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Minecraft Beta & Preview -

Script API

  • Added additional optional arguments of name and parentThemeId to addNewTheme(). When a valid parentThemeId has been passed through the function, the newly created theme would inherit all the theme color properties from the parent


  • Fixed an issue where chunks created before 1.17.40 could behave as Ocean biomes, with ocean-like fog, sky color, and mob spawning (MCPE-186928)


  • Added new Locate tool to help find biomes

  • Time of day is fixed to Noon at Editor startup

  • Improved viewport focus visibility with an animated outline on focus and added focused state as a step for Toggle Mode (CTRL + TAB)

  • Added focusToolInputContext function to IModalToolContainer which will try to set modal input focus (e.g. viewport for tool rail)

Entity Components

  • Removed the 'minecraft:can_attack_ghast' component and replaced it with a new component 'minecraft:cannot_be_attacked'. When added to an entity it prevents other entities from attacking it unless they fulfill an exception filter, in vanilla it is added to Ghasts, creators can add their entities to the exception filter allowing them to then attack Ghasts.

Entity Event Responses

  • The "execute_event_on_home_block" entity event response is now marked as [Beta] and requires "use_beta_features" to be specified in the root JSON object

    • The current implementation doesn't fully align with our internal standards, so it will remain unavailable for Creator content until we can develop a more robust technical solution
    • This approach allows us to iterate on the feature without risking backward compatibility
  • Added the "emit_particle" entity event response, allowing particles to be emitted at the center of the entity's bounding box

    • The "particle" field allows to specify the type of particle to emit

Network Protocol

  • Level event removed: ParticleCreakingTeardown
  • New particle type added: CreakingCrumble

Experimental Features


  • Added experimental toggle "Aim Assist" to allow easy targeting while using custom camera perspectives.

    • Aim Assist currently targets blocks. Entites will be enabled in a future release.
  • Aim Assist can be enabled through "/aimassist" command.

    • Aim Assist's targeting behavior (distance, width, and height) can be configured through the settings under "aim_assist" folder using a behavior pack.
    • Aim Assist will highlight the selected target. The highlighting textures are customizable through textures under "textures\ui" folder using a resource pack

Script API

  • Added shutdown event to beforeEvents within the system class. This is fired after all players have left and the world is about to shutdown/close.

  • Input APIs

    • Added a suite of input APIs that are readable even if the player's input is disabled with input permissions
    • Added getMovementVector(): Vector2 to InputInfo to read raw movement values
    • Added enum InputButton with values Jump and Sneak
    • Added enum ButtonState with values Pressed and Released
    • Added getButtonState(button: InputButton): ButtonState to InputInfo to read raw player button inputs
    • Added world.afterEvents.playerButtonInput event to listen to button change events

Creator Options

  • Added section "Device Info Settings".
    • Added option to allow override memory tier used in Scripting and Molang.