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Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Script API

  • Fixed some cases when the entityRemove World event would sometimes not be triggered
  • Moved getRedstonePower from beta to 1.15.0


  • Updated the Jigsaw Block
    • Fixed a bug where block data would not be saved when pressing "Done" (MCPE-181405)
    • Updated the Jigsaw Block UI
    • Added Selection Priority and Placement Priority fields


  • The minecraft:follow_orbit preset is no longer behind the experimental toggle


  • Moved the "minecraft:redstone_conductivity" component out of the Upcoming Creator Features experiment for format_versions 1.21.30 and above

Entity Components

  • The "behavior.jump_around_target" can no longer be used by an Entity on top of a Honey Block (MCPE-176991)
  • Jump Boost now increases how high an Entity can jump when using "behavior.jump_around_target" (MCPE-176922)
  • Wind Charges now use the minecraft:explode component instead of minecraft:wind_burst.
  • Expanded minecraft:explode with the following new fields:
    • damage_scaling: A scale factor applied to the explosion's damage to entities. A value of 0 prevents the explosion from dealing any damage. Negative values cause the explosion to heal entities instead
    • toggles_blocks: If true, the explosion will toggle blocks in the explosion radius
    • knockback_scaling: A scale factor applied to the knockback force caused by the explosion
    • particle_effect: The name of the particle effect to use. The accepted strings are wind_burst or breeze_wind_burst. All other inputs will use the default explosion particles
    • sound_effect: The name of the sound effect played when the explosion triggers
    • negates_fall_damage: Defines whether the explosion should apply fall damage negation to Players above the point of collision
    • allow_underwater: If true, the explosion will affect blocks and entities underwater


  • Starting with base game version 1.21.40, built-in biomes_client.json files will no longer be loaded. That file from other packs will continue to be loaded. Water and fog settings are now in individual client_biome.json files in resource packs. When both biomes_client.json and the individual client_biome.json file specify competing values, the loaded biomes_client.json from creator content will have priority


  • Fixed a bug where old block IDs were incorrectly overwriting data of new block IDs from blocks.json format_version 1.21.20 or higher (MCPE-186255)
  • Updated references to old block names in behavior pack color recipe files
  • Updated references to old block names in behavior pack feature files
  • Updated references to old block names in biome definition files

Experimental Features

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Add support for custom items with the "minecraft:block_placer" item component to use the referenced "block" as the icon for the item
    • If the "minecraft:icon" component is specified, it will override the "block" icon
    • Requires the "Upcoming Creator Features" toggle. Must use item json version 1.21.40 or higher

Script API

  • Moved PlayerInteractWithBlockBeforeEvent and PlayerInteractWithBlockAfterEvent from beta to 1.15.0
  • Moved PlayerInteractWithEntityBeforeEvent and PlayerInteractWithEntityAfterEvent from beta to 1.15.0
  • Added enum PlatformType export enum PlatformType { Console = 'Console', Desktop = 'Desktop', Mobile = 'Mobile', } Class ScriptClientSystemInfo
    • Added field platformType
    • Added field maxRenderDistance


  • Added camera relative movement to the "New Third Person Presets" experimental toggle
    • Camera relative movement is enabled on any camera that inherits from minecraft:follow_orbit and sets align_camera_and_target_forward to false


  • Updated some JSON schemas for Deferred Technical Preview resource packs. Creators must update their packs to the new format. Documentation on the Creator Learning Portal will be updated accordingly

    • Split up the contents of lighting/global.json into 3 files: lighting/global.jsonpoint_lights/global.json and pbr/global.json. They contain directional lights + emissive desaturation, point light colors and MERS fallbacks respectively
    • The schema for lighting/global.json is now wrapped in a new "minecraft:lighting_settings" object and also requires a "description" object with an "identifier" string to act as a unique name for your settings. The "format_version" field has also been modified to require a string as opposed to an array of integers, and must use a version of "1.21.40"
    • The filepath for atmospheric scattering files has been relocated to atmospherics/atmospherics.json
    • The schema for atmospherics/atmospherics.json is now wrapped in a new "minecraft:atmosphere_settings" object and also requires a "description" object with an "identifier" string to act as a unique name for your settings. It also requires a "format_version" string, which must be a version of "1.21.40"
    • The schema for color_grading/color_grading.json now requires a "format_version" string, which must be a version of "1.21.40"
    • The schema for water/water.json now requires a "format_version" string, which must be a version of "1.21.40"

    "lighting/global.json" { "minecraft:lighting_settings": { "format_version": "1.21.40", "description": { "identifier": string }, "directional_lights": { "sun": { "illuminance": float, "color": RGB color }, "moon": { "illuminance": float, "color": RGB color }, "orbital_offset_degrees": float }, "emissive": { "desaturation": float } } } "point_lights/global.json" { "minecraft:point_light_settings": { "format_version": "1.21.40", "colors": { "minecraft:block_name": RGB color, ... } } } "pbr/global.json" { "minecraft:pbr_fallback_settings": { "format_version": "1.21.40", "blocks": { "global_metalness_emissive_roughness_subsurface": RGBA color }, "actors": { "global_metalness_emissive_roughness_subsurface": RGBA color }, "particles": { "global_metalness_emissive_roughness_subsurface": RGBA color }, "items": { "global_metalness_emissive_roughness_subsurface": RGBA color } } } "atmospherics/atmospherics.json" { "minecraft:atmosphere_settings": { "format_version": "1.21.40", "description": { "identifier": string }, ... } } "color_grading/color_grading.json" { "minecraft:color_grading_settings": { "format_version": "1.21.40", "description": { "identifier": string }, ... } } "water/water.json" { "minecraft:water_settings": { "format_version": "1.21.40", "description": { "identifier": string }, ... } }


Added query.client_max_render_distance. It returns the max render distance in chunks of the current client. Available on the Client (Resource Packs) only