Minecraft - 1.18.1 (Bedrock)
- 技术更新
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Posted: December 2, 2021
A new update is now available for Minecraft that addresses some issues found since the release of Caves & Cliffs: Part II.
The update is currently available on most Bedrock Edition platforms. An update for Nintendo Switch will be available in the coming days.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when copying a world backup in certain languages on PlayStation
- Fixed a crash that could occur when chatting and playing on Realms
- Decreased the amount of Diamond Ore that generates to match Java Edition
- Fixed lighting bugs when removing light sources after returning to the Overworld from other dimensions (MCPE-145828)
- Players no longer have problems moving after respawning or getting out of a Bed
- Added a warning prompt explaining potential loss of data when setting File Storage Location to External on Android devices
- Fixed various crashes and storage-related issues with Android multi-user functionality and Amazon Kids/Freetime (MCPE-106524, MCPE-107503, MCPE-37685)
- Fixed simulation stopping in multiplayer sessions when other players move away from one player’s render distance (MCPE-147391)
- The teleport command will no longer succeed when 'checkForBlocks' is true and the destination is obstructed
- Fixed an issue that could cause a faulty purchase page for Realms when the maximum number of Realms are already owned
- Optimized the Marketplace Inventory screen and improved loading of content images
Please search for any bugs you find on bugs.mojang.com and let us know what you think at feedback.minecraft.net.