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Minecraft Beta - (Xbox One/Windows 10/Android)


  • Loot chests with Seed=0 now correctly randomize if placed on the same coordinates. Note that pickblocking a Vanilla loot chest before opening it will now result in identical loot in each copy unless you set the seed to 0 in the NBT

Data Driven Mobs

  • The Ender Dragon rendering and animations are now fully data-driven
  • The Ender Crystal rendering and animations are now fully data-driven


  • Graphics hardware that supports a maximum D3D11 feature level of 9_3 or below are no longer supported

Stability and Performance

  • Added better error handling for json parsing. Also added several new content errors for item parsing as well as for loot tables


  • Incoming client-sync properties for newly seen types will properly register with client-side Actor Property Manager groups


  • "query.wing_flap_position" now works with the Ender Dragon
  • Added "query.show_bottom" - a query for determining whether or not the entity's bottom is rendered
  • Added "query.death_time" - a query for determining the elapsed ticks since a mob started dying
  • Added "math.min_angle" - a math expression for minimizing the angle magnitude (in degrees) into the range [-180, 180)

Experimental Features

GameTest Framework

  • Updated the '/clearall ' command to also clear tests outside of loaded areas

  • Dimension

    • getEntitiesAtBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation) : Entity[] - Returns an array of all entities at the given block location
    • spawnEntity(identifier : String, location : BlockLocation) : Entity - Spawns an entity with the given identifier at the given block location
    • [Removed] function getName()
    • property id : String - Gets the entity's identifier
    • property nameTag : String - Gets or sets the entity's name tag
  • Player

    • property name : String - Gets the player's name
    • method getPlayers() : Player[] - Returns all players in the server