
Minecraft Beta - (Xbox One/Windows 10/Android)

 GameTest Framework 

 Updated Interfaces: 

  • assertContainerContains - ItemIdentifier parameter changed to ItemStack 
  • assertItemEntityNotPresent and assertItemEntityPresent APIs - ItemStack parameter changed to ItemType  

Added N****ew Interfaces: 

  • assertEntityNotTouching(entityIdentifier: string, position : Location) - Asserts that there is no entity of the given type at the given position 
  • assertEntityTouching(entityIdentifier: string, position : Location) - Asserts that there is an entity of the given type at the given position 
  • assertItemEntityCountIs(itemType : ItemType, position : BlockLocation, searchDistance : number, count : number) - Asserts that the entity item count in the given search area matches the expected count 
  • pulseRedstone(position : BlockLocation, duration : number) - Creates a Redstone block at the given position and destroys it after "duration" ticks 

 Known Issues in this Beta 

  • Parts of Villages' generate underground  
  • Axolotl doesn't spawn naturally  
  • Glow Squid does not spawn naturally