Minecraft Beta & Preview -
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
- Fixed issues with UI not scaling properly when the resolution or game window size is updated.
- Item drops have been disabled in Editor. This allows for Undo/Redo and Cut/Copy/Paste to work properly. Items will no longer be left floating in the world.
- Fixed a bug where Tool mode would use the 3rd person camera if it was the active camera. when switching from Crosshair mode. The 1st person camera is always used in Tool mode.
- Fixed issues where camera control was disabled when using a Nether or End Portal in Crosshair mode.
- Removed the old stonecutter and Nether reactor core from the block picker.
- Changed the debug HUD text available in Preview & Beta builds to append "RTX" to the renderer information only when RTX content is being played instead of when the GPU is capable of running RTX content. As a consequence, the DXR-capable D3D12 backend will now report itself as "D3D12+"
Technical Experimental Features
Script API
- Signs
- Fixed an issue where text set on Signs using setText wasn't reflected on Signs on the client until the Sign was reloaded
- getComponent('minecraft:sign') now works with Hanging Signs
The following APIs have been moved from beta to stable @minecraft/server (1.1.0):
- dimension
- typeId
- getVelocity()
- location
- getHeadLocation()
- nameTag
- id
- getViewDirection()
- getEntities
- getEntitiesAtBlockLocation
- getPlayers
- EntityQueryOptions
- EntityQueryScoreOptions
- GameType
- getPlayers
GameTest Framework
- Added two new commands:
- /gametest stopall used to manually stop all tests while they are running
- /gametest runsetuntilfail used to run a set of tests but will automatically stop if any of the tests fail
Posted: 22 March, 2023
Information on the Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
Do you know what a writer’s worst fear is? No, not rejection – typos! Luckily this week’s experimental features for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition include the ability to edit your signs, write on both sides, and even lock your text by applying wax! Once you’ve rewritten all your signs, you can point them towards the new suspicious gravel block being added in this week’s changelog, or even fill them with crafting instructions for the new sculk sensor. The choice is yours! Discover the new sign customization along with suspicious gravel and other new features that will join Minecraft in the Trails & Tales Update later this year. Don’t forget to send us all your feedback and ideas at aka.ms/MC120Feedback and report any bugs to bugs.mojang.com
Experimental Features
Calibrated Sculk Sensors
- A new variant of Sculk Sensors which allows you to filter vibrations based on their frequency level. They are not found naturally and can only be crafted
- They can be crafted with 1 Sculk Sensor and 3 Amethyst Shards in the Crafting Table
- One side of the Calibrated Sculk Sensor can receive a Redstone signal as input
- The strength of that Redstone signal is the only vibration frequency the Sculk Sensor will listen to
- Leave us your feedback for this feature here!
Vibration Resonance
- Blocks of Amethyst have a new behavior when placed adjacent to Sculk Sensors
- If that Sculk Sensor receives a vibration, the Block of Amethyst will re-emit its frequency as a separate vibration at its location
- This behaviour is called Vibration Resonance, and allows players to move vibration frequencies across long distances without having to recreate the vibration naturally
Sign Improvements
- Signs have improved customization options
- Sign text can now be edited after being placed in the world
- This can be done by interacting with the Sign
- Both sides of the Sign can now have separate text and colors, allowing for further customization options
- By default, a Sign will prompt you to input the front side's text when placed
- To apply text to the back-side, you must walk to the other side and interact with that face to edit it
- Signs can now also be waxed with Honeycomb, preventing any further edits to its text
- Send us your feedback on these improvements here!
Armor Trims
- Added 5 new armor trims
New armor trim smithing templates have been added to the following structures:
- Trail Ruins
- Wayfinder Armor Trim
- Raiser Armor Trim
- Shaper Armor Trim
- Host Armor Trim
- Ancient City
- Silence Armor Trim
The following changes have been made to existing Armor Trims:
- Dune Armor Trim now has a brand-new pattern and Smithing Template icon
- Dune Armor Trim's old pattern is now used by the Sentry Armor Trim
- A new icon has been made for the Sentry Armor Trim smithing template to fit this pattern
- Sentry Armor Trim's old pattern is now used by the new Shaper Armor Trim
- Added the Trail Ruins, a buried structure from a lost culture
- Please tell us what you think of this feature here!
- Added Suspicious Sand to Warm Ocean Ruins
- Added Suspicious Gravel to Cold Ocean Ruins
- Added 16 Pottery Shards (Now 20 Pottery Shards in total)
- These have been distributed between the five Archaeology sites: Desert Wells, Desert Temples, Cold Ocean Ruins, Warm Ocean Ruins, and Trail Ruins
- Looted items should now reveal themselves properly from suspicious blocks when brushed, regardless of which item is contained (MCPE-168396)
Cherry Blossom Biome
- New petal particles for Cherry Leaves
- Pink Petals now make a sound when adding more petals to them (MCPE-168022)
- The sound "step.pink_petals" is now in the "Players" category instead of "Blocks" (MCPE-168092)