Minecraft - 1.2.9 (Bedrock)
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
If you find any bugs, be sure to report them here! Click here to give us feedback & tell us what you think about the update.
Coordinates, Fire Spreads, TNT Explodes, Mob Loot, Tile Drops, and Natural Regeneration can now be toggled from the world edit screen without enabling cheats
Increased the spawn rate of animals to make them easier to find
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a crash that occurred when signing into Xbox Live on Android devices
Fixed a crash that occurred when moving items in Beacons and Enchanting Tables when using Pocket UI
Fixed a crash that occurred when loading chunks
Fixed a crash that occurred when rendering moon phases and game time was negative
Fixed a crash that occurred when editing a world or Realm name that was more than six characters in length
Fixed a rare issue that caused items, experience, and player positions to change after rejoining a world
Creepers will now stop walking when they are about to explode
Creepers will no longer explode after losing their line of sight of players
Blocks can once again be continually placed while sneaking
Wither Skeletons will once again spawn in Nether fortresses
Animals are now attracted to food if the player is outside of a fenced area or standing inside a Fence block
Animals can once again be lured over uneven terrain without losing interest
Text entry no longer continues on the first line of a sign even after creating a new line
Fixed signs with formatting (§) not being able have new lines of text
Safe Screen Area now has independent horizontal and vertical options and can be set separately on each platform
Pocket UI now respects Screen Safe Area and fixed the iPhone X default Screen Safe Area
Graphical artifacts no longer appear in split-screen when riding a pig
Fixed the labels of 'Back' buttons on menu screens
Book & Quill text is now readable with the Natural texture pack