
Minecraft - 1.17.30 (Bedrock)

Updated Add-On Template Packs


  • Data-driven blocks can now be added to the Creative menu
  • New chemistry material reductions for Education Edition can now be defined in the JSON files
  • "potion.prefix" and "potion..postfix" potion string resources have been renamed to "potion..name"
  • Potion name string resources have been changed so there are separate "Splash" and "Lingering" string resources
  • The old style of using "potion.prefix" and "potion.*.postfix" is still supported
  • UI bind objects can now utilize the 'ignore' field
  • Attachables that are visible in first person view will no longer render backwards


  • Fixed a bug where an entity might fail to initialize its tag component
  • Sky no longer renders through walls of a large enclosed area when using fog
  • Updated documentation formatting for item components and how they work within Resource Packs and Behavior Packs
  • Using Water Buckets to collect fish has been version locked to prevent breaking old world templates
  • Fixed controller support when editing NPC dialog (MCPE-135175)
  • 'behavior.knockback_roar' now has a vertical and horizontal strength value
  • Adjusted padding for HD Textures in mipmaps level 1 in texture atlas to fix texture bleeding
  • Killing a custom mob with an unknown loot table entry type will no longer cause a crash, and will now throw a content error (MCPE-129006)
  • Rabbit with initialEvent specified now scales properly to adult rabbit size (MCPE-76643)
  • Similar to the spawns_on_block_filter, the spawns_above_block_filter specifies a list of blocks and a distance. The mob can then spawn only if the nearest block within the specified distance below the desired spawnpoint is in that list (water and air not included). "minecraft:spawns_above_block_filter": { "blocks": "minecraft:stone", "distance": 10 }
  • Improved documentation for 'DamageableItemComponent'
  • Fixed the ability to add launch point positional offset for projectiles spawned with the 'spawn_entity' component
  • Fixed the ability to add angular offset to launch vector for projectiles spawned with the 'spawn_entity' component
  • Fixed offset not working for projectiles summoned through an interaction
  • Fixed projectile 'angleoffset' value only reflected if shooter is riding another entity
  • Fixed rotation of projectile launch point around a mob when projectile offset specified
  • Parsing of UI json field "ignored" now throws a content error if it is invalid
  • Fixed movement prediction interpolating with invalid data in even more scenarios (MCPE-108568)
  • Removed the "replace" element from 'sound_definitions.json' for being ambiguous in its usage (and was never used) (MCPE-99304)


  • Commands ran through animations now will run in the order defined in animation files on all platforms, including Realms
  • Animations and events defined in Behavior Packs can now run commands that require cheats without the player enabling cheats (such as setting certain rules with the '/gamerule' command)
  • Target selectors ry and rym now support wrapping around north
  • The '/particle' command position argument is now optional (MCPE-128379)
  • The '/particle' command will now output on success (MCPE-80348)
  • The '/particle' command no longer shows an error when run successfully through '/execute' (MCPE-129001)
  • The '/clone' command now copies signal strength for Levers and Redstone Dust
  • The '/structure' command can now specify a <to: x y z> position argument with y below 0 as long as it is equal or above the minimum height for that dimension
  • Added functionality for Intellisense options: "d" and "default" in the gamemode command selector (MCPE-92198)
  • Minecart with Command Block can now use the self selector (@s) in its commands to target itself (MCPE-60126)
  • The "/time set" command now sets the correct time and day when specifying a time above 24000 or below the current time (e.g. "/time set 0" sets the day to 0, "/time set 28000" sets the day to 1), and "/time" can now set or add to a negative world time (MCPE-43394)
  • The '/spawnpoint' command can now be used while the player is sleeping and outputs success when setting to the player's existing spawnpoint (MCPE-106720)
  • The camera shake command no longer shakes every player's screen when "@s" is used as the selector (MCPE-120383)

GameTest Framework (Experimental) 

  • Renamed module "Minecraft" to "mojang-minecraft"
  • Renamed module "GameTest" to "mojang-gametest"
  • GameTest (now mojang-gametest)
    • Added helper method spawnAtLocation(location : Location) : Entity - Spawns an entity at the given Location
    • Added helper method walkToLocation(mob : Entity, location : Location, speedModifier : number) - Commands an entity to move to the given Location
    • Added method assertCanReachLocation(mob : Entity, location : BlockLocation, bool canReach) - Asserts that the given mob can reach the target block location
    • Renamed helper method worldLocation(location : BlockLocation) to worldBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation)
    • Renamed helper method relativeLocation(location : BlockLocation) to relativeBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation)
    • Added helper method worldLocation(relativeLocation : Location) : Location - From a Location with coordinates relative to the GameTest structure block, returns a new Location with coordinates relative to the world
    • Added helper method relativeLocation(worldLocation : Location) : Location - From a Location, returns a new Location with coordinates relative to the current GameTest structure block
    • Added helper method spawnWithoutBehaviorsAtLocation(entityIdentifier : string, location : Location) : Entity - Spawns an entity at a location without any AI behaviors
    • Added helper method rotateDirection(direction : Direction) : Direction - Rotates the given direction relative to the GameTest structure rotation
    • Added helper method getTestDirection() : Direction - Returns the direction the GameTest is facing based on its structure rotation
    • Renamed function assertBlockTypePresent to assertBlockPresent
    • Renamed function assertEntityData to assertEntityState
    • Removed function assertBlockTypeNotPresent (added boolean isPresent to assertBlockPresent instead)
    • Removed function assertEntityNotPresent (added boolean to assertEntityPresent instead)
    • Removed function assertEntityNotPresentInArea (added boolean to assertEntityPresentInArea instead)
    • Removed function assertEntityNotTouching (added boolean to assertEntityTouching)
    • Removed function succeedWhenEntityNotPresent (added boolean to succeedWhenEntityPresent)
    • Modified signature of function assertBlockState(blockLocation: BlockLocation, callback: (Block) => boolean)
    • Modified signature of function assertBlockPresent(blockType: BlockType, blockLocation: BlockLocation, isPresent: boolean)
    • Modified signature of function assertEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string, blockLocation: BlockLocation, isPresent: boolean)
    • Modified signature of function assertEntityPresentInArea(entityTypeIdentifier: string, isPresent: boolean)
    • Modified signature of function assertEntityTouching(entityTypeIdentifier: string, location: Location, isTouching: boolean)
    • Modified signature of function succeedWhenEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string, location: Location, isPresent: boolean)
  • Minecraft (now mojang-minecraft)
    • Renamed BlockTypes class to MinecraftBlockTypes
    • Renamed Effects class to MinecraftEffectTypes
    • Renamed Items class to MinecraftItemTypes
  • Events
    • Added event World.events.beforeExplosion - Fires before an explosion occurs
    • Added event World.events.explosion - Fires when an explosion occurs
    • Added event World.events.explodeBlock - Fires when a block breaks due to an explosion
    • Added event World.event.beforeActivatePiston - Fires before a piston is activated
    • Added event World.event.activatePiston - Fires when a piston is activated
    • Added read-only property currentTick to tick event - Returns the current server tick
    • Renamed event createEntity to entityCreate
    • Renamed event addEffect to effectAdd
    • Renamed event activatePiston to pistonActivate
    • Renamed event beforeActivatePiston to beforePistonActivate
    • Renamed event explodeBlock to blockExplode
    • Renamed event changeWeather to weatherChange
  • Block
    • Added method getDimension() : Dimension
  • Added BlockPistonComponent


  • Added experimental queries for item cooldowns: 'query.is_cooldown_type', 'query.cooldown_time', and 'query.cooldown_time_remaining'
  • Updated many Molang content errors to specify which operator or query was involved
  • 'min_engine_version' from Resource Pack and Behavior Pack manifests is now passed into Molang expression parsing. This allows for future breaking changes tied to a specific engine version
  • Added 'BlockPartVisibilityComponent'
    • Allows creators to specify Molang conditions for each “bone” listed in the geometry JSON that turn on/off bones based on the block state
    • Must have the Experimental toggle enabled to use
  • Fixed experimental 'query.bone_orientation_trs' to have correct translation Y and scale results
  • Added experimental 'block_neighbor_has_any_tags' and 'block_neighbor_has_all_tags' Molang queries
    • Takes a block relative position and a set of tags
    • Returns 0/1
    • Must have the Experimental toggle enabled to use
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when entering a world with a custom Resource Pack that contained 'query.armor_color_slot' (MCPE-106437)
  • Fixed 'query.item_remaining_use_duration' having improperly scaled or inverted results (This is to fix a Versioned Change as of engine version 1.17.30)
  • Added 'query.facing_target_to_range_attack', which returns whether or not the queried actor's 'minecraft:behavior.ranged_attack' goal is currently running
  • Moved experimental Molang queries (other than those related to Actor Properties) to a new 'Experimental Molang Features' toggle
  • Improved Molang documentation related to experiments
    • Experimental queries and language expressions now list which experiment(s) they require to be available
  • Versioned Changes are now detailed in the documentation, starting with the 'query.item_remaining_use_duration' fix