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Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Script API

  • Camera APIs moved from beta to 1.6.0
    • Released* API’s from ‘beta’ to ‘1.6.0’
      • isSleeping
      • isSneaking
      • isSprinting
      • isSwimming
      • isClimbing
      • isOnGround
      • isInWater
      • isFalling
    • Released Player level & XP APIs from ‘beta’ to ‘1.6.0’
      • addLevels
      • addExperience
      • level
      • getTotalXP
      • xpEarnedAtCurrentLevel
      • totalXpNeededForNextLevel
      • resetLevel
    • Released* API’s from ‘beta’ to ‘1.6.0’
      • isEmoting
      • isGliding
      • isJumping
      • isFlying
    • Updated all methods besides show on ActionFormData, MessageFormData, and ModalFormData to be callable in read-only mode
    • BlockInventoryComponent
      • container member variable now correctly reflects it can be a Container or undefined
    • Fixed a versioning bug preventing @minecraft/server-ui module from working with @minecraft/server above version 1.2.0
    • WeatherType moved to 1.6.0
      • Moved function setWeather to 1.6.0
      • Moved event/property entityRemove from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved event/property entityRemove from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class EntityRemovedAfterEvent from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class EntityRemoveAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class EntityRemovedBeforeEvent from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class EntityRemoveBeforeEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved event/property entityLoad from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class EntityLoadAfterEvent from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class EntityLoadAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved event/property entitySpawn from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved enum EntityInitializationCause from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class EntitySpawnAfterEvent from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class EntitySpawnAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved event/property playerBreakBlock from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved event/property playerBreakBlock from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class PlayerBreakBlockAfterEvent from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class PlayerBreakBlockAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class PlayerBreakBlockBeforeEvent from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class PlayerBreakBlockBeforeEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved event/property playerPlaceBlock from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class PlayerPlaceBlockAfterEvent from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class PlayerPlaceBlockAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0
    • Moved class BlockEventSignalOptions from beta to 1.6.0
      • Move isAir(): boolean from beta to 1.6.0
      • Move isLiquid(): boolean from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved amount from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved keepOnDeath: boolean from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved lockMode: ItemLockMode from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved nameTag?: string from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved clone(): ItemStack from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved getTags(): string[] from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved hasTag(tag: string): boolean from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved setCanDestroy(blockIdentifiers?: string[]): void from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved getCanDestroy(): string[] from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved setCanPlaceOn(blockIdentifiers?: string[]): void from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved getCanPlaceOn(): string[] from beta to 1.6.0
      • Moved function getProperty to 1.6.0
      • Moved function resetProperty to 1.6.0
      • Moved function setProperty to 1.6.0


The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.

Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples.

Introducing this week...the first iteration towards our v0.5: Edit/Test Lite release! Here’s the need-to-know – read more in the GitHub Release 0.4.5 notes:

  • Full round-trip edit --> (play)test experience within the context of the Editor
  • Customize your world conditions for testing
  • Changes you make in the test session will not be saved
  • Marketplace and persona are disabled in the test experience, which is also standard within the Editor
  • Available in single-player (for now 😊)

Additional fixes this week:

  • Fixed a bug in the Selection tool where the Y axis of the Vector3 origin exceeded the dimension height range
  • Fixed a bug where blocks couldn’t be placed in the last block placed location after an undo

Entity Components

  • The “behavior.random_look_around_and_sit” now has the field “continue_sitting_on_reload” exposed for Creators to use. This is how the Camel stays sitting on reload
  • “behavior.is_scenting” renamed to generic “behavior.timer_flag_1” and released to creators
  • “behavior.is_rising” renamed to generic “behavior.timer_flag_2” and released to creators
  • “behavior.is_feeling_happy” renamed to generic “behavior.timer_flag_3” and released to creators
  • “behavior.timer_flag 1”: Fires an event when this behavior starts, then waits for a duration before stopping. When stopping due to that timeout or due to being interrupted by another behavior, fires another event. query.timer_flag_1 will return 1.0 on both the client and server when this behavior is running, and 0.0 otherwise
  • “behavior.timer_flag 2”: Fires an event when this behavior starts, then waits for a duration before stopping. When stopping due to that timeout or due to being interrupted by another behavior, fires another event. query.timer_flag_2 will return 1.0 on both the client and server when this behavior is running, and 0.0 otherwise
  • “behavior.timer_flag 3”: Fires an event when this behavior starts, then waits for a duration before stopping. When stopping due to that timeout or due to being interrupted by another behavior, fires another event. query.timer_flag_3 will return 1.0 on both the client and server when this behavior is running, and 0.0 otherwise


  • Added a new “query.is_in_lava” Query Function to Molang, to know if a mob is currently in Lava

Stability and Performance

  • The Sounds definition file sound_definitions.json will no longer crash the game if the wrong json type is used for a specific sound definition (MCPE-168913)

Experimental Technical


  • Added function getWeather

Stability and Performance

  • Fixed a crash on certain Android devices (e.g. Mali GPUs) while loading into worlds with the Deferred Technical Preview enabled (MCPE-173934)
  • Disabled the Deferred Technical Preview on some Android devices that don’t support our current requirements for compute shaders (GL_MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS >= 256)