Minecraft - 1.17.40 (Bedrock)
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
Updated Add-On Template Packs
- Updated Add-On templates for 1.17.40 are available for download with new resources, behaviors, and documentation
- Resource Pack Template: aka.ms/ResourcePackTemplate
- Behavior Pack Template (Includes documentation): aka.ms/BehaviorPackTemplate
- Fixed display only entity destruction in chunk discard scenarios
- Fixed a bug that caused animations to be restarted when changing render controllers
Data-Driven Blocks
- Updated documentation for the Block Rotation component
- Updated documentation for 'BlockExplosionResistance'
- Added required toggles to documentation and to content error for block components
- Added a content error for using a material but not providing the required number of textures to the render controller
- Fixed 'item_remaining_use_duration'having improperly scaled or inverted results (This fix is a Versioned Change as of engine version 1.17.30)
- Add new compile errors for expressions like 'text' + 3, which were previously ignored (This is a Versioned Change as of engine version 1.17.40)
- Molang expressions that contain capital letters are properly evaluated now
- 'query.get_equipped_item_name' will now recognize Sea Lanterns (MCPE-67893)
- Added new compile errors for expressions like 1 + (9 10), which were previously ignored (This is a Versioned Change as of engine version 1.17.40)
GameTest Framework (Experimental)
- Renamed method 'succeedWhenBlockTypePresent' to 'succeedWhenBlockPresent'
- Fixed a bug where property id would return "Unknown" for custom entities (MCPE-137786)
- Identifier strings returned from property id now include the item's namespace
- Updated the GameTest Framework interface and added a new SimulatedPlayer capability:
- Added 'SimulatedPlayer'class to GameTest. This class enables GameTest to simulate a variety of player behaviors such as movement, using items, and interacting with blocks and entities. See the GameTest API reference documentation for more details
- Added function spawnSimulatedPlayer(blockLocation: BlockLocation, name: string): SimulatedPlayer
- Added function
removeSimulatedPlayer(simulatedPlayer: SimulatedPlayer): void
- mojang-gametest.Test type
- Changed signature of function assertEntityInstancePresent(entity: Entity, blockLocation: BlockLocation, isPresent: boolean = true)
- mojang-minecraft components
- Component 'inventory'now works with Player inventories
- Added 'SimulatedPlayer'class to GameTest. This class enables GameTest to simulate a variety of player behaviors such as movement, using items, and interacting with blocks and entities. See the GameTest API reference documentation for more details
- Removed method 'thenWaitWithDelay'
- Added method 'thenWaitAfter(delayTicks: number, callback: () => undefined)'- After a delay, executes the given callback every tick until it succeeds. Exceptions thrown within the callback will end sequence execution
- Fixed a bug where the location property would return an incorrect height for players
- Added property 'id'
- Replaced method 'getLocation' with property 'location'
- Replaced method getPermutation with property 'permutation'
- Replaced method 'getType' with property 'type'
- Replaced methods 'isWaterlogged' and 'setWaterlogged' with property 'isWaterlogged'
- Replaced method 'getBlockData' with property 'permutation'
- Replaced method 'isEmpty' with property 'isEmpty'
- Removed property 'canBeWaterlogged'
- Replaced method 'getName' with property 'id'
- Replaced method 'canBeWaterlogged' with property 'canBeWaterlogged'
- Replaced method 'getType'