

Updated Add-On Template Packs

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.19.60 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation are available to download at aka.ms/MCAddonPacks

Performance / Stability

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when teleporting players to other dimensions using commands (MCPE-164940)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the “instant_despawn” component
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading actors


  • Added a content error for the condition that custom blocks with permutations or properties fail to load in non-experimental worlds for JSON formats 1.19.60 and onwards
  • Ensure Block Permutation Conditions cannot have side effects (i.e. 'math.random', 'math.random_integer', and variable assignment)
  • Released BlockSelectionBoxComponent outside of experimental toggle in json formats 1.19.60 and higher
  • Released BlockDisplayNameComponent outside of experimental toggle in json formats 1.19.60 and higher
  • Ensure Block Permutation Conditions can only use 'query.block_property' Molang Query
  • Fixed albedo color arrays in texture sets for custom blocks (MCPE-163622)


  • Renamed and converted all Smithing Table recipes to use the newly introduced “minecraft:recipe_smithing_transform” recipe format


  • Updated particles documentation with descriptions of new materials and included example particles in the example resource pack


  • Executing the ‘/say’ command via the new execute syntax now displays the entity’s name that produced the message (MCPE-161450)
  • When teleporting a group of leashed mobs using "/tp @e" a far enough distance away to unleash them, all mobs now get properly unleashed (MCPE-159617)
  • Fixed a bug causing players to not wake up when teleported while sleeping (MCPE-162346)
  • Running ‘/execute if|unless score’ on a player that doesn’t have a score set will now return false (MCPE-156279)
  • ‘/execute if|unless score’ no longer accepts selectors that can return multiple entities (ie. @e, @a)

Commands (Experimental)

  • Fixed a bug where the @initiator selector would not work with the Upcoming Creator Features experiment enabled (MCPE-164727)


  • Released BlockPlacementFilterComponent outside of experimental toggle in JSON formats 1.19.60 and higher
  • Expanded "minecraft:shooter" component to define multiple projectiles that can specify different projectile definitions and condition filters
  • Exposed more fields to shooter component to allow for more projectile customization such as throw power, sounds, and whether the attack is a magic attack
  • Projectiles that teleport their owner will no longer do so while their owner is sleeping (MCPE-161189)
  • Added "inventory" as a possible "domain" value for the "has_equipment" filter, which allows to check for items stored in the actor's inventory
  • Added an "equip_item_slot" field to the "interact" component
    • If set, an item held by the player will be equipped to the specified slot upon successful interaction
    • If an item is already present in the specified slot, it will be moved to the player's inventory
    • Equipping an item removes it from the player's inventory, unless the player is in Creative Mode
  • Players now respond correctly to speed changes using the minecraft:movement component

Actor Filters

  • Created new actor filters "on_fire", "on_hot_block", "target_distance", and "actor_health"

AI Goals

  • The "celebrate_survive" AI behavior will now consider the highest rain passable block in addition to sky visibility before firing Fireworks
  • The "move_outdoors" AI behavior will now consider the highest rain passable block in addition to sky visibility when searching for a place to consider as being outdoors
  • Exposed new data parameters for the "trade_with_player" AI behavior to specify such things as the conditions that need to be met for the goal to start and the max distance the mob can be from its trading player before exiting the goal

Particle Effects

  • Fixed a bug causing particles with collision and "expire_on_contact" to not expire when collided
  • Added support for mixed color blending on particle effects


  • Added new Molang query.is_local_player to allow detection of the current player
  • Fixed a bug where dividing any value in Molang by a dynamically determined negative variable resulted in a division by a positive (absolute) value instead
    • This is a Molang Versioned Change that only takes effect for Molang expressions in packs that use a min_engine_version of 1.19.60 or higher

API (Experimental)

Entities/Players/SimulatedPlayer: Fire, levels, experience, and more

  • Entity
    • Added method setOnFire(seconds: number, useEffects?: boolean = true): boolean) which sets an entity on fire (if it is not in water or rain)
    • Added method extinguishFire(useEffects?: boolean = true): void which extinguishes the fire
    • If an entity is on fire, you can call getComponent('minecraft:onfire') on it, which returns an object of type EntityOnFireComponent, which has a property onFireTicksRemaining
    • Fixed a bug where viewDirection would return the direction from the previous tick
    • Fixed a bug where getEntitiesFromViewDirection would use the direction from the previous tick
    • Fixed a bug where getBlockFromViewDirection would use the direction from the previous tick
    • Fixed a bug where headLocation would return the location from the previous tick
    • Fixed a bug where the getEffect method could return an invalid Effect (and another case where an Effect could become invalid after a new Effect was added)
    • Added method getEffectswhich returns an array of all active effects on the entity
  • EntityHealthComponent
    • Fixed a bug where health could be modified on dead entities (MCPE-130687)
  • Player
    • Added function addLevels(amount: number): number - Adds/Removes level to/from the player and returns the current level of the player
    • Added function addExperience(amount: number): number - Adds/Removes experience to/from the player and returns the current experience of the player
    • Added function resetLevel(): void - Resets the level of the player
    • Added function getTotalXp(): number - Gets the total experience of the player
    • Added read-only property level - Gets the level of the player
    • Added read-only property xpEarnedAtCurrentLevel - Gets the experience earned at the current level of the player
    • Added read-only property totalXpNeededForNextLevel - Gets the total experience required for the current level of the player
  • Simulated Player
    • Added property isSprinting- Used to get or set if the sprinting state of the simulated player is set to true
  • Added function respawn()- Respawns the SimulatedPlayer if it's dead
  • Added function disconnect()- Removes the SimulatedPlayer from the world

Blocks & Redstone

  • Added function getRedstonePower(): number - Gets the Redstone signal strength of the Block if it is part of a circuit, otherwise returns undefined

Fill Block APIs

  • Added function dimension.fillBlocks(begin: BlockLocation, end: BlockLocation, block: BlockPermutation | BlockType, options?: BlockFillOptions): number

  • Fills an area between begin and end with block of type block. Returns number of blocks placed

  • Added new interface BlockFillOptions with member matchingBlock?: BlockPermutation | BlockType

    • Used with fillBlocks to apply additional options, such as only filling blocks matching matchingBlock

Command to script message passing

  • Added the '/scriptevent' command as part of the Beta APIs experiment. This is what will trigger events.scriptEventReceive events (see below)

    • Usage: /scriptevent <messsageId: string> [message: ???]
  • messageId must be namespaced, use of the minecraft namespace is invalid (e.g. "/scriptevent give:coal", "/scriptevent my_scripts:spawn_sheep")

    • message is optional, with a max length of 256 characters
  • events.scriptEventReceive

    • Added system event events.scriptEventReceive
    • Added read-only property id: String - The namespaced ID of the event
    • Added read-only property message: String - The content of the message the event was sent with
    • Added read-only property sourceBlock: Block - The command block that triggered/executed the command call if applicable, otherwise undefined
    • Added read-only property sourceEntity: Entity - The player/entity that executed the command call if applicable, otherwise undefined
    • Added read-only property initiator: Entity - The player that caused an NPC to execute the command call if applicable, otherwise undefined
    • Added read-only property sourceType: MessageSourceType - The type of source the event was triggered by
    • *subscribe()*can filter by valid namespace string using the ScriptEventMessageFilterOptions class
  • ScriptEventMessageFilterOptions

    • Added ScriptEventMessageFilterOptions class
    • Added property namespaces: string[] - An array of namespaces to filter on

Item Stacks

  • ContainerSlot
    • Added class ContainerSlot - Used to directly manipulate items stored within a container
    • Renamed entity property viewVector to viewDirection and now returns Vector3
    • Renamed entity function getEntitiesFromViewVector to getEntitiesFromViewDirection
    • Renamed entity function getBlockFromViewVector to getBlockFromViewDirection
  • Container
    • Added function getSlot(slot: number): ContainerSlot - Returns the slot at the given container slot index
    • Added function clearItem(slot: number): void - Clears the item at the given slot index
    • Added function clearAll(): void - Clears all items in the container
    • Made the itemStackargument of function setItem optional - If not provided, the slot is cleared
    • Added event events.playerSpawn - Fires when a player spawns in the world
    • Renamed event events.entityCreate to world.events.entitySpawn. This event no longer fires for players

Refactored and Improved Player events

  • PlayerJoinEvent
    • Added read-only property playerId - The unique ID of the player that joined the world
    • Added read-only property playerName - The name of the player that joined the world
    • Removed property player
  • PlayerLeaveEvent
    • Added read-only property playerId - The unique ID of the player that left the world

Say/Tell/sendMessage APIs

  • Renamed IRawMessage to RawMessage for naming consistency
  • RawMessage
    • Changed the signature of property with from (string[] | RawMessage)[]? to (string[] | RawMessage)?

Scoreboard get/set value APIs

  • Scoreboard
    • Added setScore(ScoreboardObjective, ScoreboardIdentity, Number)
    • Added getScore(ScoreboardObjective, ScoreboardIdentity)
  • ScoreboardObjective
    • Added setScore(ScoreboardIdentity, Number)
    • Added getScore(ScoreboardIdentity)
    • Added removeParticipant(ScoreboardIdentity)
  • ScoreboardIdentity
    • Added setScore(ScoreboardObjective, Number)
    • Added getScore(ScoreboardObjective)
    • Added removeFromObjective(ScoreboardObjective)

EntityHurtEvent updates

  • Added read-only property damageSource: EntityDamageSource - Gets information about the damage source
  • EntityDamageSource
    • Added property cause: EntityDamageCause - Gets the damage cause
    • Added property damagingEntity?: Entity - Gets the damaging Entity
    • Added property damagingProjectile?: Entity - Gets the damaging projectile Entity
    • Added function applyDamage(amount: number, source?: EntityDamageSource): boolean - Applies damage to the Entity and returns the result of the operation