
Minecraft Beta & Preview -


  • Added content warning when "carried_textures" or "blockshape" are incorrectly written in blocks.json


  • Renamed the "minecraft:lookat" component to "minecraft:looked_at" to better reflect its functionality
    • Its "look_event" field was also renamed to "looked_at_event"
    • Its "look_cooldown" field was also renamed to "looked_at_cooldown"
  • Expanded the "minecraft:looked_at" component functionality with the addition of six new [Beta] fields: 
    • "find_players_only" restricts the search for entities looking at the owner entity to Players only, ensuring that the closest Player satisfying the specified "filters" is selected
    • "look_at_locations" defines the parts of the owner entity that are targeted for being looked at
      • For these parts, a line-of-sight check is performed to ensure no blocks obstruct the view
      • Supported values are "head", "body", and "feet"
    • "not_looked_at_event" specifies the event to trigger when no suitable entity is looking at the owner entity
    • "field_of_view" defines the width of the field of view, in degrees, for entities looking at the owner entity:
      • If "scale_fov_by_distance" is set to true, this value corresponds to the field of view at a distance of one block between the entities
    • "scale_fov_by_distance" determines if the field of view narrows as the distance between the owner entity and the entity looking at it increases
      • This ensures that the width of the view cone at the owner entity position remains relatively constant, regardless of distance
    • "line_of_sight_obstruction_type" defines which block shape is considered when checking for line-of-sight obstructions
      • Supported values are "outline," "collision," and "collision_for_camera"
    • Moreover, "set_target" now supports three different values:
      • "never", looking entities are never set as targets, but events are emitted
      • "once_and_stop_scanning", the first detected looking entity is set as target, but scanning and event emission is suspended if and until the owner entity has a target
      • [Beta] "once_and_keep_scanning", the first detected looking entity is set as target, but scanning and event emission continues
    • All these fields are planned to be taken out of [Beta] and fully released at a later date


  • Added an initial Editor Settings panel with options for 'Show Invisible Blocks' and 'Show Chunk Boundaries'

Entity Event Responses

  • Added the "reset_target" entity event response, which allows an entity to reset its target 


  • Using unsupported feature placement in "pregeneration_pass" will now throw a content error instead of crash


  • Add new the_end.client_biome.json as the first new type of file to contain per-biome rendering and audio settings in resource packs 


  • The "minecraft:item" object is parsed with a strict loader from 1.21.40
    • Numbers and booleans are no longer interchangeable in the JSON input
    • Floating point numbers are no longer accepted where an integer is expected

Resource and Behavior Packs

  • Fixed an issue where packs were not downloaded or applied when joining a server that had CDN enabled
  • Fixed an issue where user choice for downloading/applying resource packs during server join was ignored when CDN is enabled on the server


  • Fixed an issue where trades with negative 'max_use' values could not be traded



  • Improved lighting for maps when held in hand and when placed in frames in the Deferred Technical Preview 
  • Fixed water surface shaking that would occur when upscaling was enabled in the Deferred Technical Preview 
  • Added a slider in the Deferred Technical Preview video settings for controlling the upscaling resolution factor 


  • Adding under upcoming creator features:
    • query.client_memory_tier. Returns a number representing the client RAM memory tier, 0 = 'Undetermined', 1 = 'SuperLow', 2 = 'Low', 3 = 'Mid', 4 = 'High', or 5 = 'SuperHigh'. Available on the Client (Resource Packs) only
    • query.server_memory_tier. Returns a number representing the server RAM memory tier, 0 = 'Undetermined', 1 = 'SuperLow', 2 = 'Low', 3 = 'Mid', 4 = 'High', or 5 = 'SuperHigh'. Available on the server side (Behavior Packs) only

Script API

  • Added enum MemoryTier

    export enum MemoryTier \{
    Undetermined = 0,
    SuperLow = 1,
    Low = 2,
    Mid = 3,
    High = 4,
    SuperHigh = 5
  • Added base class SystemInfo

    • Field MemoryTier
  • Added class ClientSystemInfo.

    • Field MemoryTier
  • Class Player

    • Added property clientSystemInfo
  • Class System

    • Added property serverSystemInfo