
Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Actor Filters

  • Created new actor filters "on_fire", "on_hot_block", "target_distance", and "actor_health"


  • Added new Molang is_local_player to allow detection of the current player

AI Goals

  • The "celebrate_survive" AI behavior will now consider the highest rain passable block in addition to sky visibility before firing fireworks
  • The "move_outdoors" AI behavior will now consider the highest rain passable block in addition to sky visibility when searching for a place to consider as being outdoors
  • Exposed new data parameters for the "trade_with_player" AI behavior to specify such things as the conditions that need to be met for the goal to start and the max distance the mob can be from its trading player before exiting the goal

Stability and Performance

  • Fixed a crash on Xbox when the Edit World Button on the Select World Screen has quick successive selections

Technical Experimental Features

Script API

  • Container
    • Added function clearItem(slot: number): void- Clears the item at the given slot index
    • Added function clearAll(): void- Clears all items in the container
    • Made the _itemStack_argument of function setItem optional - If not provided, the slot is cleared
    • Added event events.playerSpawn- Fires when a player spawns in the world
    • Renamed event _events.entityCreate_to world.events.entitySpawn. This event no longer fires for players
  • PlayerJoinEvent
    • Added read-only property playerId- The unique ID of the player that joined the world
    • Added read-only property playerName- The name of the player that joined the world
    • Removed property player
  • PlayerLeaveEvent
    • Added read-only property playerId- The unique ID of the player that left the world
  • SimulatedPlayer
    • Added function respawn()- Respawns the SimulatedPlayer if it's dead
    • Added function disconnect()- Removes the SimulatedPlayer from the world
    • Added function getSlot(slot: number): ContainerSlot- Returns the slot at the given container slot index
  • ContainerSlot
    • Added class ContainerSlot- Used to directly manipulate items stored within a container
    • Renamed entity property _viewVector_to viewDirection and now returns Vector3
    • Renamed entity function g_etEntitiesFromViewVector_to getEntitiesFromViewDirection
    • Renamed entity function _getBlockFromViewVector_to getBlockFromViewDirection
  • Renamed IRawMessage to RawMessage for naming consistency


  • Release BlockSelectionBoxComponent outside of experimental toggle in json formats 1.19.60 and higher
  • Release BlockDisplayNameComponent outside of experimental toggle in json formats 1.19.60 and higher
  • Ensure Block Permutation Conditions can only use 'query.block_property' Molang Query


  • Chiseled Bookshelf BlockActor inherit from Container to take advantage and ensure synchronization when exiting/importing worlds is correct and not losing any Books