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Minecraft Beta & Preview -


  • Fixed a crash when entity identifier was too complex 

Script API

  • ScreenDisplay
    • Moved _getHiddenHudElements(): HudElements[]_from beta to 11.0
    • Moved _isForcedHidden(hudElement: HudElements): boolean_from beta to 11.0
    • Moved _resetHudElements(): void_from beta to 11.0
    • Moved _setHudVisibility(visible: HudVisibility, hudElements?: HudElements[]): void_from beta to 11.0
    • Moved _hideAllExcept(hudElements?: HudElements[]): void_from beta to 11.0
  • HudElement
    • Moved _HudElement_enum from beta to 11.0
    • Moved _HudElementsCount_from beta to 11.0
  • HudVisibility
    • Moved _HudVisibility_enum from beta to 11.0
    • Moved _HudVisibilityCount_from beta to 11.0
  • Moved _WeatherChangeBeforeEvent_from beta to 11.0 
  • BlockPermutation
    • Removed function clone
  • Creator Settings UI
    • Watchdog settings
    • Increase script hang threshold
    • Disable/Enable slow script warnings and adjust threshold
    • Disable/Enable script spike warnings and adjust threshold
    • Removed _disableWatchdog_method
    • Added _disableWatchdogTimingWarnings_to disable spike and slow warnings per behavior pack
  • Released _ItemEnchantableComponent_from beta to 11.0 
  • Released Enchantment APIs from _beta_to 11.0
    • interface Enchantment
    • enum EnchantmentSlot
    • class EnchantmentType
    • class EnchantmentTypes
  • Added new interface _EntityFilter_with many of the existing options from EntityRaycastOptions
  • _EntityRaycastOptions_now inherits from EntityFilter
  • _EntityQueryOptions_now inherits from EntityFilter
  • Removed property blockFilter(and several others, now moved to EntityFilter) from BlockRaycastOptions
  • _BlockRaycastOptions_now inherits from BlockFilter
  • Released _BlockFilter_to 4.0
  • Released _volume_from beta to v1.11.0


The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.

Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples.

Improvements this week:

  • Updated 'Pause Actors' to 'Pause Entities'
  • Added ‘Time of Day’ settings panel 
  • Updated block atlas file using different rendering technique 
  • Updated Line Tool with new functionality and widget support 
  • Added global block hotbar with updated block picker


  • Removed 'server-authoritative-block-breaking' from the default
  • Removed 'server-authoritative-sound' from


  • Fixed a problem where teleporting while using an item with a long use duration could leave it in an unresponsive state until the use duration elapsed


  • Changed the default Anti Aliasing setting to "2" instead of "4" for better performance with minimal visual degradation.


  • Added Molang _state_time -> number_for animation controllers, which returns the time in seconds spent in the current controller state (inclusive of blend time). Requires 'Upcoming Creator Features' experimental toggle 

Touch Controls

  • Fixed bug where users could not navigate through inventory using keyboard in touch devices 

Trial Spawners

  • Added optional _equipment_loot_table_to the spawn data present in spawn_potentials of Trial Spawner configs
    • If present, rolled items from the specified loot table will be equipped to the mob that spawns

User Interface

  • On touch devices players can once again distribute a selected item stack over multiple slots by dragging it over them 

Experimental Features


  • Extended Texture Set support to Particles in the Deferred Technical Preview. See the updated Getting Started with Deferred Lighting article for more details
  • Fixed banner staffs not being lit while held in hand from first-person view in the Deferred Technical Preview 

Script API

  • Added ItemComponentMineBlockEvent for beta
  • Event Signals
    • Unsubscribe is no longer marked as "@throws". It does not throw exceptions and never has.
  • Added _getAll_to beta
  • Added _PlayerInputPermissions_and inputPermissions for enabling & disabling categories of player input permissions
  • Added InputPermissionCategory
  • Added _afterEvents.playerInputPermissionCategoryChange_for listening to changes to a players input permissions
  • Added _ignoreBlockCollision_to EntityRaycastOptions which when true, will make the raycast not stop on block collision
  • Added _includePassableBlocks_to EntityRaycastOptions which when true, passable blocks like vines and flowers will be considered as blocks that 'stop' the raycast
  • Added _includeLiquidBlocks_to EntityRaycastOptions which when true, liquid blocks will be considered as blocks that stop the raycast
  • Added ItemComponentHitEntityEvent and ItemComponentBeforeDurabilityDamageEvent for beta


  • Fixed hunger element so that its visibility can be changed with the hud command