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Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Entity Documentation

  • Removed experimental markers for The Wild Update entity behaviors and components
  • Added documentation for minecraft:heartbeat. Rephrased some of the documentation


  • Added support for recipes to use item tags directly instead of item names
    • Added new item tags
    • Converted several recipes from code into their own recipe files
    • Added several recipes using the new tags to override many old, item specific recipes (these still exist for backwards compatability):
      • barrel, beehive, bookshelf, bowl, brewing_stand, campfire, cartography_table, chest, composter, crafting_table, daylight_detector, fire_charge, fletching_table, furnace, grindstone, jukebox, lectern, loom, noteblock, painting, piston, shield, smithing_table, smoker, soul_campfire, soul_torch, stick, stone_axe, stone_hoe, stone_pickaxe, stone_shovel, stone_sword, torch, tripwire_hook, wooden_axe, wooden_hoe, wooden_pickaxe, wooden_shovel, wooden_sword

Experimental Features

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Implemented the has_property, int_property, bool_property, float_property, and enum_property actor behavior filters

Script API

  • Updated the API. See the list below for specific changes:
    • Events
      • Removed event tick- called each tick
    • System
      • Added run() - to queue a callback to run next tick, re-queue each tick to get behavior similar to tick event
    • Block
      • Renamed property id to typeId
    • BlockComponent
      • Renamed property id to typeId
    • Entity
      • Renamed property id to typeId
      • Added read-only property id: string- Returns a unique identifier for the entity. This identifier remains consistent across world loads.
    • EntityComponent
      • Renamed property id to typeId
    • ItemComponent
      • Renamed property id to typeId
    • ItemStack
      • Renamed property id to typeId

GameTest Framework

  • Fixed a bug where EntityHurtEvent would not fire on Player death
  • Renamed experiment GameTest Framework to Beta APIs
  • The now-renamed Beta APIs experiment is still needed to access all beta APIs, including core Minecraft APIs and GameTest APIs