Minecraft Beta & Preview -
- Technical Update
- Full Changelog
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
- Block Custom Components are temporarily removed as of preview, but should be returning in an upcoming preview
- Dynamic imports (e.g., import("/my-module.js")) should be functional again
- BlockTypes will now return valid types for flattened or refactored block names
- EntityMountTamingComponent
- Renamed EntityMountTamingComponent to EntityTameMountComponent
- Renamed setTamed to tame
- Released BlockComponentTypes from beta to 1.10.0
- Released EntityComponentTypes from beta to 1.10.0
- Released ItemComponentTypes from beta to 1.10.0
The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.
Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples.
Fixes this week:
Added a “Reload” button that allows for reloading of the UI when an Ore UI error occurs
Line tool bar icon updated to correct design icon
Experimental Features
- Reduced the strength of saturation in the Deferred Technical Preview
- Fixed a crash that could occur when Point Light Shadows were turned on in the Deferred Technical Preview
- Added item text, status effects, and absorption hearts to the hud command’s list of hud elements (Ex: /hud @s hide item_text)
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
- EntityQueryOptions
- Added field propertyOptions?: EntityQueryPropertyOptions[];
- EntityQueryPropertyOptions
- Added field exclude - If exclude propertyId
- Added field propertyId - Property ID
- Added field value - Target value or comparison
- EqualsComparison
- Added equals
- GreaterThanComparison
- Added greaterThan
- GreaterThanOrEqualsComparison
- Added greaterThanOrEquals
- LessThanComparison
- Added lessThan
- LessThanOrEqualsComparison
- Added lessThanOrEquals
- NotEqualsComparison
- Added notEquals
- RangeComparison
- Added lowerBound and upperBound
- Moved worldInitialize from beta to 1.10.0
- Moved EntityProjectileComponent from beta to 1.10.0
- Removed old Vector Please use Vector3Utils from @minecraft/math as a replacement
- ModalFormData
- Added submitButton method for setting the text of the form’s submit button
- Structure APIs
- Added function setBlockPermutation(location: Vector3, blockPermutation?: BlockPermutation, waterlogged?: boolean): void - Sets the block permutation at a given location within the structure
- StructureManager
- Added function saveToWorld(): void - Persists the structure as part of the broader world storage
- Added function saveAs(identifier: string, saveMode?: StructureSaveMode): Structure - Saves a copy of the structure with a new identifier
- EntityHitBlockAfterEvent
- Added property hitBlockPermutation to beta
Gameplay Update
Posted: March 6, 2024
Information on Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation 4, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
The latest Bedrock Preview just released and there's quite a few changes to test out! You'll now find brand new Wolves roaming the Overworld, Wind Charge improvements, and the Bogged has received an updated look. Your thoughts and comments continue to help shape these game updates so please let us know what you think at feedback.minecraft.net and report any bugs you find on bugs.mojang.com.
Features and Bug Fixes:
Wolf Variants
Eight new wolf variations have come to Minecraft! Read about each one in this paw-some article.
The variant is determined by the biome they spawn in:
- Pale Wolf - The familiar Wolf variant that now spawns in the Taiga biome, with a default pack size of 4
- Woods Wolf - A variant that spawns in the Forest biome. This will be the dominant Wolf variant that you will be able to find in the Overworld, since the Forest biome is very common
- Ashen Wolf - A variant that spawns in the Snowy Taiga biome
- Black Wolf - A variant that spawns in the Old Growth Pine Taiga biome, in smaller packs of 2 to 4
- Chestnut Wolf - A variant that spawns in the Old Growth Spruce Taiga biome, in smaller packs of 2 to 4
- Rusty Wolf - A variant that spawns in a new location for wolves - the Sparse Jungle biome, in smaller packs of 2 to 4
- Spotted Wolf - A variant that spawns in a new location for wolves - the Savanna Plateau biome, in larger packs of 4 to 8
- Striped Wolf - A variant that spawns in a new location for wolves, the Wooded Badlands biome, in larger packs of 4 to 8
- Snowy Wolf - A variant that spawns in the Grove biome. A rare type, that always walks alone
Updated ‘Servers Tab’ Experience in Bedrock Preview
The latest Bedrock Preview revamps the Server Tab in the Play Screen presenting Featured Servers and other servers you add. You will get to enjoy Featured Servers from our partners with exclusive environments, in a new visual style.
Some other features in this new design are the Server Activities and News. You will also be able to add and edit your own custom server (on PC and mobile), setting all the parameters needed to invite your friends and have an enjoyable experience!
- Buckets can once again pick up liquids immediately after being placed (MCPE-176634)
- Fixed a bug where guest players could not add trims to custom armor (MCPE-170317)
- Updated the missing tile texture to a dirt block with brown question mark
- The Lead item now renders correctly when the “Hide Hand” option is selected
- Wolves now correctly leap at their targets (MCPE-19740)
- Rabbits are now more likely to spawn in Groves than before
- Foxes are now less likely to spawn in Groves than before
- Fixed an issue in the Stories opt in flow where a player could be soft locked
- Applied consistent grayed out behavior across all Stories screens for avatars of players opted out of Realms Stories
- Players are now redirected to the first Story page upon posting a new Story
- Selected screenshot will now be saved with story draft if you back out of the ‘Add Story’ page before posting
- Like/comment/option buttons widened to accommodate languages with longer words
- Fixed an issue where a user would be unable to see what they were typing if they typed more text than would fit in the textbox
- Trail Ruins now generate correctly on 32 bit-devices (MCPE-178549)
- Trial Chambers now generate correctly on 32-bit devices (MCPE-178885)
User Interface
Fixed a bug that prevented recipes without unlock criteria from showing up in the recipe book
On touch devices, item transfer animation is now rendered above static items
Resolves issue where “Signing in…” text might not show on the main menu while sign in is actually in progress
Experimental Features:
Wind Charge
- Wind Charge damage has been reduced to 0.5 hearts per hit
- Dispensed Wind Charges now spawn centered
- Wind Charge knockback and power are now in parity with Java Edition (MCPE-178892)
- Player-shot Wind Charges now deal the same damage as the Breeze Wind Charge (MCPE-178903)
- Wind Charges no longer briefly blocks a player ’s vision when thrown (MCPE-178890, MCPE-178896)
- Wind Charges now deal extra knockback to players who are crouching when thrown (MCPE-178897)
- Wind Charges are now centered horizontally to the crosshair when thrown vertically (MCPE-178886)
- The Bogged texture and model have been updated
- The Bogged now drops two Mushrooms (either both Red/Brown or one of each) when sheared
Trial Chambers
Trial Chambers will no longer generate through the edges of the dimension (MCPE-176919)
Technical Update
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
- Block Custom Components are temporarily removed as of preview, but should be returning in an upcoming preview
- Dynamic imports (e.g., import("/my-module.js")) should be functional again
- BlockTypes will now return valid types for flattened or refactored block names
- EntityMountTamingComponent
- Renamed EntityMountTamingComponent to EntityTameMountComponent
- Renamed setTamed to tame
- Released BlockComponentTypes from beta to 1.10.0
- Released EntityComponentTypes from beta to 1.10.0
- Released ItemComponentTypes from beta to 1.10.0
The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.
Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples.
Fixes this week:
Added a “Reload” button that allows for reloading of the UI when an Ore UI error occurs
Line tool bar icon updated to correct design icon
Experimental Features
- Reduced the strength of saturation in the Deferred Technical Preview
- Fixed a crash that could occur when Point Light Shadows were turned on in the Deferred Technical Preview
- Added item text, status effects, and absorption hearts to the hud command’s list of hud elements (Ex: /hud @s hide item_text)
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
- EntityQueryOptions
- Added field propertyOptions?: EntityQueryPropertyOptions[];
- EntityQueryPropertyOptions
- Added field exclude - If exclude propertyId
- Added field propertyId - Property ID
- Added field value - Target value or comparison
- EqualsComparison
- Added equals
- GreaterThanComparison
- Added greaterThan
- GreaterThanOrEqualsComparison
- Added greaterThanOrEquals
- LessThanComparison
- Added lessThan
- LessThanOrEqualsComparison
- Added lessThanOrEquals
- NotEqualsComparison
- Added notEquals
- RangeComparison
- Added lowerBound and upperBound
- Moved worldInitialize from beta to 1.10.0
- Moved EntityProjectileComponent from beta to 1.10.0
- Removed old Vector Please use Vector3Utils from @minecraft/math as a replacement
- ModalFormData
- Added submitButton method for setting the text of the form’s submit button
- Structure APIs
- Added function setBlockPermutation(location: Vector3, blockPermutation?: BlockPermutation, waterlogged?: boolean): void - Sets the block permutation at a given location within the structure
- StructureManager
- Added function saveToWorld(): void - Persists the structure as part of the broader world storage
- Added function saveAs(identifier: string, saveMode?: StructureSaveMode): Structure - Saves a copy of the structure with a new identifier
- EntityHitBlockAfterEvent
- Added property hitBlockPermutation to beta