Minecraft Win10/Android Beta - 1.2 Build 1
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
If you find any bugs, be sure to report them here! Click here to give us feedback & tell us what you think about the update.
New Features:
Stained Glass
Fireworks (with Elytra boosting!)
Armor Stands
Jukebox and music discs
Recipe Book
Book and Quill
Coarse Dirt
New world start options:
Starting Map
Bonus Chest
Trust Players
New game rules:
TNT Explodes
Natural Regeneration
Added '/tickingarea' command to create areas that still update when no players are there
Player permissions
Zombie Villager spawn egg
In-game host options
New loading screens with funny and helpful tips
How to Play screen
Remix 3D export functionality (Windows 10 only)
Blaze Powder is now needed to fuel brewing stands
Ice blocks are now transparent
Maps can now be held off-hand and show the heads of players' skins
Locator maps now track the owner's position, regardless of dimension
Worlds can now be set to Invite Only, Friends Only, or Friends of Friends
Various improvements and changes to navigating the user interface
Redesigned button mapping and added Pick Block for controllers
Render Clouds and Fancy Leaves can now be toggled in Video Settings
Skins can now be changed from the pause menu
Chat messages can now be muted
Items picked up are now animated on the hotbar
Stained glass and banners will now spawn on End Cities
Increased the default player limit on worlds from 5 to 8 on higher-end devices
Block placement speed now matches the player's movement speed
Temperature decreases with height and it can now snow at high elevations
Observer blocks have updated textures and will now blink red when outputting a redstone pulse
Adjusted the color that flashes when mobs are attacked
Brick Blocks, Nether Brick Blocks, and Clay Blocks have been renamed to better differentiate from other items
Underwater particles
Block outline selections and Paper Doll can be toggled in the settings
Bug Fixes:
- The moon is now properly oriented, while the stars correctly traverse the heavens
- Ghasts will no longer shoot fireballs from farther than they can be seen
- Fixed missing walking sounds for mobs
- Arrows now shake upon impact with blocks
- Players will no longer burn when standing near lava in the Nether
- Observer blocks can now detect many more block changes
- Optimized chunk generation and loading
- The Lapis Lazuli icon is no longer missing from the Enchantment Table screen
- Endermen will now drop the blocks they're carrying when they die
- Wolves tamed by players not present in a session will no longer change their whole body color
- End rods now give off light particles
- Increased the strength of the redstone pulse outputted by Observer blocks and they no longer pulse twice when observing a retracting piston
- Glazed Terracotta now shows proper colors on maps
- Dandelions can now be crafted into yellow dye when Pocket UI is enabled
- Fixed quartz pillars not being craftable using Pocket UI
- Fixed the level up sound not playing for every five levels gained
- Other players should no longer be seen levitating in their sleep
- Woodland Mansions will now spawn with birch wood floors instead of oak
- Witches will now drink Potion of Fire Resistance when standing on Magma blocks
- Sounds now play when witches drink potions
- Skeletons, Strays, and Zombie Pigmen now have a chance of spawning with enchanted gear and weapons
- Skeleton horses can now be saddled
- Lingering water bottles will now deal damage to Blazes, Endermen, and Snow Golems
- Only one bucket can be placed in a furnace at a time so buckets will no longer be lost
- Ghast fireballs can now set obsidian on fire and open Nether portals
- Fixed a crash that could occur when destroying maps
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the host enters a portal in multiplayer
- Empty maps can now be combined with a compass on an anvil to create a locator map
- Fixed the texture of fences in the inventory and in-hand
- Fishing now uses the proper loot tables to acquire enchanted items and books
- The available enchants on enchantment tables will no longer revert back to the originally available enchants upon world reload
- Evokers will no longer attack players on Peaceful difficulty
- Fixed mobs not attacking Evokers after being attacked by Evokers
- The proper sound now plays when Evokers are transforming blue sheep
- Mining speed with Haste II and Efficiency V has been increased to its correct speed
- Signs can no longer be set on fire
- The snow golem's face can now only be seen once it's sheered. No peaking!
- Fixed the hand placement of tools on the inventory screen
- Text chat can now be opened with controllers and touch screens when sleeping in a bed
- Players can now go to bed if there are monsters nearby on Peaceful difficulty
- Colored beds can no longer be dyed using the same color of dye
- Trapdoors will now open when placed to adjacent, active power sources
- Fixed names above baby animals being too high
- The underside of sandstone slabs now have the cracked texture
- Directional audio will continue to match the player's point of view while standing still
- Fixed an item duplication issue that occurred when Pocket UI was enabled
- Mobs will now avoid cacti, fire, and lava
- Fixed the position of several items when held in the off-hand
- Players can now spawn into areas occupied by partial blocks
- Horses can no longer run off when loading a world if they were leashed to a fence
- Lead knots can now be untied using right-click
- Lead knots now play a sound when placed
- Eating and using bows can now be done while riding in a Minecart for maximum multi-tasking!
- Incrementally zooming out a map and renaming it on an anvil now costs only experience level
- Particles will now appear when the Ender Dragon uses its dragon's breath attack while perched
- Fixed graphical issues that sometimes occurred at sunset
- The cellular data warning message will now appear in Settings when using a controller
- Singleplayer worlds no longer appear in the Friends tab
- Anvils will no longer consume the entire input stack when crafting a map
- Sheared sheep will no longer drop wool when they die
- Fixed some players appearing invisible in-game when they should not be
- Fixed a crash when placing Glazed Terracotta with '/fill' and '/setblock' commands
- Fixed the controller tooltips shown on the inventory screen when placing and taking items
- Fixed icons stretching in the inventory when Pocket UI was enabled
- Increased the pace and smoothness of moving up stairs while riding a mob
- The crosshair now points at the correct block when sneaking
- Opening and closing the command block screen will no longer activate an observer block
- Maps, including exploration maps, can now be obtained using the '/give' command
- Mooshroom now only spawns on Mycelium blocks
- Mycelium no longer turns into dirt when there's a giant mushroom above it
- Fixed seeing through stairs, End portal and hoppers when they are placed next to each other
- Hoppers will no longer intake items from the side when there is a full block above
- The chat screen can now be closed by pressing Enter when no text is present
- Fixed milking a cow with the last bucket in a stack not giving milk
- Players can no longer drink milk instantly after milking a cow
- Blocks can now be placed on top of fences that have Lead knots attached
- Explosions near water will now properly deal damage to players and mobs
- The Wither will no longer play overlapping sounds
- Items will now be pushed when a transparent block is placed over them
- Creepers now flash properly when they're about to explode
- Boats no longer continue to move when the player leaves the boat and a mob is still in it
- Controller sensitivity is now set to 50 by default
- The pause button now appears on the HUD (Android Only)
- Chicken jockeys will no longer sink in the water
- Players with Op status will now receive messages about commands that were entered by another Op
- Lingering potions will no longer clip through the player that threw them
- Block highlighting will no longer appear when Hide GUI is enabled
- Different top slab types no longer override each other
- Arrows will no longer infinitely bounce off the top of players in Creative mode
- Fixed a rogue pixel on the nametag texture
- Creepers will now take damage if they fall while following players
- End Stone now has the proper blast resistance
- Evocation fangs can now be summoned using commands
- Mobs will now drop loot and XP orbs when killed with a splash or lingering Potion of Decay
- Evokers no longer run away from invisible players
- Vexes will now attack villagers and iron golems
- Fixed several issues with excessive mob spawning and despawning
- Fixed hostile mobs spawning in well-lit areas
- Improved performance of mob AI
- Arrows are no longer deflected when shooting at burning mobs
- When fishing, the bobber will now submerge and play the right sound when a fish bites
- A message will now display when a bed is too far away when attempting to sleep
- Realms that were named with the '§' symbol can now be renamed
- Command block chat messages will no longer appear on the pause menu
- Slimes will no longer clip through blocks
- Fish hooks will now properly stick to mobs
- Adventure mode can now be selected in the world settings for imported template worlds that were set to Adventure by default
- Baby villagers have learned how to hold items the right way
- Farmer villagers now trade 5-7 apples for one emerald
- Open fence gates can no longer push or pull entities
- The Ender Dragon's wings will no longer flicker
- Diorite, andesite, and granite can no longer be used as a replacement for stone in crafting recipes
- The texture on top of TNT no longer rotates when ignited
- Adult polar bears now drop the correct amount of XP
- Cauldron water will no longer briefly change color when pushed by a piston
- Llamas will no longer creepily turn their heads to stare at you while riding them
- Various fixes to the Marketplace screens
- Bats can no longer swim underwater
- Redstone repeaters and comparators now have the proper bottom texture
- Paintings can now occupy same space as snow and carpet
- The '/effect instant_damage' command will now cause damage if [amplifier: int] is 255
- The GUI can now be hidden by pressing F1 while riding in boats
- Villagers no longer accept Charcoal as Coal whole trading
- Fishing rods are now held properly in-hand
- The base of end crystals have been adjusted
- Nether Brick block side textures have been brightened
- The title now displays properly on the dispenser screen
- Iron Golems can no longer be knocked back with Punch arrows
- Iron Golems will now avoid fire
- Beds can no longer be placed in a way that clips through snow layers
- New trade offers from villagers can be observed quicker, after the trades are unlocked
- Various fixes to the Storage screen
- Setting the 'sendcommandfeedback' gamerule to false no longer prevents players from displaying non-op commands such as '/list' and '/help'
- Fixed texture clipping on the inside of Shulker boxes
- Shulker box opening and closing animations are now much faster
- Shulker boxes are now held properly in-hand
- Shulker boxes will now remain open until all players have closed the inventory
- Shulker boxes can now be opened when placed adjacent to Shulkers
- Shulker boxes placed by dispensers will now rotate based on the surrounding blocks
- Shulker boxes are no longer misaligned in item frames
- Shulker boxes now play the proper sound when placed and broken
- Shulker boxes dropped as an item can now be destroyed by explosions
- Shulker boxes now change their collision box when opened
- Shulkers can now be teleported using commands
- Shulkers can no longer be set on fire
- Shulkers have improved their camouflage and have restored their original color
- Shulkers can now be spawned upside-down from spawn eggs
- Shulkers can no longer teleport into a block already occupied by another Shulker
- Shulkers will now teleport out of water
- The hand will no longer wave repeatedly when a player can't build
- Bone meal is now properly consumed on tall grass and ferns
- Minecarts now wobble correctly when passing over activator rails
- Giving a resistance amplifier of 8 or higher no longer causes players to gain absorption health when hurt
- Creepers stop exploding now if they lose their target
- Fixed up the Ender Dragon's death animation so its wings no longer turn white
- Riding a horse while eating or drinking will no longer slow it down
- Light no longer stays visible after burning a two-block tall plant
- Entities that are teleported while in boats or minecarts will no longer be teleported underground
- Improved performance when there are many items on the ground, like during Wither fights
- Adult polar bears now panic when on fire
- Pistons now push arrows
- Fixed the text height on signs in the Greek Mythology Texture Pack
- Custom skins will now show properly on the skin picker without having to re-launch the game
- The '/fill' command will now return proper results, if failed
- The '/fill' command now gives repeaters the correct delay
- 'Pick block' will no longer behave strangely after dropping items from the inventory
- Blocks that are affected by gravity will no longer break when pushed by a piston facing up
- Repeating command blocks that are copied with 'pick block' and then placed will now activate repeatedly
- The ""Open"" button will no longer appear when looking at a command block in minecart while playing Survival
- Fixed redstone ore producing too many particles when items are dropped on top of them
- Fixed jittery squid movement after a player or mob touches it
- Mobs will now immediately take damage from magma blocks
- The Wither will now die in the void
- The Wither's heads will now look around more and skulls will now shoot from multiple heads
- Adjusted the look of Buttons that are equipped in-hand
- Large chests will now clone correctly when using the '/clone' command
- Fixed the missing wolf idle sounds
- Fixed some mismatched villager trading sounds
- Cats now purrrrrr again
- Beds placed with the '/fill' and '/setblock' commands will no longer be invisible
- Players will no longer fall one block when teleporting with an ender pearl
- Magma Cubes will now take drowning damage
- Villagers will now run away from Vindicators, Evokers, and Vexes
- Can no longer see through blocks when viewed from below and underwater
- Non-dyed leather armor with no longer use up water from a cauldron
- 'Pick Block' now works on llamas to get llama spawn eggs
- Arrows are now destroyed by end crystal explosions
- Arrows are now destroyed when using ""/kill @e[type=arrow]""
- Other mob heads no longer appear momentarily when a mob head is placed
- Fixed exploration maps showing as blank until the game is re-launched
- Fixed Add-Ons with dependencies not loading if there was another activated pack with dependencies
- Baby mob heads are now scaled properly with Add-Ons
- When an Ocelot spawns with two baby Ocelots, the baby Ocelots can now be tamed
- Mobs are now properly affected by Splash Potion of Strength
- Seeds will no longer pop off of covered farmland at night
- Farmland will only dry up if there is no nearby water and nothing is planted on it
- Monster spawners are now only able to spawn up to 4 mobs at a time
- Arrows can now be picked up after shooting at Endermen
- Air bubbles will no longer appear on the HUD when suffocating inside blocks
- The '/setworldspawn' command can no longer be executed if the Y coordinate has a negative value
- Zombie Villagers now sit at the proper height in boats and minecarts
- Baby Zombie Jockeys will now properly mount mobs
- Rabbits now hop at the proper speed
- The 'mobgriefing' gamerule now applies to Monster Egg blocks
- Blocks can no longer be seen through when flying close to the ground with Elytra in third-person
- Players and mobs can no longer activate pressure plates beside them
- Fixed an issue that showed the mining animation for blocks that were being stood on
- The '/clear' command will now properly clear glazed terracotta that has been renamed
- Moss stone is now much easier to find in mega taiga biomes
- Fixed and issue that caused frosted ice not to form when walking very slowly and sneaking while wearing Frost Walker boots
- Fixed End Portal block top texture rotating when being placed
- Beds, pistons, and enchantment tables will now render properly on the edge of the screen