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Minecraft Beta - (Xbox One/Windows 10/Android)


  • 'behavior.knockback_roar' now has a vertical and horizontal strength value   

Data-Driven Items 

  • Added required toggle to component item documentation, and to content error  

GameTest Framework (Experimental) 

  • GameTest 
    • Added helper method spawnAtLocation(location : Location) : Entity - Spawns an entity at the given Location 
    • Added helper method walkToLocation(mob : Entity, location : Location, speedModifier : number) : Commands an entity to move to the given Location 
    • Added method assertCanReachLocation(mob : Entity, location : BlockLocation, bool canReach) - Asserts that the given mob can reach the target block location 
  • Events 
    • Added event - Fires before an explosion occurs 
    • Added event - Fires when an explosion occurs 
    • Added event - Fires when a block breaks due to an explosion 
    • Added event World.event.beforeActivatePiston - Fires before a piston is activated 
    • Added event World.event.activatePiston - Fires when a piston is activated 
  • Block 
    • Added method getDimension() : Dimension 
  • BlockPistonComponent 
    • Read-only property attachedBlocks - Returns an array containing the BlockLocation of each block attached to the piston 
    • Read-only property isMoving - Returns true if the piston is expanding or retracting 
    • Read-only property isExpanded - Returns true if the piston is fully expanded 
    • Read-only property isExpanding - Returns true if the piston is expanding 
    • Read-only property isRetracting - Returns true if the piston is retracting 
    • Read-only property isRetracted - Returns true if the piston is fully retracted