
Minecraft Beta & Preview -


Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • 更改了群系文档,使其通过不同的系统生成,这将导致文档布局和元素的顺序发生变化
  • Changed Biome documentation to generate with a different system, which will cause the layout and order of those documentation elements to change

Script API

  • entitybeta 移动到了 1.11.0
  • Moved entity from betato 1.11.0
  • EntityTameMountComponenttame 方法从 beta 移动到了 1.11.0
  • Moved EntityTameMountComponent and method tame from beta to 1.11.0
  • EntityAddRiderComponentbeta 移动到了 1.11.0
  • Moved EntityAddRiderComponent from beta to 1.11.0
  • Seatbeta 移动到了 1.11.0
  • Moved Seat from beta to 1.11.0
  • EntityRidingComponentbeta 移动到了 1.11.0
  • Moved EntityRidingComponent from beta to 1.11.0



  • 添加了 addTable API
  • Added addTable API
  • 修复了 addImage 接口的GIF资产支持
  • Fixed GIF asset support for addImage API
  • 修复了视口随着UI或字体缩放异常的问题
  • Fixed a bug where the viewport did not scale properly with changes in UI or font scaling
  • 解决了工具提示定位和内容尺寸的问题
  • Resolved tooltip positioning and content size issues



  • 实验性自由相机已被弃用。随着新功能的逐步解锁,自由摄像机预设的后续优化将会在新增的实验性设置中呈现。欲查看示例,请参阅摄像机命令的相关文档
  • The Free camera experiment has been deprecated and the toggle removed as this feature has shipped. Future improvements to the free camera preset will be found in new experimental toggles as those capabilities become available. Samples can be found in the document for the camera command.



  • 修复了方块和物品注册为同一个id时,方块被“选取”会返回一个null物品的问题
  • Fixed a bug where, if a block and item are registered with the same identifier, the block returns a null item when 'picked'



Script API

  • 修复了在不蹲下的情况下无法在带有自定义组件的方块上放置方块的问题
  • Fixed issue where block with custom components could not have a block placed onto them without crouching
  • 添加了新接口 VectorXZ
  • Added new interface VectorXZ
  • 添加了新方法
    getTopmostBlock ,此方法将从世界顶部向下执行射线检测,尝试寻找首个固体方块
  • Added method getTopmostBlock which will perform a raycast from the top of the world downwards, trying to find the first solid block
  • 添加了新方法 getBlockAbove ,此方法将从指定位置执行射线检测,尝试寻找其上方的首个固体方块
  • Added method getBlockAbove which will perform a raycast from a given position, trying to find the first solid block above
  • 添加了新方法 getBlockBelow ,此方法将从指定位置执行射线检测,尝试寻找其下方的首个固体方块
  • Added method getBlockBelow which will perform a raycast from a given position, trying to find the first solid block below