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Minecraft - 1.20.80 - Armored Paws (Bedrock)

Updated Add-On Template Packs

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.20.80 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation are available to download at


  • Fixed an issue where should_update_bones_and_effects_offscreen and should_update_effects_offscreen were being ignored
  • Fixed an issue where the primary user login was not resolved before launching the world when performing a protocol launch using connect?localLevelId= or connect?localWorld= (MCL-24096)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented custom features in behavior packs from loading
  • Fixed a crash during the load process of localization strings
  • Removed FilterTextPacket

Script API

  • Dynamic imports (e.g., import("/my-module.js")) should be functional again
  • BlockTypes will now return valid types for flattened or refactored block names
  • EntityMountTamingComponent
    • Renamed EntityMountTamingComponent to EntityTameMountComponent
    • Renamed setTamed to tame
  • Released BlockComponentTypes from beta to 1.10.0
  • Released EntityComponentTypes from beta to 1.10.0
  • Released ItemComponentTypes from beta to 1.10.0
  • Removed filters as they currently have no backing implementation
  • Fixing some component isValid methods where they didn’t properly return false in cases where the component had been removed from the Entity
  • Added PaletteColor enum to beta for use with ItemColorComponent/ItemColor2Component
  • Added ItemColor2Component to beta for reading minecraft:color2
  • Setting a dynamic property with a key larger than 32kb now will result in an exception
  • Moved EntityType and EntityTypes from beta to 1.11.0
  • Released playMusic_,Player.queueMusic_, Player.stopMusic from beta to 1.11.0
  • Removed BlockAreaSize from beta and replaced usages with Vector3
  • Renamed parameter itemCategory in getItemCooldown and player.startItemCooldown to cooldownCategory
  • Changed type to only EnchantmentType to follow API guidelines
  • Added EnchantmentSlot and slots to beta for determining the enchantable slots of an item
  • Added ‘minecraft:custom_components’ block component under the Beta APIs feature flag


  • Added spawn categories to Bedrock. They will be used in the future for mob spawning. Spawn categories have been enabled in entity behavior pack files, but are not yet functional


  • Blocks using custom tags in the “crafting_tags” field of their custom blocks with a “minecraft:crafting_table” component now support custom unlockable recipes (MCPE-175555)
    • This fixed a bug where some recipes did not show up when recipe unlocking was on
  • “sapling” block is now split into unique instances: “oak_sapling”, “spruce_sapling”, “birch_sapling”, “jungle_sapling”, “acacia_sapling” and “dark_oak_sapling”
  • “coral_fan” block is now split into unique instances: “tube_coral_fan”, “brain_coral_fan”, “bubble_coral_fan”, “fire_coral_fan” and “horn_coral_fan”
  • “coral_fan_dead” block is now split into unique instances: “dead_tube_coral_fan”, “dead_brain_coral_fan”, “dead_bubble_coral_fan”, “dead_fire_coral_fan” and “dead_horn_coral_fan”
  • “red_flower” block is now split into unique instances: “poppy”, “blue_orchid”, “allium”, “azure_bluet”, “red_tulip”, “orange_tulip”, “white_tulip”, “pink_tulip”, “oxeye_daisy”, “cornflower”, and “lily_of_the_valley”


  • Added the “extend_player_rendering” camera component which allows for players (and any entities they are connected to through riding and leashes) to be rendered even if they are beyond the max entity render distance
  • Added “extend_player_rendering” component to the “minecraft:free” camera
    • This component is intended to be an enhancement and improvement to current functionality and as such will be “set to true” by default.
    • Setting this component to false will remove the added rendering capability.
    • More information on this and other camera capabilities can be found at Camera Command Introduction | Microsoft Learn
  • The server now sends chunks and actors around the camera to the client if that information already exists on the server even when the camera is placed far away from the player


  • Moved the /hud command out of Upcoming Creator Features experimental toggle.
  • Updated /titleraw and /tellraw to include support for rendering input key glyphs.


  • The “interact” component’s fields “equip_item_slot” and “drop_item_slot” now support both armor and inventory slots:
    • Armor slots are specified as ‘slot.armor.head’, ‘slot.armor.chest’, ‘slot.armor.legs’, and ‘slot.armor.feet’
    • Inventory slots are specified as positive numbers, now expressed as strings
    • This change requires a world version of 1.20.80 or higher
  • Added “repair_entity_item” field to the “interact” component, which allows to repair an item in one of the entity’s inventory or armor slots
  • Entities running "behavior.follow_owner" no longer risk getting stuck into each other when teleporting to their owner
  • Added the “minecraft:body_rotation_blocked” component, which prevents an entity from visually rotating their body to match their own facing direction
  • The durations and cooldowns of “behavior.timer_flag_1,” “behavior.timer_flag_2,” and “behavior.timer_flag_3” are now correctly randomized on both start and stop, rather than only on spawn

Entity Filters

  • Added new entity filter “is_sitting”, which checks if the entity is sitting
  • Added new entity filter “has_damaged_equipment”, which checks if the entity has a certain damaged piece of equipment in the specified slot 


  • Added new query “query.armor_slot_damage”, which returns the damage value of the armor item in the specified slot


Experimental Features

Script API

  • Added BlockComponentStepOnEvent for beta
  • Added BlockRegistry for beta
  • Added WorldInitializeBeforeEvent
  • Added BlockCustomComponent
  • Dimension:
    • Added function getBlocks(volume: BlockVolumeBase, filter: BlockFilter, allowUnloadedChunks?: boolean): ListBlockVolume - Gets the blocks in a volume if it matches the filter
    • Added function containsBlock(volume: BlockVolumeBase, filter: BlockFilter, allowUnloadedChunks?: boolean): boolean - Returns true if the block in volume matches the filter, false otherwise
  • Moved ItemCooldownComponent from beta to 1.10.0
  • Added BlockComponentStepOffEvent for beta
  • Added onStepOff to BlockCustomComponent
  • Added BlockComponentRandomTickEvent for beta
  • Added onRandomTick to BlockCustomComponent
  • StructureManager:
    • Added getIds(): string - Returns a list of identifiers including all structures saved to memory and the world
    • Fixed a bug where the delete function would not remove structures that were previously saved to the world but not loaded
    • Changed the default save mode of createEmpty to Memory
  • EntityQueryOptions
    • Added field propertyOptions?: EntityQueryPropertyOptions[];
  • EntityQueryPropertyOptions
    • Added field exclude - If exclude propertyId
    • Added field propertyId - Property ID
    • Added field value - Target value or comparison
  • EqualsComparison
    • Added equals
  • GreaterThanComparison
    • Added greaterThan
  • GreaterThanOrEqualsComparison
    • Added greaterThanOrEquals
  • LessThanComparison
    • Added lessThan
  • LessThanOrEqualsComparison
    • Added lessThanOrEquals
  • NotEqualsComparison
    • Added notEquals
  • RangeComparison
    • Added lowerBound and upperBound
    • Moved worldInitialize from beta to 1.10.0
  • Moved EntityProjectileComponent from beta to 1.10.0
  • Removed old Vector Please use Vector3Utils from @minecraft/math as a replacement
  • ModalFormData
    • Added submitButton method for setting the text of the form’s submit button
  • Structure APIs
    • Added function setBlockPermutation(location: Vector3, blockPermutation?: BlockPermutation, waterlogged?: boolean): void - Sets the block permutation at a given location within the structure
  • StructureManager
    • Added function saveToWorld(): void - Persists the structure as part of the broader world storage
    • Added function saveAs(identifier: string, saveMode?: StructureSaveMode): Structure - Saves a copy of the structure with a new identifier
  • EntityHitBlockAfterEvent
    • Added property hitBlockPermutation to beta
  • Creator Settings menu has a new option to automatically connect the debugger on world load (or /reload). This will make it easier to set (and catch) breakpoints at load and avoids the hassle of typing out the debugger slash command
  • Added class ListBlockVolume which extends BaseBlockVolume - A volume that stores multiple block locations
  • Structure
    • Renamed class StructureTemplate to Structure
    • Added read-only property size: Vector3 - Returns the size of the structure in blocks
    • Added function getBlockPermutation(location: Vector3): BlockPermutation | undefined; - Returns the block permutation at the given location within the structure
    • Added function isValid(): boolean - Returns false if the structure has been deleted
    • Added function getIsWaterlogged(location: Vector3): boolean; - Returns whether the block at the given location is waterlogged
  • Added an optional SpawnEntityOptions with a boolean initialPersistence field to the spawnEntity(…) function to support persistent entities in Editor tooling
  • place now places rotated structures the same way as the /structure command (MCPE-179447)
  • Moved getItemStack(amount?: number, withData?: boolean): ItemStack | undefined from beta to 1.10.0
  • Moved getItemStack(amount?: number): ItemStack | undefined from beta to 1.10.0
  • EntityAgeableComponent
    • Added property transformToItem to beta
  • EntityDefinitionFeedItem
    • Updated property item to return name with namespace in beta
  • Moved EntityTypeFamilyComponent from beta to 1.10.0
  • Added BlockComponentTickEvent for beta
    • Added ‘onTick’
  • Added BlockComponentEntityFallOnEvent for beta
    • Added ‘onEntityFallOn’
  • Added BlockComponentPlayerPlaceBeforeEvent for beta
    • Added ‘beforeOnPlayerPlace’
  • Added BlockComponentPlayerInteractEvent for beta
    • Added ‘onPlayerInteract’
  • Added BlockComponentPlayerDestroyEvent for beta
    • Added ‘onPlayerDestroy’
  • Added BlockComponentOnPlaceEvent for beta
    • Added ‘onPlace’
  • Added ItemComponentRegistry for beta
  • Added ItemCustomComponent for beta
  • Added ItemComponentUseEvent for beta
    • Moved structureManager from beta to 1.10.0
  • Structure Manager
    • Moved createEmpty from beta to 1.10.0
    • Moved delete from beta to 1.10.0
    • Moved get from beta to 1.10.0
    • Moved place from beta to 1.10.0
    • Moved id from beta to 1.1.0
    • Moved getBlockPermutation from beta to 1.10.0
    • Moved getIsWaterlogged from beta to 1.10.0
    • Moved isValid from beta to 1.10.0
  • Moved StructureSaveMode from beta to 1.10.0
  • Moved StructureRotation from beta to 1.10.0
  • Moved StructureAnimationMode from beta to 1.10.0
  • Moved StructureMirrorAxis from beta to 1.10.0
  • Removed StructureReadOptions
  • Moved StructureCreateOptions from beta to 1.10.0
  • Moved StructurePlaceOptions from beta to 1.10.0
  • Moved InvalidStructureError from beta to 1.10.0


  • Added ‘minecraft:entity_fall_on’ block component behind the Beta API experiment
  • Added ‘minecraft:tick’ block component behind the Beta API experiment


  • Improved performance for the /give and /replaceitem No server lag if there is no target (MCPE-162190)

Entity Components

  • Added property passengerMaxWidth to EntityRideableComponent
  • Added property seatRotation to Seat


  • Added ‘minecraft:custom_components’ item component under the Beta APIs feature flag