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Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.21.40 - Bundles of Bravery

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Fixed a bug where using "bone_visibility" for a block geometry would cause the "item_display_transforms" not to be applied properly (MCPE-185868)
  • Fixed issue which prevented the new 1.21.30 trade table format from loading in-game 
  • New Beta options in "minecraft:looked_at" and "minecraft:home" entity components now properly require that "use_beta_features" is specified in the root JSON object 

Script API

  • Fixed method ItemStack.getComponents from returning components that are unsupported in the current @minecraft/server version

  • Fixed issue where invalid ModalFormData would never reject or resolve its promise (MCPE-178148

  • BlockLiquidContainerComponents API (water, lava, potion, snow) have been removed from beta 

  • BlockFluidContainerComponent API has been added to beta, replacing the BlockLiquidContainerComponents

  • Fixed some cases when the entityRemove World event would sometimes not be triggered 

  • Fixed a crash that could occur with getDimension when called within onBeforeActorRemove on an entity that was invalid 

  • Moved getRedstonePower from beta to 1.15.0 

  • Moved isHardcore from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved EntityBreathableComponent from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved breathesAir from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved breathesLava from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved breathesSolids from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved breathesWater from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved generatesBubbles from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved inhaleTime from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved suffocateTime from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved totalSupply from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved componentId from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved getBreatheBlocks() from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved getNonBreatheBlocks() from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved class BlockLocationIterator from beta to 1.15.0

  • Moved class InvalidIteratorError from beta to 1.15.0 

  • Moved property BlockVolumeBase.getBlockLocationIterator from beta to 1.15.0 

  • Moved enum BlockVolumeIntersection from beta to 1.15.0 

  • Moved class BlockVolume from beta to 1.15.0 

  • Added the DyeableItemComponent to beta 

  • Moved PlayerInteractWithBlockBeforeEvent and PlayerInteractWithBlockAfterEvent from beta to 1.15.0 

  • Moved PlayerInteractWithEntityBeforeEvent and PlayerInteractWithEntityAfterEvent from beta to 1.15.0 


  • Added content warning when "carried_textures" or "blockshape" are incorrectly written in blocks.json
  • Updated the Jigsaw Block
    • Fixed a bug where block data would not be saved when pressing "Done" (MCPE-181405)
    • Updated the Jigsaw Block UI
    • Added Selection Priority and Placement Priority fields


  • The minecraft:follow_orbit preset is no longer behind the experimental toggle 


  • Added new overloads for the schedule command which allows you to clear a queued function 
    • /schedule clear \<function name\> - Clears all queued functions matching the given name
    • /schedule on_area_loaded clear function \<function name\> - Clears all queued functions that are scheduled as on_area_load by name
    • /schedule on_area_loaded clear tickingarea \<tickingarea name\> [function name] - Clears all queued functions that are scheduled as on_area_load by ticking area name (and optionally also checks function name too)


  • The "restriction_type" field has been added to the "minecraft:home" component, allowing to define how an entity is restricted to its home position:
    • Its values are:
      • "none", which poses no restriction
      • "random_movement", which restricts randomized movement around the home position
      • "all_movement", which restricts any kind of movement around the home position
    • The "all_movement" value is currently in [Beta] and is planned to be fully released at a later date
    • Entities that have moved too far from their home will always be able to move closer to it if prompted
    • The radius of the restriction is still specified with "restriction_radius"
    • Entities with a format version prior to 1.21.40 will be upgraded to use the new field in a way that preserves their existing behavior
  • Added the "minecraft:dimension_bound" component, which prevents entities from changing dimension through portals 
    • In Vanilla content, this is used by the Ender Dragon, the Fishing Hook, and some projectiles
  • Added the "minecraft:transient" component, entities with this component will never be saved. In Vanilla content, this is currently used for the Fishing Hook
  • Renamed the "minecraft:lookat" component to "minecraft:looked_at" to better reflect its functionality
    • Its "look_event" field was also renamed to "looked_at_event"
    • Its "look_cooldown" field was also renamed to "looked_at_cooldown"
  • Expanded the "minecraft:looked_at" component functionality with the addition of six new [Beta] fields: 
    • "find_players_only" restricts the search for entities looking at the owner entity to Players only, ensuring that the closest Player satisfying the specified "filters" is selected
    • "look_at_locations" defines the parts of the owner entity that are targeted for being looked at
      • For these parts, a line-of-sight check is performed to ensure no blocks obstruct the view
      • Supported values are "head", "body", and "feet"
    • "not_looked_at_event" specifies the event to trigger when no suitable entity is looking at the owner entity
    • "field_of_view" defines the width of the field of view, in degrees, for entities looking at the owner entity:
      • If "scale_fov_by_distance" is set to true, this value corresponds to the field of view at a distance of one block between the entities
    • "scale_fov_by_distance" determines if the field of view narrows as the distance between the owner entity and the entity looking at it increases
      • This ensures that the width of the view cone at the owner entity position remains relatively constant, regardless of distance
    • "line_of_sight_obstruction_type" defines which block shape is considered when checking for line-of-sight obstructions
      • Supported values are "outline," "collision," and "collision_for_camera"
    • Moreover, "set_target" now supports three different values:
      • "never", looking entities are never set as targets, but events are emitted
      • "once_and_stop_scanning", the first detected looking entity is set as target, but scanning and event emission is suspended if and until the owner entity has a target
      • [Beta] "once_and_keep_scanning", the first detected looking entity is set as target, but scanning and event emission continues
    • All these fields are planned to be taken out of [Beta] and fully released at a later date
  • Moved the "minecraft:redstone_conductivity" component out of the Upcoming Creator Features experiment for format_versions 1.21.30 and above 
  • The "minecraft:damage_sensor" component's "deals_damage" field now supports three values: 
    • "yes", received damage is applied to the entity
    • "no", received damage is not applied to the entity
    • "no_but_side_effects_apply", received damage is not applied to the entity, but the side effects of the attack are
      • This means that the attacker's weapon loses durability, enchantment side effects are applied, etc.
    • Pre-existing content will be automatically updated to maintain its original behavior
  • Removed support for the "allow_invulnerable" field from the "minecraft:looked_at component" 
    • This field never had any functionality, so this change won't affect pre-existing or future content in any way
    • The field will be ignored for any content with a format version lower than 1.21.40
    • A content error will be emitted for any content with a format version equal to or higher than 1.21.40 that still uses this field


  • Horse armor now correctly renders on horses when using resource packs with a minimum engine version of 1.17.0 or lower (MCPE-185316)

Entity Components

  • "behavior.fire_at_target" is no longer usable if it is missing a projectile definition and will now throw a content error if so

Entity Event Responses

  • Added the "execute_event_on_home_block" entity event response, which allows the entity to execute an event on the block at its home position
    • The "event" field allows to specify the event to execute
    • For this to work properly, the entity must have a "minecraft:home" component with a set home position
  • Added the "reset_target" entity event response, which allows an entity to reset its target 
  • The "behavior.jump_around_target" can no longer be used by an Entity on top of a Honey Block (MCPE-176991
  • Jump Boost now increases how high an Entity can jump when using "behavior.jump_around_target" (MCPE-176922)
  • Wind Charges now use the minecraft:explode component instead of minecraft:wind_burst
  • Expanded minecraft:explode with the following new fields:
    • damage_scaling: A scale factor applied to the explosion's damage to entities. A value of 0 prevents the explosion from dealing any damage. Negative values cause the explosion to heal entities instead
    • toggles_blocks: If true, the explosion will toggle blocks in the explosion radius
    • knockback_scaling: A scale factor applied to the knockback force caused by the explosion
    • particle_effect: The name of the particle effect to use. The accepted strings are wind_burst or breeze_wind_burst. All other inputs will use the default explosion particles
    • sound_effect: The name of the sound effect played when the explosion triggers
    • negates_fall_damage: Defines whether the explosion should apply fall damage negation to Players above the point of collision
    • allow_underwater: If true, the explosion will affect blocks and entities underwater


  • Using unsupported feature placement in "pregeneration_pass" will now throw a content error instead of crash


  • Made the following changes to 'minecraft:single_block_feature'
    • 'places_block' now supports a list of weighted block specifiers
    • New 'randomize_rotation' property
    • New 'may_not_attach_to' placement conditions
    • Added 'diagonal' as a new option for 'may_attach_to' conditions
    • File format version increased to 1.21.40


  • Fixed bug where the tessellation of Redstone dust does not match the powered state of the dust for the following blocks: 
    • minecraft:*_slab
    • minecraft:chain
    • minecraft:chorus_flower
    • minecraft:chorus_plant
    • minecraft:farmland
    • minecraft:grass_path
    • minecraft:heavy_core
    • minecraft:jigsaw
    • minecraft:sea_lantern
    • minecraft:sniffer_egg
    • minecraft:structure_block
  • Add new the_end.client_biome.json as the first new type of file to contain per-biome rendering and audio settings in resource packs 
  • Starting with base game version 1.21.40, built-in biomes_client.json files will no longer be loaded. That file from other packs will continue to be loaded. Water and fog settings are now in individual client_biome.json files in resource packs. When both biomes_client.json and the individual client_biome.json file specify competing values, the loaded biomes_client.json from creator content will have priority


  • Fixed a bug where old block IDs were incorrectly overwriting data of new block IDs from blocks.json format_version 1.21.20 or higher (MCPE-186255
  • Updated references to old block names in behavior pack color recipe files 
  • Updated references to old block names in behavior pack feature files
  • Updated references to old block names in biome definition files


  • The "minecraft:item" object is parsed with a strict loader from 1.21.40
    • Numbers and booleans are no longer interchangeable in the JSON input
    • Floating point numbers are no longer accepted where an integer is expected


  • Molang queries "wing_flap_position" and "wing_flap_speed" now work for the Chicken 

Resource and Behavior Packs

  • Built-in packs now include archive files for improved load performance on some platforms 

Stability and Performance

  • Increased the size of biome ids in saved chunk data from 8 bit to 16 bit values 
  • Fixed a bug where extremely fast moving entities would cause the game to crash. Entities can now no longer move more than 16 blocks in a single tick. (For reference, an entity with Speed 255 will move ~11 blocks in a single tick.)
  • Game will no longer crash when loading a world near an End City
  • Worlds created with Experimental Custom Biomes before Caves & Cliffs update will have their Custom Biomes in Chunks replaced with a default Biome (Ocean for Overworld)
  • Custom biome ids are now assigned with values starting at 30,000 and are stored in 'BiomeIdsTable' in world data so their id assignments persist for the duration of the world 
  • Made a change on Nintendo Switch which may help neighboring chunks to load quicker when player has maximum framerate set (MCPE-120971)

Resource and Behavior Packs

  • Fixed an issue where packs were not downloaded or applied when joining a server that had CDN enabled
  • Fixed an issue where user choice for downloading/applying resource packs during server join was ignored when CDN is enabled on the server


  • Fixed an issue where trades with negative 'max_use' values could not be traded

Experimental Features

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Add support for custom items with the "minecraft:block_placer" item component to use the referenced "block" as the icon for the item
    • If the "minecraft:icon" component is specified, it will override the "block" icon
    • Requires the "Upcoming Creator Features" toggle. Must use item json version 1.21.40 or higher
  • Added "replace_block_item" field to the "minecraft:block_placer" item component. This field allows you to specify that this item should replace the default item created for the data-driven block it places. To use this field, the identifier of the item must match the identifier of the block it places. This field is optional and defaults to false. 

Script API

  • Added enum PlatformType
    export enum PlatformType {
    Console = 'Console',
    Desktop = 'Desktop',
    Mobile = 'Mobile',
    Class ScriptClientSystemInfo
    • Added field platformType
    • Added field maxRenderDistance


  • Fixed an issue where rider_rotation_lock of minecraft:rideable had no effect when using the minecraft:follow_orbit camera
  • Added minecraft:camera_attach_to_player to minecraft:follow_orbit 
  • Added align_target_and_camera_forward option to the camera preset behavior pack JSON which can be used when the third person camera preset experiment is enabled 
  • 3rd person camera experiment - The radius property of the creator cameras is now constrained to a value between 0.1 and 100
  • Third person boom camera will now reset to the starting rotation values specified in json when the 'default' parameter is passed in the camera command
  • Added camera relative movement to the "New Third Person Presets" experimental toggle 
    • Camera relative movement is enabled on any camera that inherits from minecraft:follow_orbit and sets align_camera_and_target_forward to false
  • Added horizontal and vertical rotation limits to the Focus Target Camera experimental toggle 
  • Added "continue_targeting" bool to the Focus Target Camera experimental toggle for tracking entities outside of set rotation limits 


  • Adding under upcoming creator features:
    • query.client_memory_tier. Returns a number representing the client RAM memory tier, 0 = 'Undetermined', 1 = 'SuperLow', 2 = 'Low', 3 = 'Mid', 4 = 'High', or 5 = 'SuperHigh'. Available on the Client (Resource Packs) only
    • query.server_memory_tier. Returns a number representing the server RAM memory tier, 0 = 'Undetermined', 1 = 'SuperLow', 2 = 'Low', 3 = 'Mid', 4 = 'High', or 5 = 'SuperHigh'. Available on the server side (Behavior Packs) only


  • Added enum MemoryTier

    export enum MemoryTier { Undetermined = 0, SuperLow = 1, Low = 2, Mid = 3, High = 4, SuperHigh = 5 }

  • Added base class SystemInfo

    • Field MemoryTier
  • Added class ClientSystemInfo.

    • Field MemoryTier
  • Class Player

    • Added property clientSystemInfo
  • Class System

    • Added property serverSystemInfo