
Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Script API

  • Component minecraft:fluidContainer has been renamed to minecraft:fluid_container in V2. 


  • Fixed commands not executing when command is entered with leading spaces (MCPE-147815)
  • Moved the place feature and place featurerule subcommands out of the Upcoming Creator Features experiment 


  • Added the "minecraft:is_collidable" component
    • This component allows other mobs to have vertical and horizontal collisions with the component's owner
      • For a collision to occur, both mobs must have a "minecraft:collision_box" component
      • This component can only be used on mobs and enables collisions exclusively between mobs
    • Please note that this type of collision is unreliable for moving mobs
      • It is recommended to use this component only in scenarios where the mob remains stationary
    • Collidable behavior is closely related to stackable behavior
      • While the "minecraft:is_collidable" component governs how other mobs interact with the component's owner, the "minecraft:is_stackable" component describes how an entity interacts with others of its own kind
  • The "entity_sensor" component now has two additional fields: 
    • "y_offset", applies a vertical offset to the entity's position when calculating distances to other entities
    • "find_players_only", restricts the search to Players only, affecting all subsensors
  • Added the "minecraft:body_rotation_axis_aligned" component, that causes the entity's body to automatically rotate to align with the nearest cardinal direction based on its current facing direction 
    • Combining this with the "minecraft:body_rotation_blocked" component will cause the entity to align to the nearest cardinal direction and remain fixed in that orientation, regardless of future changes in its facing direction

Data-driven Jigsaw Structures

  • Fixed placement of Jigsaw structures that contain blocks with minecraft:tick component. 


  • Added Block Inspector tool which allows you to view block states and permutations of blocks 
  • Added Entity Inspector tool which allows you to view and modify entity components
  • Added a new IRootPropertyPane.createModalOverlayPane API function, allowing the creation of IModalOverlayPane to display on top of the pane content. Each pane supports one active modal overlay at a time, but it can own multiple modals. Modal overlays can be managed through the root pane's setActiveModalOverlay function or the overlay pane's show and hide functions 
  • Fixed an assert encountered on client disconnect from dedicated server and re-entry into a world 
    • Fixed block picker UI dialog persisting after a client disconnect from a dedicated server

Entity Components

  • Added on_spawn trigger to spawn_chance on hit sub-component, triggered on the newly spawned entity with other set to the owning entity
  • Added particle_item_name map to particle_on_hit on hit sub-component, maps an item name to an actor filter to determine what the name of the item used in the particle should be. Falls back to the name of the entity itself as before.


  • "minecraft:behavior.float_wander" AI goal will now restrict mobs to their home position if they have the "minecraft:home" component 


  • Added maximum value of 100000000.0 and minimum value of -100000000.0 to "minecraft:collision_box" component

Network Protocol

  • Added ActorFlags::COLLIDABLE


  • Sound effects found in animations and animation controllers can now include an optional "locator" field similar to particle effects allowing them to originate from the locator on the entity rather than the origin 


Script API

  • World
    • Added getDifficulty(): Difficulty method to beta. This method gets the worlds current game difficulty.
    • Added setDifficulty(difficulty: Difficulty): void method to beta. This method sets the worlds current game difficulty. 
  • ActionFormData
    • Added method header(text: minecraftserver.RawMessage): ActionFormData;. It adds a header into the form.
    • Added method label(text: minecraftserver.RawMessage): ActionFormData;. It adds a label into the form.
  • ModalFormData
    • Added method header(text: minecraftserver.RawMessage): ModalFormData;. It adds a header into the form.
    • Added method label(text: minecraftserver.RawMessage): ModalFormData;. It adds a label into the form.
  • Added new script module @minecraft/diagnostics version 1.0.0-beta. This module is dedicated server only for now and allows script modules to connect their script packs to Sentry . This enables remote error tracking and monitoring for script packs. 


  • Fixed a bug that caused water to render through the bottom of boats in the Deferred Technical Preview. 
  • Fixed a bug that caused weather (rain, snow, etc...) to appear brighter than it should be at night in the Deferred Technical Preview.