Minecraft - 1.2.5 (Bedrock)
- Technical Update
- Full Changelog
Gameplay Update
If you find any bugs, be sure to report them here! Click here to give us feedback & tell us what you think about the update.
New Features:
Added a new Recipe Book toggle with the ability to view the Creative inventory in fullscreen
Windows Mixed Reality support
Mixer Interactivity: Game commands can now be linked to interactive buttons for viewers to interact directly with the game. Learn more at aka.ms/mixer-in-minecraft
Mobile Broadcasting: Native broadcasting for several streaming services has been added. Look for the new Broadcast button directly in-game
Added a content rating system to the Marketplace
New Marketplace Content:
Adventure Maps
My Gorilla Adventure by Toya
Infinity Plumber by Jigarbov Productions
Sandspear Castle by Blockception
Birch Island by Norvale
Shipwreck Shantytown by Everbloom Studios
Skin Packs
Frontiers by Irish
Birdies! by 57Digital
Woof! by 57Digital
Meow! by 57Digital
Star Knights by Pathway Studios
Space Dinos by Pathway Studios
Plumber Pack by Jigarbov Productions
Happy Thanksgiving by PixelHeads
Improvements to the Create screen for available templates
The Server tab now displays a loading bar when fetching server ping and player count
The main menu background now has a raised camera angle and scales properly based on the device's aspect ratio
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a crash that occurred when dispensing an undyed Shulker Box
Fixed a crash that occurred when destroying banners
Fixed a crash that occurred when using the '/fill' command with several different blocks
Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a Realm that contains banners
Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a world (iOS only)
Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a world while wearing armor
Fixed a crash that occurred when sending a message containing ""%0""
Fixed a crash that occurred when attempting to teleport millions of blocks away
Fixed a crash that occurred when mobs were killed by something that wasn't an entity
Increased performance when jumping into water when mobs are nearby
Fixed an issue where some owners of Minecraft on Android devices would be prompted to acquire a license
Fixed being unable to create or launch worlds after signing out of Xbox Live with an encrypted pack applied (Windows 10 only)
Removed the hard-coded chat filter from featured servers
Coordinates are no longer censored
Xbox Live accounts with Communication & Multiplayer settings set to ""Blocked"" are no longer able to join Realms by using invite links/codes
Fixed an exploit surrounding the use of encrypted skin packs
Editing 'options.txt' can once again be used to increase chunk render distance
The 'minecraft:transformation' component now has a 'keep_owner' property to allow for an entity to keep its original owner
Xbox One World Conversion and Cloud Saves
Fixed several issues with missing chunks and lost progress during world conversion
Worlds deleted or changed on other consoles will now sync with the console they were created on
Fixed changes made in converted worlds not saving after a player walks into another dimension
Template world data is no longer lost when loading a cloud save on a different console
Armor Stands ride in minecarts again
Armor stands will now wobble when hit by players
Fixed issue of standing signs not breaking when their support is destroyed
Players without block breaking permissions can no longer break crops by jumping
The arrow marker on a map no longer becomes a dot when a player walks out of the map bounds
Tools will no longer lose durability faster than mobs take damage
Fall height is no longer compounded the next time a player takes fall damage when chorus fruit teleports a player from a higher elevation
Players can no longer take damage when walking backwards and placing blocks at head level
Flying is no longer activated when trying to sprint in water with Auto Jump enabled in Creative mode
Players will no longer spawn at a the position of a destroyed bed when leaving the End
Natural Regeneration can now be disabled on Peaceful difficulty
Decreased explosion resistance of slabs
Lily pads can now be broken by boats when colliding from any direction
Banners in item frames no longer change patterns based on the banner that the player in holding
Fixed hopper minecarts not filling from chests when slightly clipped into a block
Redstone Repeaters facing into Redstone Dust now properly redirect the Dust
Observers facing each other now output a steady, repeating Redstone signal
Observers now properly redirect Redstone Dust
Observers powering Redstone Dust below will now power components adjacent to the dust
Pistons no longer get stuck or break randomly
Fixed the timing of pistons interacting with other pistons
Daylight sensors no longer output power at night when they have no view of the sky
Hostile mobs will no longer spawn on top or inside transparent blocks
Zombie Pigmen no longer disappear immediately after spawning in Nether portals
Endermen will only become hostile when looking at their heads
Skeletons now turn before shooting
Creepers standing in double tallgrass now deal appropriate damage
Parrots no longer choose the same mob to follow repeatedly
Parrots will now react to being on fire in Survival mode but will no longer burn when perched on a player's shoulder in Creative mode
Tamed horses, donkeys, and mules can now be ridden immediately if mounted while eating grass
Fixed parrots losing their sitting status when loading a world and, incidentally, fixed chickens flapping their wings after spawn
The Ender Dragon can no longer get stuck in boats
Sheep that spawned from breeding will now drop loot
Slightly increased the spawn rate of Ocelots
Repeaters and Comparators can now only be crafted using normal stone
Bed recipe will now appear in the Recipe Book when only one ingredient is present in the inventory
Starting maps will now upgrade correctly on an anvil
After running out of materials for torches, books, or bookshelves, cursor focus no longer moves to another item
Graphical / Audio
The camera no longer flickers along the Y-axis after teleporting
Hitting mobs will now produce an impact/damage sound
Fixed the sound when throwing items
Non-full blocks no longer appear as the full width of a block when moved by pistons
Blocks moved by pistons no longer leave stretched graphical artifacts
Fixed items in item frames not being lit correctly when viewed at certain angles
Fixed banner items being too bright
Fixed misplaced particles when breaking doors and gates
Fixed chests, pumpkins, and stairs not facing the right direction in hand
Entities and particles are now properly lit in the Nether when playing in split-screen (Xbox One only)
Fixed a corrupted audio loop when pointing at an item frame in Adventure mode
User Interface
Signs will now close when the virtual keyboard is closed
Fixed the XP Cost text on the anvil screen not being readable
Resource Packs downloaded from the store will no longer appear in the Behavior Packs section of the Storage screen
Content is now fully removed from Storage if deleted after restarting the game
The ""Import started"" notification will no longer be delayed to appear when importing large content packs
Improved navigation when using a controller on several menu screens
Items on the cursor will now be dropped when the inventory is full and the inventory screen is closed
Improved navigation of the inventory screen when using the controller cursor
Settings sliders can no longer be adjusted with the D-pad until the A button is used to select them
Controller hints will now say ""Place"" while sneaking and aiming at a container
Fixed placeholder images for items on the Storage screen
Fixed the rendering of borders on the Skin Picker screen
Scroll bars are now visible after switching tabs on the Settings screen
Default Settings option in Controller Settings now properly resets Hide Controller Hints and Hide Gamepad Cursor options
Several fixes to Marketplace menus
Having the PvP game rule disabled no longer makes players immune to the '/kill' command
The '/clear' command will now clear items from armor slots by item name
Flowers and beds are now properly cloned by the '/clone' command
Using the '/give' command when the inventory is full will drop items in front of the player
Arrow of Decay can now be given using the '/give' command
Mobs can now be rotated using the 'xRot' and 'yRot' arguments when using teleport commands
Names of players outside of render distance will now appear in auto-complete when typing commands
Fixed an incorrect error message when the '/replaceitem' command has an out of range value