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Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Add-Ons and Script Engine

  • Deprecated Entity Permutations
    • Permutations can no longer be parsed and applied to entities via their JSON file under the flag permutations
  • Deprecated Volume and /volumearea command
  • Entity Aliases is deprecated when a format_version of 1.21.10 or higher is specified

Script API

  • Released WorldInitializeBeforeEvent from beta to 1.12.0
  • Released WorldInitializeBeforeEventSignal from beta to 1.12.0
  • Custom Components
    • Released ItemComponentRegistry from beta to 1.12.0
    • Released ItemCustomComponent from beta to 1.12.0
    • Released ItemComponentBeforeDurabilityDamageEvent from beta to 1.12.0
    • Released ItemComponentCompleteUseEvent from beta to 1.12.0
    • Released ItemComponentConsumeEvent from beta to 1.12.0
    • Released ItemComponentHitEntityEvent from beta to 1.12.0
    • Released ItemComponentMineBlockEvent from beta to 1.12.0
    • Released ItemComponentUseEvent from beta to 1.12.0
    • Released ItemComponentUseOnEvent from beta to 1.12.0
  • Moved EntityTameableComponent from beta to 1.12.0 with properties getTameItems, isTamed, probability, tamedToPlayer, tamedToPlayerId and function tame
  • Moved EntityAgeableComponent from beta to 1.12.0 with properties duration, growUp, transformToItem and function getDropItems, getFeedItems, EntityDefinitionFeedItem, Trigger
  • Enable the server-net module to be usable in local editor extensions


  • Added the view offset to the 3rd person camera for the experimental follow_orbit preset
    • The view offset is anchored to a pivot point at the center of the screen. When applied to the follow_orbit preset, the player is shifted to be at a distance from center specified by the the offset.
    • The range for this offset is -100 to 100
    • This can be set by both commands and JSON
      • /camera @s set minecraft:follow_orbit view_offset viewX viewY
    • A new learning portal article detailing the 3rd person camera, including JSON syntax, will be published soon.
  • Added starting radius and rotation to the follow_orbit and 3rd person boom camera presets
    • The starting radius (distance from player) is fixed right now at 10 blocks from the player position.
    • The starting rotation (pitch and yaw) are fixed right now at 45X and 45Y.
    • The follow orbit camera is the only preset available, the 3rd person boom preset will be coming in a future release.
  • Exposed radius component to behavior packs to be overwritten by creator cameras. Also added ‘minecraft:third_person’ and ‘minecraft:third_person_front’ to the allow list of presets that can be inherited from
    • This allows you to make a 3rd person camera based on the vanilla 3rd person cameras but with a variable radius.
      The radius (distance from player) is not limited but render distance and other constraints still exist.
    • This does not allow modifications to the vanilla cameras.


  • Removed Keybinding for ‘D’ from Paste Preview which blocked movement right. Fixed Distance mode can be selected using the side-panel
  • Fixed missing CTRL+X key binding in Editor
  • Expanded the Block Palette Service API to allow management of Block Palettes and Block Palette Items
  • Added radial drag to number input fields, allowing value changes with mouse drag movement
  • Introduced a new script brush manager method getBrushVolume which, given a set of brush pipeline operations, builds an absolute compound block volume for the brush
  • Fixed bug where small movements in the brush tool caused incorrect cursor tracking

Entity Components

  • Added a wind_burst_on_hit subcomponent for Projectiles which creates a wind burst upon collision with an entity or block before being removed from the world
  • Wind Charges no longer burst when removed by command


  • “minecraft:scatter_feature” now has a “distribution” field like “minecraft:feature_rules” to define the scattering settings. Features now use schema version “1.21.10”
  • Learning portal documentation on this feature will be updated with the full release


  • Released minecraft:custom_components item component out of experimental in json formats 1.21.10 and higher
  • Introduced “slot.armor.body” as an extra armor slot for entities, like horses, limited to a single armor item but needing the effects of a full armor set
  • Introduced the “minecraft:damage_absorption” item component, enabling items to absorb damage intended for their wearer
    • The “absorbable_causes” field allows to specify which damage causes to absorb
    • Absorbed damage depletes the item’s durability, and surplus damage is ignored
    • Requires equipping the item in an armor slot for damage to be absorbed
    • When multiple damage absorbing items are equipped, a suitable one is selected at random to absorb incoming damage
  • Introduced the “minecraft:durability_sensor” item component, enabling items to emit sounds and particles when damage causes them to lose durability
    • The “durability_thresholds” field allows to define a list of both durability thresholds and the effects to emit when they are met
    • When the item receives enough damage to meet multiple thresholds at the same time, only the one corresponding to the lowest durability is considered
  • Learning portal documents on these features and how to use them are being written and will be available soon


  • Fixed a bug that prevented two back-to-back error screens when the client was out of date and a Realm had a pending update

Experimental Features

Script API

  • Added playerEmote which fires after a player uses an emote
  • Block Custom Components
    • Use of the ‘onTick’ event requires the block has the ‘minecraft:tick’ component to configure how the block ticks
    • Blocks that are world generated, and have the ‘minecraft:tick’ component, will now tick


  • Added a Brightness / Gamma calibration screen for Deferred Technical Preview
    • The calibration screen can be found under Deferred Graphics Settings within the Video settings menu

Stability and Performance

  • Fixed a crash when enabling the Deferred Technical Preview experiment on Android devices with an Arm Mali GPU