Minecraft Beta & Preview -
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
Script API
- Entity
Fixed a bug where the getEffect method could return an invalid Effect (and another case where an Effect could become invalid after a new Effect was added)
- EntityHurtEvent
- Added read-only property damageSource: EntityDamageSource - Gets information about the damage source
- EntityDamageSource
- Added property cause: EntityDamageCause - Gets the damage cause
- Added property damagingEntity?: Entity - Gets the damaging Entity
- Added property damagingProjectile?: Entity - Gets the damaging projectile Entity
- Added function applyDamage(amount: number, source?: EntityDamageSource): boolean - Applies damage to the Entity and returns the result of the operation
- Dimension
- Added function fillBlocks(begin: BlockLocation, end: BlockLocation, block: BlockPermutation | BlockType, options?: BlockFillOptions): number
- Fills an area between begin and end with block of type block. Returns number of blocks placed
- Added new interface BlockFillOptions with member matchingBlock?: BlockPermutation | BlockType
- Used with fillBlocks to apply additional options, such as only filling blocks matching matchingBlock
- Player
- Added function addLevels(amount: number): number - Adds/Removes level to/from the Player and returns the current level of the Player
- Added function addExperience(amount: number): number - Adds/Removes experience to/from the Player and returns the current experience of the Player
- Added function resetLevel(): void - Resets the level of the Player
- Added function getTotalXp(): number - Gets the total experience of the Player
- Added read-only property level - Gets the level of the Player
- Added read-only property xpEarnedAtCurrentLevel - Gets the experience earned at the current level of the Player
- Added read-only property totalXpNeededForNextLevel - Gets the total experience required for the current level of the Player
- Added function fillBlocks(begin: BlockLocation, end: BlockLocation, block: BlockPermutation | BlockType, options?: BlockFillOptions): number