
Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Added a _Project Through Liquid_property to the 3D Block Cursor
  • Added a _CursorPropertiesChangeAfterEvent_to notify Editor script when the cursor properties are changed
  • Wandering Traders can now correctly display custom entity spawn eggs in their trade menus (MCPE-170184)

AI Goals

  • "behavior.breed" now interrupts navigation on stop for content using engine version 1.20.60 or higher

Script API

  • Released DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfterEvent from beta to 1.8.0
  • Released DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.8.0
  • Released DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfterEventSignalOptions from beta to 1.8.0
  • Released DefinitionModifier from beta to 1.8.0
  • Released WorldAfterEvents.dataDrivenEntityTrigger from beta to 1.8.0
  • Moved EffectAddBeforeEvent from beta to 1.8.0
  • Moved EffectAddAfterEvent from beta to 1.8.0
  • Moved EffectAddAfterEvent from beta to 1.8.0
  • Moved getTags from beta to 1.8.0
  • Moved hasTag from beta to 1.8.0
  • RGBA interface now inherits from RGB


  • Biome JSON files no longer support inheriting fields from other Biome JSON files. If this affects any content those files should be updated by manually copying the desired JSON text


  • The "entity_sensor" component now supports multiple "subsensors":
  • "event", "require_all", "minimum_count", "maximum_count", "range" and "event_filter" are now individually configurable fields of each subsensor
  • Subsensors also have a new "cooldown" field, which defines how often each subsensor should sense for entities
  • All these changes require a "format_version" of 1.20.60 or higher


  • Fix in CompoundBlockVolumeIterator that removes the addition of an extra block location in certain CompoundBlockVolume configurations
  • Update Pause Actors in world options menu using stateful menus
  • Added tool grouping support to Tool Rail
  • Added _toolGroupId_property to ExtensionOptionalParameters API for organizing tools created in an extension
  • Added namedescription, _notes_and defaultToolGroupId properties to Extension API
  • Added _extensionInfo: Extension_property to ExtensionContext API and removed extensionName property

Entity Filters

  • Added new entity filter "is_panicking", which checks if the entity is executing "behavior.panic"
  • Added new entity filter "is_sprinting", which checks if the entity is sprinting


  • Renamed _water_spash_manual._json to water_splash_manual.json in resource_packs\vanilla\particles (MCPE-176784)


  • Improved the context of content logs when an evaluated Molang expressions results in an error

Performance and Stability

  • Require block_id for each block in the StartGamePacket blockProperties




  • Fixed texture z-fighting issues in Deferred Technical Preview
  • Added Volumetric Fog and Light Shafts to the Deferred Technical Preview. This new feature works by approximating the scattering that occurs as light rays travel through the air, resulting in more realistic fog and a greater sense of scene depth. It also plugs into existing data-driving capabilities in Resource Packs for fog and volumes, so that Creators can customize the look and feel of fog under a variety of conditions; see the updated Getting Started with Deferred Lighting article on the Minecraft Creator Portal for more information

Script API

  • Fixed a bug where the world would sometimes fail to properly shut down and disconnect clients during an unrecoverable script watchdog error
  • Updated SimulatedPlayer so it can continuously build
  • Updated SimulatedPlayer so it can Move and look in different directions
  • ChatSendAfter & ChatSendBeforeEvent
    • Changed message and sender to readonly properties
    • Removed setTargetsgetTargetssendToTargets and replaced with an optional player list property targets
  • Class ItemDurabilityComponent
    • Renamed unbreaking to unbreakingEnchantmentLevel
    • Renmaed getDamageRange to getDamageChanceRange
  • EntityTypes
    • Changed getAll return type from EntityTypeIterator to EntityType[]
  • EntityEquippableComponent
    • Fixed an issue where functions getEquipment and getEquipmentSlot could not be called within "before" event handlers
  • Fixed a bug where an ItemStack could not be stacked after clearing its lore