
Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Script API

  • Changed itemStack in ItemReleaseUseAfterEvent to be optional
  • Released DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfterEvent from beta to 1.8.0
  • Released DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.8.0
  • Released DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfterEventSignalOptions from beta to 1.8.0
  • Released DefinitionModifier from beta to 1.8.0
  • Released WorldAfterEvents.dataDrivenEntityTriggerEvent from beta to 1.8.0
  • Improved error messages for "Unsupported or out of bounds value." errors to include the bounds


The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.

Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples.

Updates this week:

  • Fixed editor screen freeze bug caused by CTRL+TAB shortcut. 
  • New API! Simulation paused state is now available for editor scripting via the editor global object's simulation property. 
  • Menu items now have a checked property, of type boolean | undefined. If the value is defined, the menu will show a checkmark if the value is true.
  • Added an `all` optional parameter to the `/reload` slash command when running in Editor mode which enables a full warm reload of the entire Editor. 

Entity Components

  • Entity event response run_command has been renamed to queue_command and has been released out of experimental. Commands run via queue_command may be deferred until the next tick. If the entity is removed before the command is run, the command will not execute. Content using run_command under experimental will still work for now but the experimental feature is now considered deprecated


  • Unrecognized fields in component item jsons will now give a warning to the content log in format versions 1.20.60 and higher

Loot Tables

  • Decorated Pots now support the use of loot tables



  • Improved performance by fixing a GPU resource allocation bug that resulted in constant reallocations every frame in the Deferred Technical Preview

Script API

  • PlayerPlaceBlockBeforeEvent

  • Removed itemStack: ItemStack from event

  • Added readonly permutationBeingPlaced: BlockPermutation to event

  • Updating createExplosion(location: Vector3, radius: number, explosionOptions?: ExplosionOptions) to return a boolean. True if the explosion is successful and false if the explosion is unsuccessful or is cancelled.

  • Class Player

  • Added method spawnParticle(effectName: string, location: Vector3, molangVariables?: MolangVariableMap): void;.