Minecraft - Buzzy Bees - 1.14.0 (Bedrock)
- Technical Update
- Full Changelog
Gameplay Update
Posted: December 10, 2019
New Features:
- Welcome PlayStation®4 players to the Bedrock version of Minecraft! All Bedrock platforms can now cross-play with PS4™ consoles. More information can be found in the Minecraft for PlayStation®4 FAQ.
- Bees are cute, fuzzy, neutral mobs
- Don’t hurt them, they don’t want to hurt you
- Bees love pretty flowers and spend their lives gathering pollen from them
- After gathering pollen, bees fly back to their nest
- If a bee can't find pollen, it will return home
- If a bee doesn’t have a home nest, it will wander around until it finds one it can use
- Bees don’t like the rain and they sleep at night. They will return to their nest in these cases
Bee Nests and Beehives
- Bee Nests generate in Flower Forests, Plains, and Sunflower Plains biomes
- When a bee visits a nest and completes its journey undisturbed, the level of honey increases
- Using shears on a full hive or nest will harvest Honeycomb and using a glass bottle will give a Honey Bottle
- Campfire smoke calms bees - Place one underneath the nest or hive to keep them in chill mode
- Redstone friendly! Dispensers can shear honeycombs from hives and nests
Honey Block
- Greatly reduces movement speed and jump height, but also reduces fall damage
- You can “slide” down a wall of honey blocks to slow your fall (Parkour FTW!)
- When a honey block is piston-moved, adjacent blocks also move
- When a honey block is piston-moved, entities on top are moved along with it
Honeycomb Block
- A decorative block that can be crafted with Honeycomb
New Achievements
- Bee our guest - Use a Campfire to collect Honey from a Beehive using a Bottle without aggravating the bees (15G)
- Total Beelocation - Move and place a Bee Nest, with 3 bees inside, using Silk Touch (30G)
- Sticky Situation - Slide down a honey block to slow your fall (30G)
- Updated to a fresh menu background full of bees
- Leads can now be used on Polar Bears, Parrots, Ocelots, and Dolphins (MCPE-46866)
- Dispensers can now fill bottles with water and honey
- Tweaked the amount of XP dropped by animals to match Java Edition
- Most animals will now drop 1-3 XP when killed, but Dolphins now drop 0 XP
- Item tags can now be hidden in the inventory using the '/gamerule showtags' command
Cr****ashes / Performance
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
- Fixed a crash that could occur when signing into Xbox Live on Android
- Fixed an issue with kelp growth causing lag in specific chunks (MCPE-50175)
- Fixed a render distance issue that could cause an old style (limited) world to not load correctly if a player logged out in a specific corner of that world
- Fixed an issue that was causing scripting error messages to show on the Alien Worlds Marketplace world
- Fixed a bug that was sometimes causing chests to become invisible (MCPE-52790)
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause touch screen controls to become inverted (MCPE-50256)
- Players once again experience kinetic energy and get dead upon gliding into walls at high speed with Elytra (MCPE-21141)
- Players can no longer initiate swimming in shallow water
- Improved the accuracy of pathfinding for flying mobs
- Pillager Patrols can no longer spawn in the End or Nether dimensions (MCPE-51481)
- Baby Pigmen now hold their swords in their hands, rather than around their necks (MCPE-53454)
- Updated the Slime Block texture to match Java Edition
- Fixed an issue that was causing sugar cane to break when a nearby water source became waterlogged (MCPE-52314)
- Arrows and tridents no longer fall through the ground after being deflected by a shield (MCPE-44721)
- Dragon Heads now appear at the correct height (MCPE-53129)
- Buckets can once again be used to milk cows (MCPE-54623)
- Milk buckets can again be used to craft cakes (MCPE-52774)
- Fixed acacia leaves sometimes becoming stuck in the inventory hotbar
- Placing Armor on an Armor Stand in Creative mode no longer equips it on the player as well
Character Creator
- Various fixes to the Character Creator
- Fixed an issue that was causing worn items to transfer between Character Creator models unexpectedly
- Adding or removing the Founder's Cape now updates the skin in-game without needing to restart
- Platform restricted skins can now be previewed in the Character Creator
- Fixed capes not rendering in some skin packs (MCPE-54181)
- Fixed another issue that was causing player skins to revert to a default Alex or Steve after relaunching the game
- Skins that don't roam to Minecraft Earth no longer display 'Usable Everywhere' in the Character Creator
- Equipping a new custom skin will now update the player model without needing to restart the game
- Optimized the size of Character Creator skins to improve performance when playing in multiplayer
- Fixed the held item bobbing animation when moving in first person view (MCPE-51212)
- The block breaking animation will again show if a block is below water when the player is above
- The player's hand no longer disappears when gliding with Elytra (MCPE-53092)
- Water now renders correctly when Kelp is placed next to a Glass block
User Interface
- Fixed a navigation issue that could cause an incorrect focus change when choosing an option from the pause menu
- Fixed an issue that could cause menu flickering when navigating through the Character Creator
- The 'See Pack in Store' button in the Character Creator can now be highlighted and selected when using a controller
- Fixed some misspelled splash text
Add-Ons and Script Engine
- Custom entities once again show their health bar correctly while being ridden
- Fixed an issue with particle billboarding that was causing them to appear flipped in the wrong direction
- Fixed an issue with pivot points for custom geometry cube models
- Fixed a bug that was causing tamed entity damage to be counted as coming from mounted players
For Map Makers and Add-On Creators:
- Updated templates for 1.14.0 with new resources, BEEhaviors, documentation, and example packs can be downloaded from minecraft.net/addons