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  • Removed support for field "data" in commands /clone, /execute, /fill, /setblock and /testforblock beyond version 1.19.70, eg. /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:wool 1will only have its equivalent /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:wool ["color":"orange"] supported
  • Volume arguments no longer floor the selector's position (MCPE-162237)
  • Selecting targets by volume will now select all entities whose hitbox collides with the volume box. This is versioned for 1.19.70 and later (MCPE-162237)
  • Previous behavior works as expected on versions less than 1.19.70
  • Volume arguments for selectors (dx, dy, dz) now support float values (MCPE-163863)


  • In JSON formats 1.19.70 and later, blocks fail to load if the "condition" field in Block Permutations is not a valid Molang string
  • Crafting Table component no longer appends "tile." when defaulting to use block name for crafting table label

Script API

Changed module @minecraft/[email protected]

  • Changed class Test

    • Added function assertEntityInstancePresentInArea

      assertEntityInstancePresentInArea(entity: minecraftserver.Entity, isPresent?: boolean): void      
    • Changed function assertEntityPresent

      • Added argument searchDistance

Changed module @minecraft/[email protected]

  • Changed class BlockAreaSize

    • Changed function constructor
      • Changed argument x type from int32 to float
        • New Signature: x: number,
        • Old Signature: x: number,
      • Changed argument y type from int32 to float
        • New Signature: y: number,
        • Old Signature: y: number,
      • Changed argument z type from int32 to float
        • New Signature: z: number
        • Old Signature: z: number
  • Changed class ContainerSlot

    • Removed function clearItem
    • Removed function clearLore
  • Changed class Entity

    • Added function playAnimation

      playAnimation(animationName: string, options?: PlayAnimationOptions): void      
  • Changed class ItemStack

    • Removed property data
    • Removed function clearLore
    • Changed function constructor
      • Changed return type from ItemStack to ItemStack (throws exceptions)
      • Changed argument itemType type from ItemType to ItemType | string
        • New Signature: itemType: ItemType | string,
        • Old Signature: itemType: ItemType,
      • Removed argument data
  • Changed class Player

    • Added function playAnimation

      playAnimation(animationName: string, options?: PlayAnimationOptions): void      
  • Added interface PlayAnimationOptions

    export interface PlayAnimationOptions {
    blendOutTime?: number;
    controller?: string;
    nextState?: string;
    stopExpression?: string;