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Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Script API

  • Added ScriptGameRules and gameRules for accessing & modifying game rules


  • The “entity_sensor” component’s “range” field now supports two values, the first one for horizontal range and the second one for vertical range
  • This requires a “format_version” of 1.20.70 or higher


The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.

Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples.

Updates this week:

  • The PropertyPane.addDropdown function now returns an IDropdownPropertyItem that can be used to call the new “updateDropdownItems” to change the Dropdown items in an existing Dropdown and optionally set a new currently-selected index. “updateDropdownItems” calls the corresponding “onChange” function but passes -1 in for the oldValue because the list is changing entries
  • Added Cursor delta relative to Player position and the name of the block at the cursor position to the Player position status bar entry
  • Vector3 panes now have a default “minX/Y/Z” of “MIN_SAFE_INTEGER”, allowing negative values to be used
    • The player will now correctly spawn at the current location when the “Spawn at current location” option is checked in the test world property pane
  • Viewport in the editor is no longer incorrectly offset while in a world with deferred graphics enabled

Entity Filters

  • Added new entity filter “was_last_hurt_by”, which checks if the subject is the last player or mob to have recently attack the entity


  • Removed experimental Molang queries
    • biome_has_any_tag
    • biome_has_all_tags
    • self
    • target
    • client_input_type
    • get_nearby_entities
    • get_nearby_entities_except_self
  • Added new Molang API’s that give read access to rider body and head rotations
    • rider_body_x_rotation(riderIndex) => float
    • rider_body_y_rotation(riderIndex) => float
    • rider_head_x_rotation(riderIndex) => float
    • rider_head_y_rotation(riderIndex,clampRotation?) => float
    • ride_body_x_rotation => float
    • ride_body_y_rotation => float
    • ride_head_x_rotation => float
    • ride_head_y_rotation(clampRotation?) => float

NBT Parsing

  • Loading of NBT data is now more restrictive. Negative-length arrays, invalid tag ids, and not enough bytes in a payload are now all treated as errors which will prevent a tag loading where before those conditions were sometimes ignored

Preview Realms

  • Fixed a bug where pressing the back button at the Choose a Subscription screen would cause the “Preview Realms couldn’t load” message under some circumstances

Spawn Rules

  • “minecraft:spawns_on_block_filter” now supports block descriptors
  • “minecraft:spawns_on_block_prevented_filter” now supports block descriptors
  • “minecraft:spawns_above_block_filter” now supports block descriptors