Minecraft Beta & Preview -
- Technical Update
- Full Changelog
- Biome components "minecraft:forced_features" and "minecraft:ignore_automatic_features" are now deprecated
- Restored the back-side texture of the Sunflower to be leafy green (MCPE-181275)
- "coral_fan_hang" block is now split into unique instances "tube_coral_wall_fan", "brain_coral_wall_fan", "dead_tube_coral_wall_fan", and "dead_brain_coral_wall_fan"
- "coral_fan_hang2" block is now split into unique instances "bubble_coral_wall_fan", "fire_coral_wall_fan", "dead_bubble_coral_wall_fan", and "dead_fire_coral_wall_fan"
- "coral_fan_hang3" block is now split into unique instances "horn_coral_wall_fan" and "dead_horn_coral_wall_fan"
- "stone_block_slab4" block is now split into unique instances "mossy_stone_brick_slab", "smooth_quartz_slab", "normal_stone_slab", "cut_sandstone_slab" and "cut_red_sandstone_slab"
- "mossy_stone_brick_slab" now has a destruction time of 1.5
- Do not show Hardcore mode option when creating an editor project
- Updated Selection, Brush, Line, Paste, Delete, Fill tool to load bounds before applying changes
- Added IActionBar API to manage scripted IActionBarItem
- Added property actionBar: IActionBar to IPlayerUISession API which represents quick action items in the action bar selector UI
- Added addColorPicker method to IPropertyPane API to display a color picker property pane item for modifying RGBA values
Experimental Features
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
- EntityBreathableComponent
- Changed function setAirSupply(value: number): void to property airSupply: number in beta
- Added property readonly canBreathe: boolean to beta
- EntityComponent
- Moved class EntityMovementComponent from beta to 1.12.0
- Moved class EntityLavaMovementComponent from beta to 1.12.0
- Moved class EntityMovementGlideComponent from beta to 1.12.0
- Moved class EntityMovementSwayComponent from beta to 1.12.0
- Moved class EntityUnderwaterMovementComponent from beta to 1.12.0
- Added class PlayerCursorInventoryComponent which adds read-only access to the players cursor inventory and the ability to clear it
Gameplay Update
Posted: 29 May 2024
Information on Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation 4, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
Here’s what’s new in the latest Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Beta and Preview update! Please keep sending in any suggestions you have at feedback.minecraft.net, and please report and upvote any bugs you find at bugs.mojang.com!
We have a few known issues in this Preview and Beta that we aim to have addressed as quickly as possible:
- New Preview Realms cannot be created through the Worlds tab
- Players do not receive damage from suffocation
- Game invites do not pop up on iOS
- Invite only and Visible to LAN Players toggles are missing from the Multiplayer settings some platforms
Features and Bug Fixes
Character Creator
- Updated the Dressing Room category names for "Headwear", "Outerwear", and "Footwear"
Customizable controls
- Customized controls no longer revert after player stops flight (MCPE-180234)
- The control customization screen is now automatically exited when input mode is switched to something other than touch controls
- The paper doll can now be shown in the HUD when customizable controls is enabled (MCPE-176334)
- Customized control button sizes remain stable when going up or down Scaffolding or Ladders (MCPE-178820)
Game Tips
- Added chat game tip. The tip appears when there are remote players in a world or if cheats are enabled
- If the chat game tip can be shown for a player, the open chat instructions posted in the chat are removed
- Fixed Wolf Armor breaking not emitting enough Scute particles (MCPE-179664)
- Mounted entities are no longer immune to Wind Charge projectile damage
- Banners are once again obtainable via the recipe book (MCPE-179650)
- Tweaked the way the dismount position is calculated to better align with moving vehicles. This could result in minor differences when dismounting fast vehicles
Loading Tips
- Added animated title to the loading tips dialog
Preview Realms
- A local World can now be uploaded to a Preview Realm World through the Edit World screen, similar to a non-Preview Realm
- Typing into the search box on the Realms Stories Members tab no longer overrides the filter options
- Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing Realms Stories on a busy Realm
- New lines are no longer removed from Realms Stories posts that are displayed in the story feed
Stability and Performance
- Fixed item and block corruption when converting worlds from legacy Console Edition
Structure Blocks
- Fixed the Help button link in the Structure Block’s menu (MCPE-179672)
User Interface
- Refreshed assets for Achievements screen: all achievements unlocked illustration, no achievement unlocked illustration, and the GamerScore icon
- Added a button for exiting the world from the death screen when in Hardcore mode (Preview only)
- Fixed a bug that caused half-absorption hearts not be rendered (MCPE-181245)
Technical Update
- Biome components "minecraft:forced_features" and "minecraft:ignore_automatic_features" are now deprecated