
Minecraft Beta - (Xbox One/Windows 10/Android)

Stability and Performance

  • Improved performance when executing commands


  • Fixed an issue where animation controller events defined in the default state would get skipped if the controller immediately transitioned to another state (This is a versioned change that will only be applied for animation controllers starting at format_version 1.18.10)


  • Order of function calls triggered by /execute inside a function are now consistent (MCPE-111849)
  • Added /loot command with spawn loot overload


  • JumpToBlockGoal can no longer be used when the mob is in water

Experimental Features

GameTest Framework


  • World
    • Added blockBreak and blockPlace events, which are called when a player breaks or places a block in the world
  • BlockExplodeEvent
    • Renamed destroyedBlock to block
  • Player
    • Added method startItemCooldown(itemCategory : string, durationTicks : int) - Starts or resets a cooldown on an item category (e.g., ender_pearl) for the given duration in ticks
    • Added method getItemCooldown(itemCategory : string) - Returns the remaining duration in ticks that this player has of the given item category. If no cooldown is present, returns 0.
  • ItemCooldownComponent
    • Added ItemCooldownComponent (item.getComponent("minecraft:cooldown"))
    • Read-only property cooldownCategory : string - Represents the cooldown category of this item.
    • Read-only property cooldownTicks : int - Represents the cooldown time in ticks for this item if cooldown is enabled
    • method startCooldown(player : Player) - Starts or resets a cooldown for this item on the given player if cooldown is enabled for this item
  • ItemType
    • Removed getName method and added read-only property .id


  • Test
    • Added gameMode: GameModeparameter to spawnSimulatedPlayer method
  • SimulatedPlayer
    • Renamed destroyBlockto breakBlock
    • Renamed stopDestroyingBlockto stopBreakingBlock
    • Removed selectSlot method
    • Added property selectedSlot : int - Gets or sets the currently selected hotbar slot for the player