Minecraft Beta - (Xbox One/Windows 10/Android)
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New Experimental Feature: Volumes!
- Create volumes in your world: simply create a "volumes" folder in a saved world, and put json files in there - 1 json file per volume. More information can be found on the beta behaviour pack documentation
- Currently, you can attach a fog - minecraft or your own custom fog - to a volume. When the player enters the volume, the fog will take effect
- Added AddVolumeEntityPacket that contains information of a volume entity including its net ID and NBT containing information about the volume's definition and components, which will be added to the client's registry
- Added RemoveVolumeEntityPacket that contains a volume entity's net ID to remove it from the client's registry
- Added a new optional flag "use_simplified_breeding" to "minecraft:genetics" component. When this flag is set to true, the offspring never inherits hidden alleles of parents as main alleles and main as hidden. This allows to implement simple breeding logic easier
GameTest Framework
- [Removed] function setColor(color : Number)
- property value : Number - Gets or sets the color of the entity
Added additional component interfaces. movement, navigation, healable, breathable, ageable, and tameable components can be referenced via entity.getComponent(componentName : string).
Container - New interface for interacting with entity containers. Can be referenced via entity.getComponent("inventory").container
function setItem(slot : Number, itemStack : ItemStack) - Adds itemStack to the container at the given slot
function getItem(slot : Number) : ItemStack - Gets the itemStack at the given slot
function addItem(itemStack : ItemStack) - Adds the given itemStack to the first available slot of the container
function transferItem(fromSlot : Number, toSlot : Number, toContainer : Container) - Transfers an ItemStack from fromSlot of the container to toSlot of toContainer
function swapItems(slot : Number, otherSlot : Number, otherContainer : Container) - Swaps ItemStacks between slot of the container and otherSlot of otherContainer
function worldLocation(relativeLocation : BlockLocation) - Transforms the coordinates of given GameTest location to its corresponding world location
function relativeLocation(worldLocation : BlockLocation) - Transforms the coordinates of given world location to its corresponding GameTest location
Posted: May 06, 2021
PLEASE READ before participating in the Minecraft Beta:
- Joining the beta will replace your game with a work in progress version of Minecraft
- You will not have access to Realms and will not be able to join non-beta players while you're previewing the beta
- Any worlds played while in the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of the game so please make copies of worlds to prevent losing them
- Beta builds can be unstable and are not representative of final version quality
- The beta is available only on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
It's time for another Caves & Cliffs beta update! Please continue to leave us your feedback in the threads at aka.ms/CavesCliffsFeedback, and search and reports any new bugs you may encounter at bugs.mojang.com.
Caves & Cliffs - Experimental Features
- Minecarts with Chests can also appear in Mineshafts at -y
- Strongholds will be more hidden in larger caves
- Fixed a bug where Shulkers would not teleport below y=0 (MCPE-121810)
Caves & Cliffs - Non-Experimental
- Axolotl can no longer move on its own while playing dead (MCPE-124128)
- Axolotls no longer play dead on land
Powder Snow
- Dispensers can now dispense a Powder Snow Block using a Powder Snow Bucket
- Skeletons no longer freeze when standing inside of Powder Snow, and will transform into strays after 45 seconds (MCPE-116781)
- Mobs can now pathfind properly on top of Powder Snow (MCPE-118214)
- Vanilla Parity: Powder Snow can no longer support Scaffolding (MCPE-120947)
- Vanilla Parity: Mining time of Powder Snow Block now matches mining time in Java Edition
- Players can no longer Jump on top of Powder Snow to avoid sinking (MCPE-112023)
Azalea Leaf
- Azalea and Flowering Azalea leaves now drop themself when mined with Silk Touch tools
Caves and Cliffs
- Infested variants of Deepslate can be found in Extreme Hills biome
- Block of Copper is now crafted with 9 Copper Ingots
- Block of Copper can be crafted down into 9 Copper Ingots
- Copper Ore and Deepslate Copper now drop 2-3 Raw Copper
- Raw Iron, Copper, and Gold item textures have been updated
- Block of Raw Iron, Copper, and Gold textures have been updated
- Compass and Clock textures have been updated
Spore Blossom
- Spore Blossom no longer survives in water
- Copper now has correct graphical and sound effects when waxing/dewaxing (MCPE-121827)
- Underside of leaves now render correctly when placed on top of Copper Slabs
Glow Squid
- Squid and Glow Squid now make a specific sound when they let ink out
- Old signs no longer glow when being dyed (MCPE-117835)
- Increased chances of getting screamer goat by breeding screamer goat with non-screamer goat
- Fixed an issue where first person offhand items were rendered when zooming in with the Spyglass (MCPE-125825)
Pointed Dripstone
- Stalactites now drip water a bit more often when filling Cauldrons
Raw Gold
- Piglins now admire Block of Raw Gold
- Piglins now admire Raw Gold
Rooted Dirt
- Tiling Rooted Dirt turns does no longer instantly turn it into Farmland block
- Spyglass is now part of the "Equipment" category in the Creative inventory (MCPE-126079)
Vanilla Parity
- Falling blocks now break when landing on Shulkers
User Interface
- Fixed controller cursor sensitivity scaling (MCPE-33868)
- Fixed a bug preventing users from reassigning key 'E' in "Keyboard & Mouse" settings (MCPE-124224)
- Fixed issue where Minecart with Command Block was not affected by the 'CommandBlocksEnabled' gamerule (MCPE-93666)
- The '/kick' command works properly if cheats and command blocks are disabled, and it no longer uses target selectors
New Experimental Feature: Volumes!
- Create volumes in your world: simply create a "volumes" folder in a saved world, and put json files in there - 1 json file per volume. More information can be found on the beta behaviour pack documentation
- Currently, you can attach a fog - minecraft or your own custom fog - to a volume. When the player enters the volume, the fog will take effect
- Added AddVolumeEntityPacket that contains information of a volume entity including its net ID and NBT containing information about the volume's definition and components, which will be added to the client's registry
- Added RemoveVolumeEntityPacket that contains a volume entity's net ID to remove it from the client's registry
- Added a new optional flag "use_simplified_breeding" to "minecraft:genetics" component. When this flag is set to true, the offspring never inherits hidden alleles of parents as main alleles and main as hidden. This allows to implement simple breeding logic easier
GameTest Framework
- [Removed] function setColor(color : Number)
- property value : Number - Gets or sets the color of the entity
Added additional component interfaces. movement, navigation, healable, breathable, ageable, and tameable components can be referenced via entity.getComponent(componentName : string).
Container - New interface for interacting with entity containers. Can be referenced via entity.getComponent("inventory").container
function setItem(slot : Number, itemStack : ItemStack) - Adds itemStack to the container at the given slot
function getItem(slot : Number) : ItemStack - Gets the itemStack at the given slot
function addItem(itemStack : ItemStack) - Adds the given itemStack to the first available slot of the container
function transferItem(fromSlot : Number, toSlot : Number, toContainer : Container) - Transfers an ItemStack from fromSlot of the container to toSlot of toContainer
function swapItems(slot : Number, otherSlot : Number, otherContainer : Container) - Swaps ItemStacks between slot of the container and otherSlot of otherContainer
function worldLocation(relativeLocation : BlockLocation) - Transforms the coordinates of given GameTest location to its corresponding world location
function relativeLocation(worldLocation : BlockLocation) - Transforms the coordinates of given world location to its corresponding GameTest location