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Minecraft Beta & Preview -


  • Fixed an issue that caused weights to not be used for Music

GameTest Framework (Experimental)

  • Updated the GameTest Framework interface to add read-only scoreboard support
  • World
    • scoreboard : Scoreboard - Access world's scoreboard
  • Entity
    • scoreboard : ScoreboardIdentity - Access the entities scoreboard identity
  • Scoreboard - Object representing the scoreboard data
    • getObjective(objectiveId : String) : ScoreboardObjective - Method to get a specific objective (by id)
    • getObjectives : ScoreboardObjective[] - Method to get all objectives
    • getParticipants : ScoreboardIdentity[] - Method to get all scoreboard identities
  • ScoreboardObjective - Object representing a scoreboard objective
    • id : String - (read-only) scoreboard identifier
    • displayName : String - (read-only) scoreboard display name
    • getParticipants : ScoreboardIdentity[] - Method to get all objective participant identities
    • getScores : ScoreboardScoreInfo[] - Method to get the score info for all participants
    • getScore(participant : ScoreboardIdentity) : Int - Method to get the score value of a participant
  • ScoreboardIdentity - Object representing a scoreboard participant
    • type : ScoreboardIdentityType - (read-only) enum representing the type of identity
    • id : Int - (read-only) Unique identifier for the identity
    • displayName : String - (read-only) display name for the identity
    • getEntity : ScriptActor - get the ScriptActor handle associated with the identity
  • ScoreboardIdentityType - Enum representing identity types : .Entity - An entity .FakePlayer - A fake identity .Player - A player
  • ScoreboardScoreInfo - Score-Identity pair for an objective
    • participant : ScoreboardIdentity - (read-only) The participant
    • score : Int - (read-only) The score