Minecraft Beta & Preview -
- Technical Update
- Full Changelog
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
Moved PlayerInteractWithBlockAfterEvent from beta to 1.7.0
Moved PlayerInteractWithBlockBeforeEvent from beta to 1.7.0
Moved PlayerInteractWithEntityAfterEvent from beta to 1.7.0
Moved PlayerInteractWithEntityBeforeEvent from beta to 1.7.0
- Fixed an issue with upgrading loaded values that have multiple string names
Experimental Features
- Enhanced the bloom pipeline to utilize HDR scene information to more naturally emphasize bright pixels in the Deferred Technical Preview
- Fixed an issue where shadows from non-existent mobs would be rendered in the Deferred Technical Preview
- Fixed a crash that could occur when switching Dimensions in the Deferred Technical Preview
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
Moved PlayerLeaveBeforeEvent from beta to 1.7.0
Moved NumberRange interface to minecraft/common
Moved heightRange: NumberRange from beta to 1.7.0
Moved matches from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function clearDynamicProperties from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicProperties from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicPropertyIds from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicPropertyTotalByteCount from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function setDynamicProperty from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function clearDynamicProperties from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicProperties from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicPropertyIds from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicPropertyTotalByteCount from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function setDynamicProperty from beta to 1.7.0
Moved from beta to 1.7.0
Moved offset from beta to 1.7.0
Moved above from beta to 1.7.0
Moved below from beta to 1.7.0
Moved north from beta to 1.7.0
Moved east from beta to 1.7.0
Moved south from beta to 1.7.0
Moved west from beta to 1.7.0
Moved center from beta to 1.7.0
Moved bottomCenter from beta to 1.7.0
Gameplay Update
Posted: 18 October 2023
Information on the Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
I am feeling particularly crafty today. Is it because I spent the morning scribbling cunning redstone plans on post-it notes? Or could it be because the crafter is available for experimental testing in today’s Preview? Revealed at Minecraft Live on October 15, the crafter uses redstone for automated crafting. Pick a recipe, add stacks of ingredients, supply a redstone pulse, and tada! In just a few ticks, your auto-crafted item will pop out into the Minecraft world. This is one of the first 1.21 features going into testing, and we’d really like your feedback to help us craft this into its final iteration. Send your feedback here and report bugs at bugs.mojang.com!
(Please note: This Preview and Beta will be rolling out to players around 09:00PDT)
Experimental Features
- Added the Crafter block to the game
- Crafter can be crafted with Redstone Dust, Iron Ingots, Crafting Table, and Dropper
- Crafter uses distinct particles when crafting
- Crafter has distinct sounds for crafting and failing
- Crafter has a blast resistance of 3.5
- A Comparator connected to a Crafter now outputs a signal that is equal to the amount of non-empty slots plus disabled slots
- Moving items into crafter from Hopper or Dropper distributes them evenly instead of first filling the first stack
- Powering the Crafter with Redstone signal makes it craft and output the item
Features and Bug Fixes
- Horizontal End Rod hitboxes are now rotated correctly (MCPE-171597)
Decorated Pots
- Inverted the direction in which Decorated Pots wobble when unsuccessfully interacted with
- Mobs that grow up to be adults and are too large to fit inside Boats will now jump out (MCPE-171870)
Technical Update
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
Moved PlayerInteractWithBlockAfterEvent from beta to 1.7.0
Moved PlayerInteractWithBlockBeforeEvent from beta to 1.7.0
Moved PlayerInteractWithEntityAfterEvent from beta to 1.7.0
Moved PlayerInteractWithEntityBeforeEvent from beta to 1.7.0
- Fixed an issue with upgrading loaded values that have multiple string names
Experimental Features
- Enhanced the bloom pipeline to utilize HDR scene information to more naturally emphasize bright pixels in the Deferred Technical Preview
- Fixed an issue where shadows from non-existent mobs would be rendered in the Deferred Technical Preview
- Fixed a crash that could occur when switching Dimensions in the Deferred Technical Preview
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
Moved PlayerLeaveBeforeEvent from beta to 1.7.0
Moved NumberRange interface to minecraft/common
Moved heightRange: NumberRange from beta to 1.7.0
Moved matches from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function clearDynamicProperties from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicProperties from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicPropertyIds from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicPropertyTotalByteCount from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function setDynamicProperty from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function clearDynamicProperties from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicProperties from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicPropertyIds from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function getDynamicPropertyTotalByteCount from beta to 1.7.0
Moved function setDynamicProperty from beta to 1.7.0
Moved from beta to 1.7.0
Moved offset from beta to 1.7.0
Moved above from beta to 1.7.0
Moved below from beta to 1.7.0
Moved north from beta to 1.7.0
Moved east from beta to 1.7.0
Moved south from beta to 1.7.0
Moved west from beta to 1.7.0
Moved center from beta to 1.7.0
Moved bottomCenter from beta to 1.7.0