Minecraft Beta & Preview -
- 技术更新
- 完整日志
- Fixed a crash when entity identifier was too complex
Script API
- ScreenDisplay
- Moved _getHiddenHudElements(): HudElements[]_from beta to 11.0
- Moved _isForcedHidden(hudElement: HudElements): boolean_from beta to 11.0
- Moved _resetHudElements(): void_from beta to 11.0
- Moved _setHudVisibility(visible: HudVisibility, hudElements?: HudElements[]): void_from beta to 11.0
- Moved _hideAllExcept(hudElements?: HudElements[]): void_from beta to 11.0
- HudElement
- Moved _HudElement_enum from beta to 11.0
- Moved _HudElementsCount_from beta to 11.0
- HudVisibility
- Moved _HudVisibility_enum from beta to 11.0
- Moved _HudVisibilityCount_from beta to 11.0
- Moved _WeatherChangeBeforeEvent_from beta to 11.0
- BlockPermutation
- Removed function clone
- Creator Settings UI
- Watchdog settings
- Increase script hang threshold
- Disable/Enable slow script warnings and adjust threshold
- Disable/Enable script spike warnings and adjust threshold
- Removed _disableWatchdog_method
- Added _disableWatchdogTimingWarnings_to disable spike and slow warnings per behavior pack
- Released _ItemEnchantableComponent_from beta to 11.0
- Released Enchantment APIs from _beta_to 11.0
- interface Enchantment
- enum EnchantmentSlot
- class EnchantmentType
- class EnchantmentTypes
- Added new interface _EntityFilter_with many of the existing options from EntityRaycastOptions
- _EntityRaycastOptions_now inherits from EntityFilter
- _EntityQueryOptions_now inherits from EntityFilter
- Removed property blockFilter(and several others, now moved to EntityFilter) from BlockRaycastOptions
- _BlockRaycastOptions_now inherits from BlockFilter
- Released _BlockFilter_to 4.0
- Released _volume_from beta to v1.11.0
The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor.
Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples.
Improvements this week:
- Updated 'Pause Actors' to 'Pause Entities'
- Added ‘Time of Day’ settings panel
- Updated block atlas file using different rendering technique
- Updated Line Tool with new functionality and widget support
- Added global block hotbar with updated block picker
- Removed 'server-authoritative-block-breaking' from the default server.properties
- Removed 'server-authoritative-sound' from server.properties
- Fixed a problem where teleporting while using an item with a long use duration could leave it in an unresponsive state until the use duration elapsed
- Changed the default Anti Aliasing setting to "2" instead of "4" for better performance with minimal visual degradation.
- Added Molang _state_time -> number_for animation controllers, which returns the time in seconds spent in the current controller state (inclusive of blend time). Requires 'Upcoming Creator Features' experimental toggle
Touch Controls
- Fixed bug where users could not navigate through inventory using keyboard in touch devices
Trial Spawners
- Added optional _equipment_loot_table_to the spawn data present in spawn_potentials of Trial Spawner configs
- If present, rolled items from the specified loot table will be equipped to the mob that spawns
User Interface
- On touch devices players can once again distribute a selected item stack over multiple slots by dragging it over them
- Extended Texture Set support to Particles in the Deferred Technical Preview. See the updated Getting Started with Deferred Lighting article for more details
- Fixed banner staffs not being lit while held in hand from first-person view in the Deferred Technical Preview
Script API
- Added ItemComponentMineBlockEvent for beta
- Event Signals
- Unsubscribe is no longer marked as "@throws". It does not throw exceptions and never has.
- Added _getAll_to beta
- Added _PlayerInputPermissions_and inputPermissions for enabling & disabling categories of player input permissions
- Added InputPermissionCategory
- Added _afterEvents.playerInputPermissionCategoryChange_for listening to changes to a players input permissions
- Added _ignoreBlockCollision_to EntityRaycastOptions which when true, will make the raycast not stop on block collision
- Added _includePassableBlocks_to EntityRaycastOptions which when true, passable blocks like vines and flowers will be considered as blocks that 'stop' the raycast
- Added _includeLiquidBlocks_to EntityRaycastOptions which when true, liquid blocks will be considered as blocks that stop the raycast
- Added ItemComponentHitEntityEvent and ItemComponentBeforeDurabilityDamageEvent for beta
- Fixed hunger element so that its visibility can be changed with the hud command
Posted: 3rd April 2024
Information on Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation 4, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
This week we’re talking about mob effects, squashing bugs, and drinking from bottles very clearly labelled “ominous”! Ominous trials and ominous events are now part of a larger system of opt-in challenges that also includes the village raids you know and fear. Get an ominous bottle from a trial chamber vault or a raid captain and drink it to gain the Bad Omen effect. Then, head to a village to start a raid, or enter a trial chamber to begin an ominous trials! Ominous trials involve fighting tougher mobs, and dodging potions and projectiles spewing out of ominous trial spawners. Triumph over all of that and you’ll be able to unlock rarer rewards using your ominous trial key! Wait… so is the moral of this story that drinking from bottles labelled “ominous” is good? That can’t be right, can it? Anyway! We’d love your feedback on this grand finale of 1.21 features, so please let us know what you think at feedback.minecraft.net, and report any bugs at bugs.mojang.com.
Experimental Features
Ominous Trials
- A new Ominous Event that can be accessed by exploring a Trial Chamber with Bad Omen
- This event will have players facing more powerful Trial Spawners, if they dare!
- Please note: There are some changes that are already in the Java Edition Snapshot that haven’t made it here, but we are working on more tweaks that will be included in the upcoming Previews.
Ominous Bottle
- An item which can be consumed by players to receive the Bad Omen effect for 1 hour and 40 minutes
- Comes in 5 variations, one for each Bad Omen level
- The bottle breaks when consumed
- Can be stacked to 64
- Can be found uncommonly in any Vaults that are unlocked with Trial Keys, and is dropped by Raid Captains when defeated outside a Raid