"
- GameTest (now mojang-gametest)
- Added helper method spawnAtLocation(location : Location) : Entity - Spawns an entity at the given Location
- Added helper method walkToLocation(mob : Entity, location : Location, speedModifier : number) - Commands an entity to move to the given Location
- Added method assertCanReachLocation(mob : Entity, location : BlockLocation, bool canReach) - Asserts that the given mob can reach the target block location
- Renamed helper method worldLocation(location : BlockLocation) to worldBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation)
- Renamed helper method relativeLocation(location : BlockLocation) to relativeBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation)
- Added helper method worldLocation(relativeLocation : Location) : Location - From a Location with coordinates relative to the GameTest structure block, returns a new Location with coordinates relative to the world
- Added helper method relativeLocation(worldLocation : Location) : Location - From a Location, returns a new Location with coordinates relative to the current GameTest structure block
- Added helper method spawnWithoutBehaviorsAtLocation(entityIdentifier : string, location : Location) : Entity - Spawns an entity at a location without any AI behaviors
- Added helper method rotateDirection(direction : Direction) : Direction - Rotates the given direction relative to the GameTest structure rotation
- Added helper method getTestDirection() : Direction - Returns the direction the GameTest is facing based on its structure rotation
- Renamed function assertBlockTypePresent to assertBlockPresent
- Renamed function assertEntityData to assertEntityState
- Removed function assertBlockTypeNotPresent (added boolean isPresent to assertBlockPresent instead)
- Removed function assertEntityNotPresent (added boolean to assertEntityPresent instead)
- Removed function assertEntityNotPresentInArea (added boolean to assertEntityPresentInArea instead)
- Removed function assertEntityNotTouching (added boolean to assertEntityTouching)
- Removed function succeedWhenEntityNotPresent (added boolean to succeedWhenEntityPresent)
- Modified signature of function assertBlockState(blockLocation: BlockLocation, callback: (Block) => boolean)
- Modified signature of function assertBlockPresent(blockType: BlockType, blockLocation: BlockLocation, isPresent: boolean)
- Modified signature of function assertEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string, blockLocation: BlockLocation, isPresent: boolean)
- Modified signature of function assertEntityPresentInArea(entityTypeIdentifier: string, isPresent: boolean)
- Modified signature of function assertEntityTouching(entityTypeIdentifier: string, location: Location, isTouching: boolean)
- Modified signature of function succeedWhenEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string, location: Location, isPresent: boolean)
- Minecraft (now mojang-minecraft)
- Renamed BlockTypes class to MinecraftBlockTypes
- Renamed Effects class to MinecraftEffectTypes
- Renamed Items class to MinecraftItemTypes
- Events
- Added event World.events.beforeExplosion - Fires before an explosion occurs
- Added event World.events.explosion - Fires when an explosion occurs
- Added event World.events.explodeBlock - Fires when a block breaks due to an explosion
- Added event World.event.beforeActivatePiston - Fires before a piston is activated
- Added event World.event.activatePiston - Fires when a piston is activated
- Added read-only property currentTick to tick event - Returns the current server tick
- Renamed event createEntity to entityCreate
- Renamed event addEffect to effectAdd
- Renamed event activatePiston to pistonActivate
- Renamed event beforeActivatePiston to beforePistonActivate
- Renamed event explodeBlock to blockExplode
- Renamed event changeWeather to weatherChange
- Block
- Added method getDimension() : Dimension
- Added BlockPistonComponent
- Added experimental queries for item cooldowns: 'query.is_cooldown_type', 'query.cooldown_time', and 'query.cooldown_time_remaining'
- Updated many Molang content errors to specify which operator or query was involved
- 'min_engine_version' from Resource Pack and Behavior Pack manifests is now passed into Molang expression parsing. This allows for future breaking changes tied to a specific engine version
- Added 'BlockPartVisibilityComponent'
- Allows creators to specify Molang conditions for each “bone” listed in the geometry JSON that turn on/off bones based on the block state
- Must have the Experimental toggle enabled to use
- Fixed experimental 'query.bone_orientation_trs' to have correct translation Y and scale results
- Added experimental 'block_neighbor_has_any_tags' and 'block_neighbor_has_all_tags' Molang queries
- Takes a block relative position and a set of tags
- Returns 0/1
- Must have the Experimental toggle enabled to use
- Fixed a crash that could occur when entering a world with a custom Resource Pack that contained 'query.armor_color_slot' (MCPE-106437)
- Fixed 'query.item_remaining_use_duration' having improperly scaled or inverted results (This is to fix a Versioned Change as of engine version 1.17.30)
- Added 'query.facing_target_to_range_attack', which returns whether or not the queried actor's 'minecraft:behavior.ranged_attack' goal is currently running
- Moved experimental Molang queries (other than those related to Actor Properties) to a new 'Experimental Molang Features' toggle
- Improved Molang documentation related to experiments
- Experimental queries and language expressions now list which experiment(s) they require to be available
- Versioned Changes are now detailed in the documentation, starting with the 'query.item_remaining_use_duration' fix
Posted: September 21, 2021
It's time for the Minecraft 1.17.30 update! The team has been working hard on bug fixes and changes to the Caves & Cliffs: Part I experience. Those who are feeling adventurous can even check out experimental world generation to discover the highest peaks and deepest caves. Read all about it below!
Please search for any bugs you find on bugs.mojang.com and let us know what you think at feedback.minecraft.net.
New Features:
Respawn Blocks Explode Game Rule
- Added the "Respawn Blocks Explode" game rule, which can be used to prevent Respawn Anchors and Beds from exploding (MCPE-76687)
Structure Block: Corner Mode
Corner Mode is used with the Detect button in Save Mode to define the area to save. It will only detect Corner Blocks with the same name as the structure being saved