
Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Added deprecation error message for the _part_visibility_component (the bone_visibility field in the geometry component should be used instead, see block documentation for more information)
  • Fixed an issue where adding a _minecraft:peek_component to a custom entity would cause the game to crash


  • Updated the "minecraft:geometry" block component to allow bone visibility to be defined with a Molang expression


  • Executing the "inputpermission set" command will now output a message to the chat with the results (MCPE-168368)
  • Executing the "inputpermission set" command will now result in an error if it does not affect any players
  • Command positions will now use the current position/rotation when running mcfunctions via execute
  • Fixed issue where some execute commands stopped working on Realms (MCPE-169974)
  • The "hasitem" target selector argument now counts items held with the cursor (MCPE-152002)
  • Commands will still work with "concrete", but "concrete" won't be suggested in the command prompt, rather the new names will
    • "concrete" block is now split into unique instances, namely "white_concrete", "orange_concrete", "magenta_concrete", "light_blue_concrete", "yellow_concrete", "lime_concrete", "pink_concrete", "gray_concrete", "light_gray_concrete", "cyan_concrete", "purple_concrete", "blue_concrete", "brown_concrete", "green_concrete", "red_concrete", and "black_concrete"
  • Java Parity: Block states in commands will use equals instead of colon in version 1.20.0 and later. For example using the setblock command: /setblock ~ ~ ~ oak_log["pillar_axis"="x"] (MCPE-168056)
  • Block states with equals don't require a space to show autocomplete options (MCPE-168056)


  • Added a content error when minecraft:balloonable is used on minecraft:player to prevent issues as this component is not supported in this way (MCPE-164495)


The Editor is in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Learn how to use the Editor and join the GitHub Discussion forum, post bugs, view more detailed release notes. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.

  • Resolved an issue where the selection cursor was causing the glass block to render invisible
  • Added Log Panel for Tool mode to display log messages. It can be accessed from the _View_menu or by using the CTRL+H shortcut
  • Fixed a bug that prevented additional servers to be added from Servers Tab in Editor mode
  • Fixed a bug that caused the gizmo to be hidden in Crosshair Mode


  • Released the minecraft:cooldown item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher
  • Released the minecraft:repairable item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher

Stability and Performance

  • Invalid JSON objects within the entity component "minecraft:behavior.nearest_attackable_target" will no longer crash the game (MCPE-168129)


Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Camera Presets can now specify "listener":"player" to have the audio system use the player position for audio positioning
    • Added "example:example_player_listener" Camera Preset to demonstrate this option


  • Items with the "minecraft:block_placer" component will now place blocks with correct orientation

Script API

  • Dynamic properties can now optionally have default values
  • Increased Dynamic Property registration limits:
    • Actors: ~1KB -> 128KB
    • World: ~10KB -> 1MB
  • ScreenDisplay
    • Removed clearTitle()- Use setTitle with an empty string to clear the title
    • Updated _fadeInSeconds, staySeconds, fadeOutSeconds_to fadeInDuration, stayDuration, fadeOutDuration on TitleDisplayOptions (seconds to ticks)
    • Updated setTitle to reset the times per each new title
    • Added RawMessage support for setTitle, updateSubtitle, and setActionBar
  • Entity additions
    • Added read-only property isGliding- Returns whether the player is gliding with Elytra
    • Added read-only property isJumping- Returns whether the player is using the jump action
    • Added read-only property isFlying- Returns whether the player is flying (e.g. Creative or Spectator mode)
    • Added read-only property isSprinting- Returns whether the entity is sprinting
    • Added read-only property isSwimming- Returns whether the entity is swimming
    • Added read-only property isClimbing- Returns whether the entity is climbing (e.g. Player on a ladder or Spider on a wall)
    • Added read-only property isOnGround- Returns whether the entity is on the ground
    • Added read-only property isInWater- Returns whether the entity is in water
    • Added read-only property isFalling- Returns whether the entity is falling
    • Added read-only property fallDistance- Returns the current fall distance (Used for calculating fall damage)
    • Added function fly- Makes the player fly (e.g. Creative or Spectator mode)
    • Added function stopFlying- Makes the player stop flying (e.g. Creative or Spectator mode)
    • Added function glide- Makes the player glide with Elytra
    • Added function stopGliding- Makes the player stop gliding with Elytra
    • Added function swim- Makes the player swim
    • Added function stopSwimming- Makes the player stop swimming
  • Entity additions (effects)
    • Updated function _addEffect(effectType: EffectType | string, duration: number, options?: EntityEffectOptions): void_to return void and to throw if the effect does not exist or the parameters are out of bounds
    • Updated function _getEffect(effectType: EffectType | string): Effect | undefined_to throw if the effect does not exist
    • Updated function _removeEffect(effectType: EffectType | string): boolean_to throw if the effect does not exist
  • BlockEvents
    • Added events 'PressurePlatePushEvent', 'PressurePlatePopEvent', 'TargetBlockHitEvent', and 'TripWireTripEvent'
  • ContainerSlot
    • Removed function clone- Please use function getItem instead
  • EntityHealableComponent
    • Removed _filters: FilterGroup_property
  • EntityAttributeComponent
    • Added effectiveMin: number Returns the minimum possible value for the component
    • Added effectiveMax: number Return the maximum possible value for the component
    • Renamed _value_property to defaultValue
    • Renamed _current_property to currentValue
    • Renamed _setCurrent_method to setCurrentValue
  • Added EntityHealthChangedAfterEvent. It is triggered when any health change happens for an Entity


  • Changed camera command fade color to take integer values from 0 to 255 rather than 0.0 to 1.0 fractional values
  • Camera fade command now enforces fade duration limits; fade in, hold, and fade out must be between 0 and 10 seconds
  • Ensuring camera pitch can only be between -90 and 90 degrees when using the /camera command
  • Fixed an issue where Minecraft Education players could not use the "/give" command to give a Camera item


  • Items in format version 1.20.10 and above with the ”minecraft:throwable component will trigger Item Use events when thrown
  • Custom items with "minecraft:block_placer" will no longer place certain blocks in the wrong location
  • Changed "minecraft:shooter" to only consume ammo when charging the item if "charge_on_draw" is set "true"