
Minecraft Beta & Preview -

AI Goals

  • Added "cooldown" field to target descriptors in "minecraft:behavior.nearest_attackable_target" goal


  • Sponges no longer emit water drop particles underwater (MCPE-122138)


  • For worlds using game version 1.19.80 and above, acquiring a custom spawn egg through a command can only succeed with their full name rather than with an aux value, eg. "/give @s namespace:actor_spawn_egg"
  • Removed requirement for blockState argument(s) when using other optional args in /fill /setblock and /clone (MCPE-167959)
  • Implemented the "inputpermission" command, which allows for setting the player's camera or movement as enabled or disabled
    • Syntax: /inputpermission set <target: player> <permission: camera | movement> <state: enabled | disabled>
  • Implemented the "haspermission" target selector, which allows for selection based on player permission levels


  • For behavior packs using version 1.19.80 and above, recipes no longer accept a Molang query for the item's data field, instead use the item's full name, eg. use { "item": "namespace:actor_spawn_egg" } instead of { "item": "spawn_egg", "data": "query.get_actor_info_id('namespace:actor')" }



The Editor is in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Join our Discussion forum, post bugs, view more detailed release notes, and share your creations on GitHub.

  • Custom blocks are now listed in the block selector
  • Fixed z-fighting on paste preview over selection volume

Script API

  • Form promises are now rejected using typed errors, vs. strings as used previously


  • Added function getTags(): string[]- Returns all tags for the item
  • Added function hasTag(tag: string): boolean- Returns true if the item has the specified tag


  • This component is used to manipulate the equipment of mobs and players. To use it, call getComponent('equipment_inventory')
  • Added function getEquipment(equipmentSlot: EquipmentSlot): ItemStack | undefined_-_ Returns the item in the given equipment slot
  • Added function getEquipmentSlot(equipmentSlot: EquipmentSlot): ContainerSlot- Returns the container slot for the given equipment slot
  • Added function setEquipment(equipmentSlot: EquipmentSlot, itemStack?: ItemStack): void- Sets the item in the given equipment slot


  • The ItemDurabilityComponent now works with all damageable items, not just custom items
  • Removed property damageRange
  • Setting damage will now throw an exception if it is outside of the range [0, maxDurability]

GameTest Framework

  • Update specific GameTest exceptions to be thrown as GameTestError error objects