
Minecraft Beta - (Xbox One/Windows 10/Android)


  • Order of function calls triggered by '/execute' inside a function are now consistent (MCPE-111849)


  • Added caching support for subchunk requests and fixed issues with holes in the terrain
  • Fixed a rendering error that could occur when attempting to render a Vanilla mob in a base game version prior to the version that mob was introduced through JSON files
  • Most content errors and warnings will now only display once per world (MCPE-135153)

Item Scripting

Implemented first past of Item Script Components

  • ItemStack
    • Exposed interfaces for accessing script-enabled ItemComponents on ItemStack
    • hasComponent(componentId: string) - returns true if the ItemStack has the component [componentId] attached to it
    • getComponent(componentId: string) - returns a handle to the component attached to this ItemStack. Returns an undefined handle if the component does not exist or if the component is yet to be exposed to script
    • getComponents() - returns an array of all attached script-enabled components on this ItemStack
  • NumberRange
    • A class to describe a random value between a min and max number
    • Property min - the minimum value in the range
    • Property max - the maximum value in the range
    • next() - returns a random number between min and max
  • Items Registry
    • Added Items registry class to get all Items by name
    • get(itemId: string) - returns a handle to an ItemType if a type by the given name exists
  • Script enabled Item components
    • minecraft:food
      • Read-only property nutrition - number that describes how much nutrition this food item gives the player when eaten
      • Read-only property saturationModifier - number that is the saturation modifier used to apply the saturation buff when eaten
      • Read-only property canAlwaysEat - if true the player can always eat this item (even when not hungry)
      • Read-only property usingConvertsTo - string name of the Item this will be converted to when eaten. If empty, the item will not convert to anything else
    • minecraft:durability
      • Read-only property maxDurability - the number amount of damage this item can take before breaking
      • Read-only property damageRange - a NumberRange describing the chance of the item losing durability
      • Property damage - gets or sets the current damage on the ItemStack
    • getDamageChance(unbreaking: number = 0) - gets the maximum chance that this item would be damaged using the damageRange property if given an unbreaking level. Incoming unbreaking parameter must be greater than 0