
Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Fixed a bug where using "bone_visibility" for a block geometry would cause the "item_display_transforms" not to be applied properly (MCPE-185868)
  • Fixed issue which prevented the new 1.21.30 trade table format from loading in-game 

Script API

  • ItemStack
    • Fixed method ItemStack.getComponents from returning components that are unsupported in the current @minecraft/server version 
  • Fixed issue where invalid ModalFormData would never reject or resolve its promise (MCPE-178148
  • BlockLiquidContainerComponents API (water, lava, potion, snow) have been removed from beta
  • BlockFluidContainerComponent API has been added to beta, replacing the BlockLiquidContainerComponents
  • Moved isHardcore from beta to 1.15.0


  • Added new overloads for the schedule command which allows you to clear a queued function 
    • /schedule clear \<function name\> - Clears all queued functions matching the given name
    • /schedule on_area_loaded clear function \<function name\> - Clears all queued functions that are scheduled as on_area_load by name
    • /schedule on_area_loaded clear tickingarea \<tickingarea name\> [function name] - Clears all queued functions that are scheduled as on_area_load by ticking area name (and optionally also checks function name too)


  • The "restriction_type" field has been added to the "minecraft:home" component, allowing to define how an entity is restricted to its home position:
    • Its values are:
      • "none", which poses no restriction
      • "random_movement", which restricts randomized movement around the home position
      • "all_movement", which restricts any kind of movement around the home position
    • The "all_movement" value is currently in [Beta] and is planned to be fully released at a later date
    • Entities that have moved too far from their home will always be able to move closer to it if prompted
    • The radius of the restriction is still specified with "restriction_radius"
    • Entities with a format version prior to 1.21.40 will be upgraded to use the new field in a way that preserves their existing behavior
  • Added the "minecraft:dimension_bound" component, which prevents entities from changing dimension through portals 
    • In Vanilla content, this is used by the Ender Dragon, the Fishing Hook, and some projectiles
  • Added the "minecraft:transient" component, entities with this component will never be saved. In Vanilla content, this is currently used for the Fishing Hook 


  • Added block picking for the current block palette on middle mouse click
  • Added custom block textures to now support in block images
  • Added resource access protocol "block://<block_name>" to retrieve block images 
  • Added new API interface IStatusBar to manage IStatusBarItem objects. It can be accessed from statusBar property on IPlayerUISession.
    • Added IStatusBarItemCreationParams for status bar item initialization
    • Removed text property from IStatusBarItem in favor of getText and setText functions. Added localization support for text content
    • Renamed EditorStatusBarAlignment to StatusBarAlignment
  • Renamed 'Input Mapping' to 'Keyboard Settings' action bar item and improved modal panel visuals 
  • Fixed a bug related to losing the block palette setting of simple blocks in hotbar between suspend/resume of application 
  • Fixed a bug where Quick Start panel visibility was not persisted correctly
  • Fixed a bug so the hotbar fills with a list of default blocks rather than all air when creating a new editor world

Entity Components

  • "behavior.fire_at_target" is no longer usable if it is missing a projectile definition and will now throw a content error if so

Entity Event Responses

  • Added the "execute_event_on_home_block" entity event response, which allows the entity to execute an event on the block at its home position
    • The "event" field allows to specify the event to execute
    • For this to work properly, the entity must have a "minecraft:home" component with a set home position


  • Made the following changes to 'minecraft:single_block_feature'
    • 'places_block' now supports a list of weighted block specifiers
    • New 'randomize_rotation' property
    • New 'may_not_attach_to' placement conditions
    • Added 'diagonal' as a new option for 'may_attach_to' conditions
    • File format version increased to 1.21.40


  • Fixed bug where the tessellation of Redstone dust does not match the powered state of the dust for the following blocks: 
    • minecraft:*_slab
    • minecraft:chain
    • minecraft:chorus_flower
    • minecraft:chorus_plant
    • minecraft:farmland
    • minecraft:grass_path
    • minecraft:heavy_core
    • minecraft:jigsaw
    • minecraft:sea_lantern
    • minecraft:sniffer_egg
    • minecraft:structure_block


  • Molang queries "wing_flap_position" and "wing_flap_speed" now work for the Chicken 

Resource and Behavior Packs

  • Built-in packs now include archive files for improved load performance on some platforms 

Stability and Performance

  • Increased the size of biome ids in saved chunk data from 8 bit to 16 bit values
  • Fixed a bug where extremely fast moving entities would cause the game to crash. Entities can now no longer move more than 16 blocks in a single tick. (For reference, an entity with Speed 255 will move ~11 blocks in a single tick.)
  • Game will no longer crash when loading a world near an End City


Script API

  • Moved EntityBreathableComponent from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved breathesAir from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved breathesLava from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved breathesSolids from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved breathesWater from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved generatesBubbles from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved inhaleTime from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved suffocateTime from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved totalSupply from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved componentId from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved getBreatheBlocks() from beta to 1.15.0
    • Moved getNonBreatheBlocks() from beta to 1.15.0
  • Moved class BlockLocationIterator from beta to 1.15.0
  • Moved class InvalidIteratorError from beta to 1.15.0
  • Moved property BlockVolumeBase.getBlockLocationIterator from beta to 1.15.0
  • Moved enum BlockVolumeIntersection from beta to 1.15.0 
  • Moved class BlockVolume from beta to 1.15.0
  • Added the DyeableItemComponent to beta 


  • Fixed an issue where rider_rotation_lock of minecraft:rideable had no effect when using the minecraft:follow_orbit camera
  • Added minecraft:camera_attach_to_player to minecraft:follow_orbit
  • Added align_target_and_camera_forward option to the camera preset behavior pack JSON which can be used when the third person camera preset experiment is enabled
  • 3rd person camera experiment - The radius property of the creator cameras is now constrained to a value between 0.1 and 100 
  • Third person boom camera will now reset to the starting rotation values specified in json when the 'default' parameter is passed in the camera command


  • Removed the dark aura around the moon in the Deferred Technical Preview