Minecraft Beta & Preview -
- Technical Update
- Full Changelog
Add-Ons and Script Engine
- Fixed a bug where vanilla items with the "minecraft:block_placer" component had the wrong icon on split-screen clients.
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
- Fixed an API script processing error that could result in an infinite loop
The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor. Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples .
This week we're releasing Editor V0.8! This release was jam packed with tons of few features and improvements, including:
- Flatten Tool
- Fill Tool
- Smooth Tool
- Quick Extrude
- Repeater Tool
- Farm Tool
- 2D Directional XZ Compass
- Custom Blocks
- Block Picker Updates
- Select with Brush
- Carve with Brush
- Brush Offset
- Locate Biome Tool
- Grapple/locomotion Updates
- Middle Mouse Block Selection
- Custom Widget Improvements
Checkout the full changelog with demos at the GitHub Discussion page.
Updates this week:
- Added a new Flatten Brush: drag this brush over a block to turn blocks above it into air. This brush has a customizable height and radius.
- Added a Fill tool to allow creators to quickly change block groups
- Added a Smooth tool to easily smooth terrain
- Added a Quick Extrude tool to allow creators to extrude block groups
- Added a Repeater tool to repeat a selection volume along X, Y, and Z
- Added a Farm tool to quickly drop in farms into a world
- Added friendly names in the Block Picker
- Added a 2D directional XZ compass to game viewport to aid with building
- Added the ability to click on the compass to snap to closest cardinal direction
- Added a configurable Fly Speed Multiplier.
- Added SpeedSettings
- New Slider in View->View Settings to configure fly speed multiplier between 1 and 10
- Fly Speed Multiplier only takes effect while in Tool/Editor mode
- Added quick action for Selection::Delete
- Added new axis and plane restriction options in the Widget Gizmo Component creation options. Creators can restrict which axes of movement are afforded by their gizmos
- Added Block Filter Disabled state
- Added M key to toggle between mask mode and disabled
- Added R key to toggle between replace mode and disabled
- Added support for persistence in hotbar block palettes
- Added context menu to the options button next to hotbar for creating and managing new palettes
- Added a new
object which will present a number of high-performance common block operations. First function added is afillVolume
function to perform large scale fill operation which honors Editors different block palette types - Updated default filters with air (when not loaded previous state)
- Updated the icon for Selection::Deselect
- Updated block IDs in the UI to use localized names
- Updated checkbox labels to be clickable
- Updated property pane information tooltip icon to be more visible
- Updated the View->Log Panel menu item to now expand the panel drawer
- Fixed a bug that caused dropdowns to be truncated at the window edges
Entity Components
- Added the 'minecraft:ignore_cannot_be_attacked' component and moved the filter from 'minecraft:cannot_be_attacked' to it. This allows content to have custom mobs which bypass the 'cannot_be_attacked' component (for example the one on the Ghast) without requiring a modification of the attacked mob's settings.
Experimental Features
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
- Moved
from beta tov1.16.0
- Moved
from beta tov1.16.0
- Fixed bug where
would set blocks outside of the ticking area whenignoreChunkBoundErrors
was set to true. - Dimension
- Moved
containsBlock(volume: BlockVolumeBase, filter: BlockFilter, allowUnloadedChunks?: boolean): boolean
from beta tov1.16.0
- Moved
getBlocks(volume: BlockVolumeBase, filter: BlockFilter, allowUnloadedChunks?: boolean): ListBlockVolume
from beta to `v1.16.0 - Moved
fillBlocks(volume: BlockVolumeBase, block: BlockPermutation | BlockType | string, options?: BlockFillOptions): ListBlockVolume;
from beta tov1.16.0
- Moved
- ItemUseOnBeforeEvent
- Move property
readonly isFirstEvent: boolean
from beta tov1.16.0
- Move property
- ItemUseOnAfterEvent
- Move property
readonly isFirstEvent: boolean
from beta tov1.16.0
- Move property
- CameraFixedBoomOptions
- Added property
entityOffset?: Vector3
- Added property
- Added new
parameter insidesetCamera
. This can be used to modify theminecraft:free
preset if the Focus Target experimental camera toggle is enabled
Block Components
- Modified
field for"minecraft:material_instances"
component to be a float value, requires UpcomingCreatorFeatures experiment
- Tracking a target using the free camera preset: optional "tracking_radius" float value for setting a listening radius for a target entity
- Added content error when trying to target an entity when not on a free camera.
- Added support for input glyph replacement for signed books. For example, using input string ":_input_key.jump:" will be replaced with "JUMP" when using keyboard, or an emoji in case of using a gamepad.
Gameplay Update
Information on Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation, Windows, and iOS devices. More information can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
It's time for a new Preview and Beta! As always, we’re keen to get your feedback on these new features at aka.ms/mcgamedropfeedback , and you can report any bugs at bugs.mojang.com ! Here's what's new this week:
Features and Bug Fixes
Pale Garden
- The sky now appears darker at the horizon during rain while in a Pale Garden biome (MCPE-187539)
- Trial Spawners with a Mob set by a Spawn Egg no longer revert to an empty state when their cooldown ends (MCPE-185960)
- Azalea, Flowering Azalea, Mangrove, Cherry, and Pale Oak Leaves no longer display black pixels from a distance (MCPE-156469)
- Mangrove Leaves now have a dedicated texture for when "Fancy Leaves" is disabled (MCPE-170516)
- The orientation of the Pale Oak Leaves texture is no longer randomized for each block
- Moss Blocks now have a quieter step and land sound (MCPE-176933)
- Decorated Pots no longer activate Observers on world load
- Sculk Sensors now detect Eyeblossoms opening and closing
- Fixed all Skull block variants being turned into skeleton_skull when opening a world-template version locked below 1.21.40 or structures. Please note, this fix will not apply to already overwritten chunks
- Textures for Bricks, Nether Bricks, Red Nether Bricks, Resin Bricks, and related blocks have been updated to be horizontally aligned with all other brick blocks (MCPE-187806)
- Closed Eyeblossoms no longer poision Bees
- The Poison effect from Open Eyeblossoms now also damages Bees while they are within the block, rather than only upon exiting
- Reduced the duration of the Poison effect applied by Open Eyeblossoms
- Adjusted the frequency of ambient sounds emitted by Eyeblossoms, Creaking Hearts, and Pale Hanging Moss to better align with Java
Copper Grate
- Liquids such as still Water and still Lava no longer tessellate incorrectly when Copper Grates cover them (MCPE-178719)
Creaking Heart
- Creaking Heart drops more Resin Clumps when destroyed with the Fortune (MCPE-187697)
- Eyeblossom's will now open and close even when snow-logged (MCPE-187759)
Pale Moss Carpet
- The sides of Pale Moss Carpet are now shaded correctly (MCPE-187373)
- Cracks are now properly applied to the sides of Pale Moss Carpet when mined (MCPE-187566)
- The following feature types are now unable to place internal-only features
- Fixed clients sometimes not matching the servers rain/snow weather state (MCPE-131325)
- The Slate is no longer present in the Creative inventory outside of Education Edition (MCPE-187696)
- The effect durations of Suspicious Stew have been adjusted to be the same across versions
- Suspicious Stew from Open Eyeblossom now grants the same Blindness duration as Suspicious Stew from Azure Bluet (MCPE-187802)
Resin Bricks
- Resin Bricks are now used to apply the Resin Armor Trim instead of Resin Clumps
- The Creaking will no longer sometimes phase through blocks if you are looking at it far away
- Ravagers can now destroy all types of leaf blocks, rather than a limited selection (MCPE-169375)
- Bees can no longer be tempted or pollinate within Closed Eyeblossoms
- Feeding Bees Open Eyeblossoms now applies the Poison effect
- Feeding Bees Wither Roses now applies the Wither effect
Magma Cube
- Magma Cube model part UVs no longer overlap each other
- Fixed crash on several platforms when navigating back to Realms Stories after inviting a player on the manage members screen
- Fall & step sound events for Sponge, Wet Sponge, Creaking Heart, Resin Brick and Resin blocks changed to "player"
- Adds Jump and Land sound events to Creaking Heart, Resin Bricks and Resin Blocks (MCPE-187713 , MCPE-188088)
- Creaking Heart breaking and placing sounds are now quieter
- Added more breaking sounds for Resin
- Creaking now plays 4 different sway sounds
- Creaking now plays new attack sounds
User Interface
- Items in a Bundle tooltip now have a gray background
- Touch controls: Fixed a bug where the camera could sometimes get stuck after leaving a boat (MCPE-184406)
- Bundle tooltip correctly appears after being placed from the cursor
- Gamepad tooltips are now correct when hovering the crafting output in Inventory Screen and Crafting Table Screen with a bundle on the cursor
- Screenshots: Added the ability to Feature and Showcase screenshots for others to see when they visit your Profile. Added ability to set custom world thumbnail from screenshots.
Vanilla Parity
- Managing to kill a Wolf, Bee, or Silverfish in one hit no longer angers nearby mobs of the same type
- Managing to kill a Zombified Piglin in one hit no longer angers nearby Zombified Piglins (MCPE-68327)
- Head Blocks can now be placed on the side of blocks even if they lack a supporting block below them
- The game no longer crashes if a mob attacks with an item that breaks during the attack
Technical Update
Add-Ons and Script Engine
- Fixed a bug where vanilla items with the "minecraft:block_placer" component had the wrong icon on split-screen clients.
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
- Fixed an API script processing error that could result in an infinite loop
The Editor and its corresponding API are in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds. Tag us on social channels with #BedrockEditor. Learn how to use the Editor, join the GitHub Discussion forum to engage with the team, and get started building extensions via the starter kit and samples .
This week we're releasing Editor V0.8! This release was jam packed with tons of few features and improvements, including:
- Flatten Tool
- Fill Tool
- Smooth Tool
- Quick Extrude
- Repeater Tool
- Farm Tool
- 2D Directional XZ Compass
- Custom Blocks
- Block Picker Updates
- Select with Brush
- Carve with Brush
- Brush Offset
- Locate Biome Tool
- Grapple/locomotion Updates
- Middle Mouse Block Selection
- Custom Widget Improvements
Checkout the full changelog with demos at the GitHub Discussion page.
Updates this week:
- Added a new Flatten Brush: drag this brush over a block to turn blocks above it into air. This brush has a customizable height and radius.
- Added a Fill tool to allow creators to quickly change block groups
- Added a Smooth tool to easily smooth terrain
- Added a Quick Extrude tool to allow creators to extrude block groups
- Added a Repeater tool to repeat a selection volume along X, Y, and Z
- Added a Farm tool to quickly drop in farms into a world
- Added friendly names in the Block Picker
- Added a 2D directional XZ compass to game viewport to aid with building
- Added the ability to click on the compass to snap to closest cardinal direction
- Added a configurable Fly Speed Multiplier.
- Added SpeedSettings
- New Slider in View->View Settings to configure fly speed multiplier between 1 and 10
- Fly Speed Multiplier only takes effect while in Tool/Editor mode
- Added quick action for Selection::Delete
- Added new axis and plane restriction options in the Widget Gizmo Component creation options. Creators can restrict which axes of movement are afforded by their gizmos
- Added Block Filter Disabled state
- Added M key to toggle between mask mode and disabled
- Added R key to toggle between replace mode and disabled
- Added support for persistence in hotbar block palettes
- Added context menu to the options button next to hotbar for creating and managing new palettes
- Added a new
object which will present a number of high-performance common block operations. First function added is afillVolume
function to perform large scale fill operation which honors Editors different block palette types - Updated default filters with air (when not loaded previous state)
- Updated the icon for Selection::Deselect
- Updated block IDs in the UI to use localized names
- Updated checkbox labels to be clickable
- Updated property pane information tooltip icon to be more visible
- Updated the View->Log Panel menu item to now expand the panel drawer
- Fixed a bug that caused dropdowns to be truncated at the window edges
Entity Components
- Added the 'minecraft:ignore_cannot_be_attacked' component and moved the filter from 'minecraft:cannot_be_attacked' to it. This allows content to have custom mobs which bypass the 'cannot_be_attacked' component (for example the one on the Ghast) without requiring a modification of the attacked mob's settings.
Experimental Features
Script API
- Update Description
- API Changelog
- Moved
from beta tov1.16.0
- Moved
from beta tov1.16.0
- Fixed bug where
would set blocks outside of the ticking area whenignoreChunkBoundErrors
was set to true. - Dimension
- Moved
containsBlock(volume: BlockVolumeBase, filter: BlockFilter, allowUnloadedChunks?: boolean): boolean
from beta tov1.16.0
- Moved
getBlocks(volume: BlockVolumeBase, filter: BlockFilter, allowUnloadedChunks?: boolean): ListBlockVolume
from beta to `v1.16.0 - Moved
fillBlocks(volume: BlockVolumeBase, block: BlockPermutation | BlockType | string, options?: BlockFillOptions): ListBlockVolume;
from beta tov1.16.0
- Moved
- ItemUseOnBeforeEvent
- Move property
readonly isFirstEvent: boolean
from beta tov1.16.0
- Move property
- ItemUseOnAfterEvent
- Move property
readonly isFirstEvent: boolean
from beta tov1.16.0
- Move property
- CameraFixedBoomOptions
- Added property
entityOffset?: Vector3
- Added property
- Added new
parameter insidesetCamera
. This can be used to modify theminecraft:free
preset if the Focus Target experimental camera toggle is enabled
Block Components
- Modified
field for"minecraft:material_instances"
component to be a float value, requires UpcomingCreatorFeatures experiment
- Tracking a target using the free camera preset: optional "tracking_radius" float value for setting a listening radius for a target entity
- Added content error when trying to target an entity when not on a free camera.
- Added support for input glyph replacement for signed books. For example, using input string ":_input_key.jump:" will be replaced with "JUMP" when using keyboard, or an emoji in case of using a gamepad.