
Minecraft Beta & Preview -


  • Mangrove Swamp no longer spawns mobs from other biomes (MCPE-187514)


  • Added the 'minecraft:liquid_detection' component which controls the basic liquid detection properties of a block, such as liquidlogging, liquid blocking, and being broken or popped by liquid spread. The only liquid currently supported by the component is water
  • Using the "minecraft:block_placer" item component to render the referenced block as the item icon no longer requires the "Upcoming Creator Features" toggle
  • Cherry Leaves no longer count as custom blocks (MCPE-180725)


  • Per-biome ambient sounds are now defined in client_biome JSON components
    • This uses the new "minecraft:ambient_sounds" component
    • Named sounds must be defined in "individual_named_sounds" in sounds.json files


  • Client biome JSON files now support a "minecraft:biome_music" component with a "volume_multiplier" field which will gradually affect music volume when the audio listener is inside the corresponding biome
    • The gradual volume change will take roughly ten seconds and will linearly increase but exponentially decrease


  • Moved query.client_memory_tier to stable.
    • Removed 'Undetermined'. It returns a number representing the client RAM memory tier, 0 = 'SuperLow', 1 = 'Low', 2 = 'Mid', 3 = 'High', or 4 = 'SuperHigh'. Available on the Client (Resource Packs) only.
  • Moved query.server_memory_tier to stable.
    • Removed 'Undetermined'. It returns a number representing the server RAM memory tier, 0 = 'SuperLow', 1 = 'Low', 2 = 'Mid', 3 = 'High', or 4 = 'SuperHigh'. Available on the server side (Behavior Packs) only.
  • Moved query.client_max_render_distance to stable.


  • Added a new ClipboardWidgetComponent to the client widget system to allow creators to be able to add clipboard items to widgets, and have them displayed as 'holograms'
  • Added a flag to Widget and WidgetBaseComponent to allow locking the Y position to the surface, based on the XZ position
  • Added a flag to Widget to tell the widget to bind it's position to that of the 3D block cursor
  • Added quick action button bar to Selection (Deselect & Fill)
  • Added Copy & Cut to main menu and action bar items
  • Added information tooltip links for core editor panes
  • Added a new ClipboardWidgetComponent to the client widget system to allow creators to be able to add clipboard items to widgets, and have them displayed as 'holograms'
  • Added a flag to Widget and WidgetBaseComponent to allow locking the Y position to the surface, based on the XZ position
  • Added a flag to Widget to tell the widget to bind it's position to that of the 3D block cursor
  • Added quick action button bar to Selection (Deselect & Fill)
  • Added Copy & Cut to main menu and action bar items
  • Added information tooltip links for core editor panes
  • Added Middle Mouse block picking in block picker modal
  • Updated the Selection Tool size input box to be enabled when a block is selected
  • Update IModalToolContainer.addTool API function to take unique tool id as a required argument. Removed inputContextId and inputContextLabel from creation parameters.
  • Updated Grapple locomotion
    • Added 'getRay()' to Cursor Service API
    • Camera now rotates towards grapple target during flight and is less snappy
    • Grapple now lets the creator fly 100 blocks distance towards the mouse pointer if there is no nearby block to grapple to
    • Changed hotkey for grapple-to-selection from F to CTRL+SHIFT+F
  • Removed all of the CursorAttachment related types, properties and methods
  • Removed hideshowdispose functions from IModalTool API
  • Renamed anchor in the ClipboardWriteOptions to normalizedOrigin for clarity
  • Removed all of the CursorAttachment related types, properties and methods
  • Fixed a bug where cylinder and cuboid brushes with a height of 1 were incorrectly sized
  • Fixed deselect in Line Tool (this was actually a problem with Client Widgets not correctly tracking selected state in script)
  • Fixed incorrect key binding in Selection move up/down
  • Fixed 'Next Navigation Position' keyboard shortcut to no longer conflict with 'Previous Navigation Position'.
  • Fixed an issue where Brush Painting tools to work in dimensiononly work in the starting dimension (generally Overworld) and do not work when changing dimensions
  • Fixed keyboard navigation for interactive tooltip links
  • Fixed padding for Selection tool panel items when the scrollbar is absent
  • Fixed issue where camera flashes to the inside of the player mobs' head when grappling

Entity Components

  • The "minecraft:looked_at" component's "look_at_locations" field now accepts a list of objects as a parameter, each containing two fields
    • "location", the location of the entity that must be visible
      • Valid values: "head", "body", "feet"
    • "vertical_offset", an optional vertical offset applied to the entity's location

Scripting API

  • Moved ClientSystemInfo from beta to 1.16.0.
  • Moved MemoryTier from beta to 1.16.0.
  • Moved PlatformType from beta to 1.16.0.
  • Moved SystemInfo from beta to 1.16.0.
  • Enum MemoryTier.
    • Removed Undetermined entry.

Network Protocol

  • New level sound events added: Open, OpenLong, Close, and CloseLong
  • New Particle Type added: EyeblossomOpen
  • New Particle Type added: EyeblossomClose
  • New particle type added: PaleOakLeaves


  • Added content error when parsing shaped recipes if the pattern contains undefined keys, also fixes crash when opening crafting screen with such malformed recipes (MCPE-178520)

Stability and Performance

  • Some stats for packs discovered on launch are stored locally to enable faster future launches on some platforms



  • Added "minecraft:item_visual" block component. This component takes nested "minecraft:geometry" and "minecraft:material_instances" components to configure the item representation of a block
    • "geometry" and "material_instances" fields are required. They utilize the same fields/requirements as "minecraft:geometry" and "minecraft:material_instances" respectively
    • Block must include "minecraft:geometry" and "minecraft:material_instances" components alongside the "minecraft:item_visual" component
    • Requires the "Upcoming Creator Features" toggle
  • Cobwebs now obey 'blockshape' and 'textures' properties set in blocks.json
    • Requires the "Upcoming Creator Features" toggle

Script API

  • Added access to the composting chance for existing Vanilla items via the ItemStack API
  • Added access to the composting chance for items with CompostableItemComponent via the Item Component API


  • Added the rotation to the camera command for the fixed_boom camera


  • Added the "minecraft:compostable" item component to UpcomingCreatorFeatures experimental toggle


Server UI

  • Added support for input glyph replacement for server forms (ActionFormDataMessageFormData, and ModalFormData).


  • Expose "Data-Driven Jigsaw Structures" experiment toggle to Creators
    • Creators will be able to modify structure generation rules around placement (location and frequency), layout (how structure pieces are placed relative to one another), and customization (how blocks within a structure piece are modified or replaced).
    • There are 4 new JSON files comprising Jigsaw Structure data:
      • Jigsaw Structures: These are structures that can be constructed throughout the world with various structure pieces. The connection block is a jigsaw block.
      • Processors: A processor can add custom behaviors to the structure that affects how it looks.
      • Structure Sets: Structure sets are JSON that indicate where and how a structure is placed throughout the world.
      • Template Pools: A template pool contains the structure pieces that make up a structure.