
Minecraft Beta - (Xbox One/Windows 10/Android)

New Experimental Feature: Volumes! 

  • Create volumes in your world: simply create a "volumes" folder in a saved world, and put json files in there - 1 json file per volume. More information can be found on the beta behaviour pack documentation 
  • Currently, you can attach a fog - minecraft or your own custom fog - to a volume. When the player enters the volume, the fog will take effect 


  • Added AddVolumeEntityPacket that contains information of a volume entity including its net ID and NBT containing information about the volume's definition and components, which will be added to the client's registry
  • Added RemoveVolumeEntityPacket that contains a volume entity's net ID to remove it from the client's registry


  • Added a new optional flag "use_simplified_breeding" to "minecraft:genetics" component. When this flag is set to true, the offspring never inherits hidden alleles of parents as main alleles and main as hidden. This allows to implement simple breeding logic easier

GameTest Framework

  • Components

    • [Removed] function setColor(color : Number)
    • property value : Number - Gets or sets the color of the entity
  • Added additional component interfaces. movement, navigation, healable, breathable, ageable, and tameable components can be referenced via entity.getComponent(componentName : string).

  • minecraft:color

  • Container - New interface for interacting with entity containers. Can be referenced via entity.getComponent("inventory").container

  • function setItem(slot : Number, itemStack : ItemStack) - Adds itemStack to the container at the given slot

  • function getItem(slot : Number) : ItemStack - Gets the itemStack at the given slot

  • function addItem(itemStack : ItemStack) - Adds the given itemStack to the first available slot of the container

  • function transferItem(fromSlot : Number, toSlot : Number, toContainer : Container) - Transfers an ItemStack from fromSlot of the container to toSlot of toContainer

  • function swapItems(slot : Number, otherSlot : Number, otherContainer : Container) - Swaps ItemStacks between slot of the container and otherSlot of otherContainer

  • function worldLocation(relativeLocation : BlockLocation) - Transforms the coordinates of given GameTest location to its corresponding world location

  • function relativeLocation(worldLocation : BlockLocation) - Transforms the coordinates of given world location to its corresponding GameTest location