
Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Script API

  • Fixed an issue where @minecraft/server-ui version 1.3.0 was not accessible


The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor. Learn how to use  the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion  forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit  and samples .

Updates this week:

  • Added Water dropdown inside the Deferred Lighting Settings panel.
  • Added Export pane inside the file menu to allow customizing world settings before exporting to file.
  • Updated Brush Tool with additional features and improved performance.
    • Added Single Block brush shape to allow more fine grain editing.
    • Added Masking Mode to customize how brushes interact with the world.
      • Replace will create a list of blocks that will be replaced when brushing. Blocks not in this list will not be impacted.
      • Mask will create a list of blocks that will be masked/ignored when brushing. Only blocks not in the list will be impacted.
  • Added IRootPropertyPane and ISubPanePropertyItem interfaces to improve property pane API usability 
    • Renamed createPropertyPane and removePropertyPane functions for IPropertyPane to createSubPane and removeSubPane.
    • Added action button support for root property pane header.
    • Added visual customization support for sub panes.
  • Added Ruler tool for measuring distances with new client widget framework.
  • Added constraint on the weight value in a Block palette item. Valid values are in the range [1,100]. 
  • Added missing Widget binding export 


  • Fixed a bug that caused moon to appear darker (MCPE-172971)
  • Fixed bug where culling rules for data driven blocks did not rotate with the transformation component 

Resource and Behavior Packs

  • The player's "helmet_layer_visible" variable is now based on the result of the has_head_gear Molang query and the player and persona render controller's part visibility for the helmet layer no longer checks for the existence of head gear. This fixes attachable scripts setting the "helmet_layer_visible" to 1.0 to now properly work and maintains a fix that prevents persona hair and head gear from clipping outside of mob and Pumpkin heads  (MCPE-183058)

Experimental Features


  • ItemUseOnBeforeEvent
    • Added property readonly isFirstEvent: boolean to beta. This value will be true if the event was triggered on players initial interaction button press and false on events triggered from holding the interaction button
  • ItemUseOnAfterEvent
    • Added property readonly isFirstEvent: boolean to beta. This value will be true if the event was triggered on players initial interaction button press and false on events triggered from holding the interaction button


  • Added the ability to data-drive water parameters in the Deferred Technical Preview. See the updated Creator portal for more information 
  • Added a new feature to the Deferred Technical Preview: realistic waves! This new feature must be opted into via a resource pack and will not be enabled by default. See the updated Creator portal for more information
  • Added water controls to the Editor's Deferred Graphics Settings