
Minecraft Beta - (Xbox One/Windows 10/Android)

EDU / Chemistry

  • New chemistry material reductions can be defined in the JSON files
  • Chalkboards now appear consistently when being placed


  • The '/clone' command now copies signal strength for Levers and Redstone Dust
  • The '/structure' command can now specify a <to: x y z> position argument with y below 0 as long as it is equal or above the minimum height for that dimension
  • Added functionality for Intellisense options: "d" and "default" in the gamemode command selector
  • Minecart with Command Block can now use the self selector (@s) in its commands to target itself (MCPE-60126)
  • The "/time set" command now sets the correct time and day when specifying a time above 24000 or below the current time (e.g. "/time set 0" sets the day to 0, "/time set 28000" sets the day to 1), and "/time" can now set or add to a negative world time (MCPE-43394)


  • Updated documentation formatting for item components
  • Using water buckets to collect fish has been version locked to prevent breaking old world templates


  • Fixed the ability to add launch point positional offset for projectiles spawned with the 'spawn_entity' component
  • Fixed the ability to add angular offset to launch vector for projectiles spawned with the 'spawn_entity' component
  • Fixed offset not working for projectiles summoned through an interaction
  • Fixed projectile 'angleoffset' value only reflected if shooter is riding another entity
  • Fixed rotation of projectile launchpoint around a mob when projectile offset specified


  • Fixed 'query.item_remaining_use_duration' having improperly scaled or inverted results (This is to fix a Versioned Change as of engine version 1.17.30)
  • Added 'query.facing_target_to_range_attack', which returns whether or not the queried actor's 'minecraft:behavior.ranged_attack' goal is currently running

Molang Documentation

  • Improved Molang documentation related to experiments
    • Experimental queries and language expressions now list which experiment(s) they require to be available
  • Versioned Changes are now detailed in the documentation, starting with the 'query.item_remaining_use_duration' fix