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Minecraft Beta - (Xbox / Android)


  • Reduced the number of network packets sent with the subchunk request system and packet optimizations


  • Testing RenderDragon on all Android devices


  • Added 9 new shapeless recipe JSON files, replacing hard-coded Smithing Table crafting recipes


  • Add non-experimental is_name_any, is_item_name_any, and is_owner_identifier_any queries
  • Fixed relative_block_has_all_tags block_neighbor_has_all_tags and biome_has_all_tags queries to require all tags rather than just any tags
  • Fixed nested conditional (ternary) operator parsing to go right-to-left instead of left-to-right
    • This is a Molang Versioned Change that only takes effect for Molang expressions in packs that use a min_engine_version of 1.18.10 or higher
    • Previously nested conditional expressions like A?B:C?D:Ewould evaluate as (A?B:C)?D:E, now they evaluate as A?B:(C?D:E)

**Experimental Features


GameTest Framework

              Added new entity query capabilities in the form of new methods on Dimension and World.

  • World object
    • Replaced function getPlayers : Player[] with function getPlayers(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- Returns an iterator to a collection containing all players in the dimension. Optionally, options can be used to filter the result
    • Added optional argument to events.addEffect. This argument will limit the callback to only fire for specific entities (see EntityEventOptions)
  • Dimension object
    • Added function getPlayers(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- Returns an iterator to a collection containing all players. Optionally, options can be used to filter the result
    • Added function getEntities(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- Returns an iterator to a collection containing all entities in the dimension. Optionally, options can be used to filter the result
  • EntityQueryOptions
    • Added class EntityQueryOptions- Provides additional filtering options when calling getEntities and getPlayers
  • EntityQueryScoreOptions
    • Added class EntityQueryScoreOptions- Used with EntityQueryOptions to provide scoreboard filtering
  • EntityEventOptions
    • Used to filter events that fire on entities to restrict the callback to only certain ones.
    • Property entity: Entity[] - If specified, will restrict to just this entity
    • Property entityTypes: string[] - If specified, will restrict to entities with the specified type (e.g., minecraft:creeper)