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  • Summon command no longer causes some entities to be spawned in at an angle


  • Fixed an issue where Entity Property value changes could be discarded if done by events fired as part of removal of active behaviors caused by other events

Experimental Technical Features

Script API

Changed module @minecraft/[email protected]

  • Changed class BeforeExplosionEvent

    • Removed property impactedBlocks

    • Added function getImpactedBlocks

      getImpactedBlocks(): Vector3[]      
    • Added function setImpactedBlocks

      setImpactedBlocks(blocks: Vector3[]): void      
  • Changed class BeforeItemUseOnEvent

    • Removed property blockLocation

    • Added function getBlockLocation

      getBlockLocation(): Vector3      
  • Changed class BlockInventoryComponent

    • Removed property location
  • Changed class BlockLavaContainerComponent

    • Removed property location
  • Changed class BlockPistonComponent

    • Removed property attachedBlocks

    • Removed property location

    • Added function getAttachedBlocks

      getAttachedBlocks(): Vector3[]      
  • Changed class BlockPotionContainerComponent

    • Removed property location
  • Changed class BlockRecordPlayerComponent

    • Removed property location
  • Changed class BlockSignComponent

    • Removed property location
  • Changed class BlockSnowContainerComponent

    • Removed property location
  • Changed class BlockWaterContainerComponent

    • Removed property location
  • Changed class ContainerSlot

    • Added property isStackable

      readonly isStackable: boolean
    • Added property keepOnDeath

      keepOnDeath: boolean
    • Added property lockMode

      lockMode: ItemLockMode
    • Added property maxAmount

      readonly maxAmount: number
    • Added property type

      readonly type: ItemType
    • Added function clone

      clone(): ItemStack      
    • Added function isStackableWith

      isStackableWith(itemStack: ItemStack): boolean      
    • Added function setCanDestroy

      setCanDestroy(blockIdentifiers?: string[]): void      
    • Added function setCanPlaceOn

      setCanPlaceOn(blockIdentifiers?: string[]): void      
  • Changed class Entity

    • Removed property headLocation

    • Added function applyImpulse

      applyImpulse(vector: Vector3): void      
    • Added function applyKnockback

      applyKnockback(directionX: number, directionZ: number, horizontalStrength: number, verticalStrength: number): void      
    • Added function clearVelocity

      clearVelocity(): void      
    • Added function getHeadLocation

      getHeadLocation(): Vector3      
    • Removed function setVelocity

  • Changed class ExplosionEvent

    • Removed property impactedBlocks

    • Added function getImpactedBlocks

      getImpactedBlocks(): Vector3[]      
  • Changed class ItemStack

    • Added property isStackable

      readonly isStackable: boolean
    • Added property keepOnDeath

      keepOnDeath: boolean
    • Added property lockMode

      lockMode: ItemLockMode
    • Added property maxAmount

      readonly maxAmount: number
    • Added property type

      readonly type: ItemType
    • Added function clone

      clone(): ItemStack      
    • Added function isStackableWith

      isStackableWith(itemStack: ItemStack): boolean      
    • Added function setCanDestroy

      setCanDestroy(blockIdentifiers?: string[]): void      
    • Added function setCanPlaceOn

      setCanPlaceOn(blockIdentifiers?: string[]): void      
  • Changed class ItemStartUseOnEvent

    • Removed property blockLocation

    • Removed property buildBlockLocation

    • Added function getBlockLocation

      getBlockLocation(): Vector3      
    • Added function getBuildBlockLocation

      getBuildBlockLocation(): Vector3      
  • Changed class ItemStopUseOnEvent

    • Removed property blockLocation

    • Added function getBlockLocation

      getBlockLocation(): Vector3      
  • Changed class ItemUseOnEvent

    • Removed property blockLocation

    • Added function getBlockLocation

      getBlockLocation(): Vector3      
  • Changed class NavigationResult

    • Removed property path

    • Added function getPath

      getPath(): Vector3[]      
  • Changed class Player

    • Removed property headLocation

    • Added function applyImpulse

      applyImpulse(vector: Vector3): void      
    • Added function applyKnockback

      applyKnockback(directionX: number, directionZ: number, horizontalStrength: number, verticalStrength: number): void      
    • Added function clearVelocity

      clearVelocity(): void      
    • Added function getHeadLocation

      getHeadLocation(): Vector3      
    • Removed function setVelocity

  • Added enum ItemLockMode

    export enum ItemLockMode {
    inventory = "inventory",
    none = "none",
    slot = "slot"