Minecraft Xbox One/Win 10/Android Beta - 1.2.5 Build 3
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
If you find any bugs, be sure to report them here! Click here to give us feedback & tell us what you think about the update.
The main menu background now has a raised camera angle and scales properly based on the device's aspect ratio
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a world while wearing armor
- Fixed a crash that occurred when sending a message containing ""%0""
- Fixed a crash that occurred when attempting to teleport millions of blocks away
- Fixed a crash that occurred when mobs were killed by something that wasn't an entity
- Fixed several issues with missing chunks and lost progress during world conversion (Xbox One only)
- Worlds deleted or changed on other consoles will now sync with the console they were created on (Xbox One only)
- Fixed an issue where some owners of Minecraft on Android devices would be prompted to acquire a license
- Improved navigation when using a controller on several menu screens
- Increased performance when jumping into water when mobs are around
- Template world data is no longer lost when loading a cloud save on a different console (Xbox One only)
- Fixed changes made in converted worlds not saving after a player walks into another dimension (Xbox One only)
- Redstone Repeaters facing into Redstone Dust now properly redirect the Dust
- Observers facing each other now output a steady, repeating Redstone signal
- Removed the hard-coded chat filter from featured servers
- Coordinates are no longer censored
- Fixed an exploit surrounding the use of encrypted skin packs
- Names of players outside of render distance will now appear in auto-complete when typing commands
- The '/clear' command will now clear items from armor slots by item name
- Fixed the XP Cost text on the anvil screen not being readable
- The 'minecraft:transformation' component now has a 'keep_owner' property to allow for an entity to keep its original owner
- Fixed placeholder images for items on the Storage screen
- Multiple commands can now be entered on a single meta property with Mixer interaction
- Only 11 characters can now be typed into the Join Realm code field
- Mobs can now be rotated using the 'xRot' and 'yRot' arguments when using teleport commands
- Signs will now close when the virtual keyboard is closed